Friday, April 22, 2016

No more Spoilers! (announcement)

After observing other movie review blogs and videos, I've come to realize that not everyone who reads my critics particularly want the whole movie spoiled for them. Some may just want an idea of what the film is like before going to see it, so by releasing every bit of detail that happens, I've already ruined their viewing experience. Therefore, for the rest of the critics I make on this blog, there will be no more spoilers...unless you want to read the bottom half of the page.

I want to appeal to both people who want someone else's view on a movie they're considering to see and those who have already seen the movie and want to enjoy knowing how much I loved or hated it and why. So for every post from here on, there will be no spoilers unless I notify you first and after the notification, my review will go further in depth on specific scenes that I thought stood out to me, as well as the complaints I have, and so on.

Hopefully, you'll understand how this will be done and perhaps it will be a better method of expressing my thoughts.

Anyways, that's all for now!

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