Tuesday, June 7, 2016



Today is the New Jersey primary, which is where I live. Other states that are voting today are:

North Dakota
New Mexico
South Dakota

Thankfully, one of the voting locations in my state is only a couple blocks down from my home and since it's open from 6am-8pm, I'm going to wait until my mother is done with work before we walk there and vote for someone other than Donald Trump.

I don't really want to cause any issues by stating whether I'm pro-Hillary Clinton or pro-Bernie Sanders, but I will say this: This election will change everything and everyone must make their voice heard. Don't feel discouraged when you see the media constantly talking about Trump and Clinton like they're the two remaining candidates. Those who are pro-Sanders, please still vote for him. He's still running and every opinion will shape who the majority of America wants as their next president. If Sanders is your guy, then go ahead and vote for him. Take the change and karma will reward you (I'm a big believer of karma. What goes around comes around)

In spite of my saying this however, I just can't fathom how people can support Trump and I will make it my mission to make sure he is not president. If you are a Trump supporter, I'm sorry but I simply can't agree with you. I've tried looking at things from different angles: people who lost their family in 9/11, people who are afraid of losing their jobs, people who fear for their children's safety from wars. Trump says he will provide safety, but the details in his plan will only take us so far before we're even further down a hole and every citizen will eventually be fighting for their lives as the immigrants we've shunned or the muslims we've banned come back stronger and better than us because they were more open-minded than Americans and they took the change to learn from their neighbors to build their country into a stronger community.

If you want to read more about my thoughts on Trump, please check out "TRUMP WILL WIN" in my blog.

My mind has been so consumed with this election, I'm in tears worried about how this whole thing will end. My mother is clearly concerned, she told me not to worry if your favorite person isn't elected, but I can't help it. This is the 1st election I will be able to vote it, of course I want my favorite to win. I've taken so much time and effort to learn about each candidate and to end up with someone like Trump, who can't even hold a conversation without whining about how people treat him or subtly disrespecting people of color, you HAVE to be worried!

Hope all of you who can vote do so too. Especially those in these following states (putting them again so you don't make any excuses)

New Jersey
North Dakota
New Mexico
South Dakota

This race is unlike no other and despite whether you think it's all corruption or a scam, you can still show those people that you don't care. You will fight to get your person in the white house because they deserve it and not because they're entertainment. VOTE.

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TRUMP WILL WIN- http://garnetjen123.blogspot.com/2016/05/psa-trump-will-win.html

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