Friday, October 12, 2018

Venom (2018)

When Eddie Brock acquires the powers of a symbiote, he will have to release his alter-ego "Venom" to save his life (Source-


Rating- PG-13
Genre- thriller/science fiction
Warnings- disturbing imagery/swearing

I'm not Marvel fanatic as much as the next guy, but I've always been fascinated by Venom.

This dark version of Spider man enthralled me when I was first introduced to him in 'Spider Man 3' (2007), at least, that's what I used to think it was: just a darker version of Spider man. This creature is so much more than that, as it says in its origin story that Venom is actually a sentient alien symbiote that has a liquid-like form and needs a host in order to survive on Earth.

According to Venom's wikipedia, its first appearance was made when it used Spider man as its host in The Amazing Spider-Man #258 in 1984. It later went on to merge with other hosts, the most notable being journalist Eddie Brock, who is the star of this latest adaptation. I'm going to focus not so much on the original Venom and Brock, and just critic the movie on its own.

Say this is a clean slate, that this is the first ever anyone has ever heard of Venom, how does it hold up? Was this movie something I could really get attached to, or was it better to split and find a better movie that night?

This film centers on Brock, who is still a hard hitting journalist in this version, as he sets out to investigate a scandal involving a powerful CEO named Carlton Drake that lands him into hot water by becoming the host of a symbiote known as Venom. Turns out the pair have a genuine connection to one another, and as the story progresses you see how this human and symbiote can work together to play by their own rules.

The first thing I want to point out is how fast this film felt to me. It's said to be 2 hours and 20 minutes long, but it felt more like an hour, and I find that to be due to two factors. One being that I enjoyed it a ton, it was an interesting story from start to finish. Albiet, the beginning was a little dragging, but once Venom gets into the picture it's so much fun and you may find yourself laughing a lot. I didn't expect to laugh because hey, an alien possessing your body doesn't sound like a laugh riot to me, but the dialogue between Brock and Venom is very quick and sassy. It's as if you're watching two friends bicker, it's hilarious to listen in on it.

The second reason for why I think the movie went so quick is because the plot points went by too fast. The more I think about it, things just seemed to happy abruptly with no real rhyme or reason. I think the beginning and middle part was good as far as taking its time to build things up, but the last 20 minutes or so, the characters' personalities just seemed to shift slightly.

One example I'll use is Venom, he's an alien with the purpose to use humans for his own selfish desires. When he forms an emotional bond with Brock, I can't really tell where that comes from. Don't think I assumed this happened either, there are a couple of scenes that clearly state that Brock and Venom felt like they got closer over time and are sincerely disheartened by not having the other in their life.

To argue against my own opinion, it could be because in order to survive a human and a symboite must be compatible with one another and when you have someone inside you 24/7, you're bound to gain some attachment to them.

Speaking of attachment, I found it hard as a viewer to feel sympathy for Brock despite him being the main character. The way that he goes about things, particularly in the beginning of the movie, isn't so admirable. In fact, they're very impulsive without any regard for other people's feelings. Yet Tony Stark was the same way. So was Dr. Stephen Strange, and I ended up liking both of them in the end. I suppose that it makes the story more exciting if the main character isn't the model of perfect behavior. Maybe with time, I'll warm up to Brock's character.

I think the conflict was done well. It may be a little predictable, but I'll let it slide because it makes sense to Brock's character to want to research into a big scandal. The way the side and minor characters are incorporated into the story is well done too. There were some moments where I was shocked that the movie would go down that route, but that's a good thing because they weren't afraid to diverge into dark material.

I noticed how the relationship between Brock and side character Anne Weying (Michelle Williams) was really reaching for a romantic storyline. When you watch the movie, you may think it's no problem, but I just was sick of it being pushed onto me.

It kind of sends a toxic message to people about how you could keep pushing something to happen and eventually your romantic interest will come around to you. To argue against that, if we're being realistic, a lot of people do this and not everyone knows how to properly pursue a romantic interest. So, I'm hoping that the sequel will address this and that this sort of behavior isn't healthy.

I'm not sure how to feel about the main villain of the story. On one hand, I liked the fact that he didn't look like a typical badass with bulging muscles and that obvious demeanor that is so obvious to the audience that he's the bad guy, but on the other hand I find him a little forgettable. I feel like in a month, when people are raving over Venom still, they'll forget about the villain and his contribution to the story.

The fight scenes were incredibly fun to watch and the design of Venom was fantastic; the symbiote looks frightening and looked like it was really sticking onto its hosts. This film is a little more graphic than previous Marvel movies with gruesome death scenes that could send a chill down your spine or induce serious nightmares. I just wish they went even further with it. For a PG-13 movie, I think they pushed some boundaries, but I know for sure that the writers could have gone even further with it.

There is also moments where certain characters use swear words that you would chastise a child for for using, so if you intend on seeing this with a child then be aware that there will be curse words and not the simple words like hell, damn, or shit. If you're not comfortable with that, then reconsider watching with the children. This is best suited for older family members or with friends. You could watch it alone, but I think this is the type of film that you'd want to watch with other people to share in the enjoyment.

Some critics have deemed this movie to be poorly made while others find it to be well done; I'm here to say that regardless of what you think of it after watching, Venom was a fun ride. Whether you joke about how terrible it is or how cool it is, I believe that it will be a memorable film that people will be excited to see the sequel for.

The beginning and ending weren't my favorite parts and some decisions made in the script are a little questionable, but the fighting was stellar, the comedy had the theater cracking up a lot, and as long as I had a good time, I think it's deserves some credit.

I give Venom a 3 out of 5 stars.

(Note: I'm practicing my video skills. Go check out my brief video on Venom at: Enjoy and subscribe!)


Anne's actress looks familiar, where is she from? Speaking of which, Brock's actor looks familiar too. Where was he from?

The scene with the little girl getting the pin from Carlton Drake was really cute, but since he's going to be a villain it kind of dampens it.

Both Drake and Brock's boss said, "Have a nice life." Is that phrase like...a thing? Are they working together?

I'm not really a fan of Brock right now. How can I feel bad for someone who sneaked into his fiancé's emails and deliberately and carelessly pushed someone to admit to a scandal? If this movie is trying to make me feel bad for him, it's not working.

Is it just me or is Hardy (the actor) trying too hard to make Brock sound drunk?

I too would wonder how my ex fiancé's cat is doing.

What was Brock's motivation to take Dora Skirth's advice? All he did after meeting with her was see his ex and see that someone better is dating her. Maybe it's to feel better about himself?

Brock, Dora told you not to touch anything! I know that was your friend, but if that were me, I would've left them there to get the story. Everyone for themselves when it's a matter of life or death.

Just hearing Venom say food makes me happy. I love the voice.

Poor lobsters...

I like Anne's new boyfriend, he isn't as much of a jerk as I thought he would be. Thank goodness, I hate that trope. It forces you to side with the main character.

That's sad that the symbiote is going to control the little girl, but glad to see the writers aren't holding back any punches.

I did not expect Dora to die. I thought she'd be Brock's new love interest or maybe a villain with the symbiote inside of her who will be saved. I'm going to miss her.

Don't let that sweet Latino guy die! Oh, thank goodness he'll be okay.

I think everyone's favorite part in this movie- or most memorable- will be when Venom tells Brock to jump and Brock uses the elevator instead, with Venom calling him a...I'm not quite comfortable saying it on my blog so here's a hint: calling him a cat. It's way funnier when you see it.

I am so freaking happy they made Anne scream at the sight of Venom. I've seen too many movies where something crazy happens and a character reacts very calmly to the situation. Like no, you'd be screaming or at least running away.

After just being informed that Venom is speaking to Brock, I wouldn't really accept that apology from Brock for getting me fired. Then again, Brock is in a pretty terrible situation, there's no need to bring that up.

Oh no, Brock you may have to reconnect with Venom. You got Drake to worry about with his symbiote.

Is Venom going to connect to Anne or her boyfriend to reach Brock again? No, please don't kill the dog! And he took the dog!

The dog's name is Gemini. What a cutie!

Hold up, why when Venom is controlling Anne she got to have this super curvy body? Is that really necessary to show that she has boobs and ass? It would've been more awesome if she looked like how Brock looks when he has Venom, that way the audience has a bit more suspense on who is behind the symbiote.

That kiss scene was intense. You even had Brock moaning a lot to it too, I That was the most sexual make out scene I've seen in any Marvel movie (unless I'm forgetting a one big one, and I feel like I am). Like...they do know Rule 34 exists, right? People are going to sexualize the hell out of female curvy Venom and that kiss scene. They might just be asking for it, since it will certainly make the movie more memorable.

If you're not compatible with a symbiote, you die, so how come Anne was just fine after Venom left her body? The point this movie is trying to make is that Venom and Brock are compatible; I thought that was just a one human thing. Now it can be more than one? Also, did the dog die after Venom left him? Did the blonde girl die?

Now I'm thinking what the heck would make Venom a loser on his own planet. It will probably be explained in the sequel.

(Probably not the accurate quote but...) "Tell me the real reason you came back" "You"
Okay, that was sending some real romantic vibes! Where did this come from?

There! Brock said "Have a nice life" to Drake. Why is that such a powerful quote for them? Like I get that Drake said it to Brock, but his boss said that to him to. Plus, I don't know, I feel like there was something stronger that could've been said.

"Venom, no!" They really are best friends now, aren't they? I'd be relieved to have the symbiote off of me.

He's grieving over Venom's death?! Oh my God, this relationship runs deep!

If Venom planned the kiss, then that's even further proof that something romantic is going on between the two (I know there isn't, but the evidence is strong), but if Anne planned the kiss (which I'm more likely to believe) then that's messed up how they just threw that in. And to top it off with Venom saying they'll get her back, that's so wrong! The boyfriend has been nothing but helpful through this entire story, and Anne would find an excuse to cheat on him like that. That's not cute or something to strive for, that's cheating plain and simple. Plus, who the heck would want to reconnect with their ex after they cost them their job, got a symbiote in their body, and could possibly kill you at any moment? That's not a moment to be like, "Maybe things could still work out."

In addition to that, why does every superhero (or anti hero in this case) needs a romantic interest? There was a trailer for Aquaman that clearly shows a romantic interest. Why? Does everything need to include romance to get the story going? Well sure it does, because you can't be a superhero or anti hero without having a romantic interest. There goes my dreams of saving the world...

Stan Lee! I was almost worried you'd never show up!

I bet that child in the begging who got the pin from Drake is feeling really good about herself now. Might be getting teased at school for being put on a pedestal by an evil man. She just wanted her question answered, poor thing.

If I didn't watch that Youtube Video Death Battle of Carnage versus Lucy from Elfien Lied, I would've been so lost on who that redhead guy was in the after credits scene. He's going to be something else in the future...

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