Sunday, July 16, 2017

Spiderman: Homecoming (2017)

Several months after the events of Captain America: Civil War, Peter Parker, with the help of his mentor Tony Stark, tries to balance his life as an ordinary high school student in Queens, New York City while fighting crime as his superhero alter ego Spider-man as a new threat, the Vulture, emerges. (Source-


Rating- PG-13
Genre- Action, Adventure, Sci Fi
Warnings- Minor language

You know, after the 5th time watching a Spiderman movie, I'd feel like the story would grow incredibly repetitive. Who still wants to watch Spiderman after we've already been introduced to two previous versions of him played by Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield?

Our minds are either stuck on one of the two and favor that one over the other to a point where many of us would be skeptical of watching the third reincarnation in, "Spiderman: Homecoming" with leading man Tom Holland playing the friendly neighborhood Spiderman Marvel fans have grown to love...multiple times.

Will this version of the teenage superhero swing into our hearts or will this be another failed attempt at bringing our Spidey friend to screen?

The origin of Spiderman is never included into this new version, showing that the writers know that many fans-even those who haven't read the comics- are most likely knowledgable about how the young Peter Parker gained his powers and what events caused his to truly begin his life of heroism. All I can say to that is: Thank you! If I had to sit through another heart wrenching scene of Uncle Ben dying on the streets I'd have no more tears to shed.

So the story is well established into the Marvel universe, making audiences understand that  Peter has been Spiderman for a while before the series of events begin. We see him pretending to live like a regular teenager while hiding his true identity as a new threat is plagued upon New York City.

I thought the story was constructed well and the order of events were done properly. However, I would argue that the length of the movie was much longer than I anticipated and I do not think it needed to run as long as it did. On the bright side, there was never a dull moment and though at times I'd question when the movie would end, it was more of the fact that I was up late to see this movie in theaters rather than the movie being boring, so I hoped I would be home before 2 in the morning.

Yet like I said, the story was never boring and I was invested in the characters. The humor was so on point and sharp, relating to the teen demographic mostly in regards to how the characters behaved and the current form of cynical and nonsensical humor, although the humor can expand more to other age groups and overall, the movie has that fun, light-hearted feel of a young teen learning about responsibility as he comes of age. Sure there are serious moments, but never too long that you get this moody and depressing feeling in your stomach.

I can say that 90 percent of the time I was smiling and laughing in my seat, though that doesn't mean to say the serious parts were not good. On the contrary, there were great and had it's great use of tense moments and a decent pacing that I can tell how the characters are fighting and it's not too fast-paced where it just seems like a ton of noise and movement.

Holland playing as Peter was excellent, and this is coming from someone who had a lot of skepticism about him being in this role. Despite The Amazing Spiderman 1 and 2 bombing with audiences, I found Garfield to be a nice and likable Spiderman, so no longer seeing him in the role was devastating. However, after watching this movie it's safe to say that it will be easier to move on and enjoy Holland for future Spiderman films. Holland truly fit the role of Spiderman down to his childish nature and his eagerness to fight for justice.

Side characters like Aunt May (Marisa Tomei), Peter's best friend Ned (Jacob Batalon) and Peter's love interest Liz (Laura Harrier) were great in their own way. May was the caring family member who looks after Peter while still keeping her fun loving nature and not personified solely by her sorrow over losing Uncle Ben. Ned was one of my favorite characters with how supportive he was for Peter and still being so hilarious and reminding me of how my friends act and how they might act in a similar scenario. Goes to show the writers are more keen on how teenagers behave. Lastly, I expected Liz to be a stuck up perfectionist when first introduced by I grew to like her a lot and her personality is far more complex than what people may assume at first glance.

Another character I've yet to mention is Michelle played by the famous singer Zendaya; now this was the character I was even more skeptical about, more than Peter.

Usually celeberties jumping into the acting business turns out at worst cringe-worthy and at best mediocre, but I was highly impressed with Zendaya's acting as a high school student. Though she isn't a major character, she surely was a favorite amongst the audience as almost all of her lines received a hearty laugh across the theater. I look forward to her in the sequel that the movie will no doubt have.

One more character I want to address is the villain who is called The Vulture (Michael Keaton) who I also thought was superb. Although I felt like his motivation to be villain was a little weak, his demeanor was intimidating enough to take him seriously but he doesn't come off as very powerful alone and thus, appears to be a normal human being which helps bring the fight between him and Peter more equal in a sense that the audience shouldn't expect Peter to fight against a powerful God on his own, but someone who created a power for themselves.

This was a fun movie from start to finish with a cast of colorful and likable characters that you can grow to love. Given that many superhero movies are usually dark and brooding, it's refreshing to have a movie that has a lot more comedy while still keeping it's serious tone; I commend the production company for giving us a new Spiderman and most importantly, a better Spiderman movie.

I give Spiderman: Homecoming a 5 out of 5 stars.

Side note: I know I never mentioned Tony Stark AKA Ironman, but is there really anything else to say that hasn't already been said? How else do you think he did in this movie? Nothing short of awesome.


The construction worker is Uncle Ben, isn't it?

I still haven't seen Captain America: Civil War and I really need to.

Iron man!

Waiting 3 months later to hear about if you have more work, just like trying to find a job.

The love interest in African American. How different and how nice for diversity.

Although it's awful that the random guy got attacked even though he didn't do anything wrong, it's nice to show that Peter makes mistakes and he is still new to the superhero world. Plus, this probably would happen in real life if there was a superhero, sometimes we make mistakes and assume the wrong thing.

Stan Lee, nice to see you!

I really want a churro now.

"Spiderman is fighting the Avengers," excuse me? Does that look like the Avengers to you?

Yes, the kitty is saved!

I knew Ned would find out Spider man was Peter this way and yet it was still funny.

I know Peter is meant to be a nerd, but it seems like only one guy bullies him all the time. Everyone else doesn't seem to care.

Penis Parker? Are you 10? This bully is really cheesy.

The black guy that was saved by Spiderman looks really familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

While it's a real waste of time and if it were me I'd rather be home, drawing people in crisis in detention is freaking hilarious!

This Liz girl is much nicer than I thought, but I don't know if I want her with Peter.

My heart actually dropped when I realized the Vulture was Liz's dad. The whole audience had shocked reactions.

Peter, you done screwed up telling people you were friends with Spiderman!

I didn't really want Liz and Peter together, but now they definitely can't be together. Liz if going to hate Peter for either killing or imprisoning her dad.

"I'm...looking" I died on that part.

The scene with Spiderman under the rubble crying for help made me emotional. More than any other superhero movie, and you know why? Because it reveals who he really is: still a young teenager. He's not a God, nor born with superpowers, he's someone like me who is a student who accidentally got powers. He sometimes messes up, he doesn't become cool all of a sudden because of the powers, even if he's powerful it still takes 3 months for him to be called by Tony Stark. He's a kid compared to Iron man and Captain America. He can be weak and he was weak at that moment and that was a light of reality I witnessed.

I really don't want the Vulture to die. I can't imagine how Liz would feel, the night of her prom she loses her father forever.

I'm so sorry for everything that's happened to you, Liz...

MJ? Oh no, Zendaya is MJ? It's not bad...but now I can't help but wonder how is she going to keep up such an important role along with her singing career. Don't let me down, Zendaya.

What was the joke behind keeping the ring since 2008?

Where was Aunt May before she walked in on Peter trying on the Spiderman outfit? He called out for her earlier, maybe she was in the bathroom?

(I made the mistake of leaving after the first end credits scene with the Vulture in jail, I was just so tired that I wanted to go home as soon as I can. Guess I wasn't exhibiting enough patience.)

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