Saturday, January 7, 2017

Passengers (2016)

A spacecraft traveling to a distant colony planet and transporting thousands of people has a malfunction in its sleep chambers. As a result, two passengers are awakened 90 years early. (Source-


Rating- PG-13
Genre- Adventure/Drama/Romance
Warnings- Mild sexual scenarios

I've seen trailers upon trailers for this movie and not once did I feel inclined to watch it. Perhaps it was because of the fact that I didn't pay too much attention, but a trailer should know how to grab that attention anyways. When advertisements for "Passengers" would play on tv, it was a supplement for white noise basically. However, I recently spent time with a good friend and she wanted to watch either "Passengers" or "Sing" (2016). If you follow my blog, you'd know that I've already seen "Sing" and talked about it to a great extent. Therefore, my friend and I watched "Passengers" and I thought to myself, "I wondering how the story will be."

Frankly, with all of its countless trailers, I couldn't pin point what the plot was. This was a big factor in why I didn't want to see the movie in the first place. At most, it was about two attractive people on a ship and they start up a romance...I guess. 

It turned out that my idea was a tiny bit correct. In fact, the full plot of, "Passengers" involves a ship full of 50000 passengers with a plan to head to a new planet, and there is a malfunction that causes one of the passengers to wake up 90 years before they arrive on said planet.

That's quite a lot to take in, especially for the characters. So many years on a ship with little interaction and no chance of getting to your destination? 

That's crazy, but did the characters act like it was crazy, not to mention a life-changing event or did they rather stand blankly in the camera and pretended to be in danger, leaving the audience out of the moment?

The movie felt innovative to me, having a plot that was unlike any other (at least for the past few years). I get that every type of story has pretty much been done at this point of time, but this story doesn't feel cheesy or typical. It wasn't predictable either, the timeline of events erased any perceived idea I had on how I thought the story would turn out. I was impressed by how none of my predictions came to light. Although, some points in the story didn't entirely make sense to me, leaving me a little confused at the situation. 

The action scenes aren't what you would expect, there's no duel between passengers or a huge boss battle to go up against, but the villain is as natural as it can get with a story like this and the characters need to use their wit and strength to defeat it. There's no one plotting against them really, but it's a series of unfortunate circumstances that the characters must deal with to avoid certain doom.

Main characters Jim Preston (Chris Pratt) and Aurora Lane (Jennifer Lawrence) communicated well together, making me believe their chemistry and how they grow attracted to one another. They're both funny and share powerful moments together that hits on how important it is to have people around you and how painful it would be if you were only one person in a grand world. 

The reasons for why they were on the ship in the first place didn't seem strong enough and only felt kind of selfish to me. Their reasons didn't seem to stem from any real problem and they could have easily solved it on Earth, but I suppose if this opportunity comes up and it's this easy to start a new life, then I guess it would make more sense that people would use this to fulfill their desires.

Pratt and Lawrence's performances actually brought up genuine emotion within me. I was sad. It brought me down and if I wasn't careful, it even could have made me shed a tear. 

To be clear, I'm saying this not to be sarcastic and say that they acted so terribly I cried. I'm saying that they really embraced their characters and did exactly what me or many other people would do if they were in that situation. 

The direction with scenery was phenomenal. The movie presented the beautiful details of the ship Preston and Lane were trapped in, the inside of the ship as well. The amenities of the ship were really fun to look at and made me want to experience them, but amongst all the fun of it there is still that looming realization in the back of the characters' heads saying, "Hey, you're here forever."

"Passengers" was unlike any movie I've seen in a while. It flipped my head around and got me to love it enough that I'd actually watch it again if I had to. The acting was great, scenery too, sometimes the story was a little odd with why things have to happen this way and such, plus the character motivations are kind of weak. Yet, this made me question morality, love, loneliness, if it's worth leaving your loved ones to follow your dream and how to make the best with what you got. I will give this movie a 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.


Chris Pratt Butt.

It would have been smarter to show Preston interacting with other females in the chamber before meeting Lane, because it shows that compared to all the females he preferred Lane the most. In this scene, he just goes straight to Lane because she is there and apparently, they never met on Earth before so I don't get why he was so infatuated with her automatically and didn't try to look for other girls he might have interest in. I get that he was deprived of human interaction, but it seems unrealistic to find the first girl and say that I'll stick with her the whole time. 

Lane is going to be enraged when she finds out what Preston did. 

Smart Preston, you tell Arthur not to tell the secret to her.

How is Lane a gold star member? I thought that was just when you do activities that help you gain gold star membership, not just being a member for who you are. That's already going to cause discrimination amongst the community.

All of this lovemaking and making me wonder, "Does the ship supply people with condoms and birth control?" What if Preston and Lane had a baby on the ship? Are there any babies sleeping in the chamber? What about kids? Are there only adults on this ship?

Is Lane's birthday based on her actual birthday or when she was woken up from the chamber?

Lane's reaction to finding out she was woken up by Preston broke my heart.

Lane can't kill Preston because she knows that she will be alone if she does this.

After seeing Lane's goodbye video from her friends, I'm getting the feeling that she might have been a jerk on Earth. Think about it, her motivation to go to Homestead II is to have a story and return to Earth after a year. Doing this, she will lose all of her friends and family. She will know nobody on Earth because they all died. Do you know how superficial that sounds compared to other stories those passengers might have. 

Here are a couple examples of reasons why someone would want to leave:

"I'm leaving because I am shunned from my family. I live a lifestyle they claim is unhealthy and I want to go to Earth to be free and unashamed."

"I am getting sicker every day due to gases within Earth's air supply.  I want to live a happy life on a more sustainable planet and therefore, I'd like to move from Earth."

"I'm leaving because I was abused by my boyfriend and I lost custody to my child because of his abuse. I feel like I have nothing to live for, but I'm too afraid to die so to get away from things that remind me of this pain, I'm going to a new planet."

Now this is Lane's reason why she's leaving Earth:

"I'm leaving because I want to make a story and after I year I will return to Earth and tell people that I was the first person to leave and come back." Doesn't that sound stuck up? Like she's looking for validation that she's a cool person? 

Why is the crew member, Mancuso sick? He has a lot of disorders, but why? 
I still don't really understand.

It's sad to realize that a big reason why Lane would want Preston to be alive is because she needs social interaction and Preston is the only man who can satisfy her needs, mentally, emotionally and sexually. She has no other options and even if she's still mad at what he did to her, she's stuck with him for life. Makes you think that no matter how different you might be with someone, if they're your only option you'll eventually learn to love them.

If Lane was never woken up, then the whole ship would have went down. Preston needed her to repair the ship, so in a cruel way, there needed to be one more person with Preston.

The infirmary chamber can revive a dead person...then why didn't they do that for Mancuso?!

I felt tears coming when Preston and Lane hugged in the pool and looked out into space. I think even if it was only those two, they still would have gone crazy.

When one of them died, the living person had to throw the dead into space. So for the last person standing, were they lying somewhere dead or did they commit suicide by throwing themselves out in space?

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