Sunday, February 11, 2018

Fifty Shades Freed (2018)

Believing they've left behind the shadowy figures from the past, billionaire Christian Grey and his new wife, Anastasia, fully embrace their inextricable connection and shared life of luxury. Just as the Greys begin to step into their new roles, sinister events come to light and jeopardize their happy ending before it even begins. (Source:


Rating- R
Genre- Romance/Drama
Warnings- Swearing/Nudity/Sexual Situations 


I assumed this movie would be released on the week of Valentine's Day for obvious reasons, but the day before I saw this movie I realized that it's been out since Feb. 9- which also makes sense too (watching it before V-day and all). 

If you've been following my blog for a while you know that I already had a streak with watching the Fifty Shades trilogy and it would be such a letdown if I went without watching the finale of what is the worst or best or an okay romance movie- depending on how people feel about the story because I'm sure that even if you've never read the books or you're younger than 18 years old, you must have come across Fifty Shades whether it be someone talking about it or one of your classmates reading about it during Forensics class in High School (which is what really happened to me). 

The Fifty Shades trilogy started out as a book written by E.L James as a fan-fiction for the Twilight series, with Anastasia Steele being Bella Swan and Christian Grey as Edward Cullen...if you didn't know that fact by now then surely you can tell the similarities between the characters Steele and Grey are based off of. 

After reaching fame with her story, James' fan-fiction transformed into something much more- a series of romance novels for people to buy off bookshelves and watch in theaters and DvD. Since the first film "Fifty Shades of Grey" released back in 2015, the love story between Steele and Grey has further entertained the minds of both lovers and haters, and now I can finally see the day where the trilogy has come to an end and hopefully not produce sequels or spin offs.

Another thing you probably know if you followed me long enough is that I'm not a huge fan of this trilogy. I've read a few chapters of the first book and knew of several plot points in the other two, but that's the extent of my interest in it (if you don't count me watching the movies as well). Story wise, I find there to be a lot of issues involving consent, romance, and the morals that the movies seem to be pushing in our faces. 

The first film brought up feelings of discomfort for me after seeing Steele, played by Dakota Johnson, being basically stalked by Grey played by Jamie Dornan, as well as being pressured to be in agreement to a contract that contains borderline abusive promises. Even people who practice the dominance and submissive or BDSM roles have come out to say that the movie does not portray those relationships well and it basically says you must give up all of your self-control for someone else which is not what a healthy relationship is supposed to be like. Even in fantasies where you say you're submissive, even they have standards and can make decisions on how they want to be treated.

The second movie seemed to try and rectify the mistakes in the first movie by lowering Grey's control on Steele and having her call out his nonsense (which by itself is really screwed up, but that rant is for another day). Even so, while it did better to give Steele a backbone, it still had flaws and was very boring to me near the end that I was hoping I could leave the theater sooner not because it was bad, but because I felt like nothing on the screen was necessary to the plot.


Now I've just watched the third and final film; my expectations for this one was just to laugh. I had neither high nor low expectations- I didn't expect a masterpiece nor a disaster. In short, I'd have a good time making fun of it. So on that note, am I to be praised for my correct assumptions or was I subjected to pain from a movie so bad it wasn't even hilariously good?

So the plot of this film is that Steele and Grey get married and plan to have a life together, but there are villains and inconveniences that threaten that future from happening. Through these hardships, the couple must learn to trust in one another and be confident in themselves that they can make their dreams come true despite their first world problems.

That last line was meant to be a joke, but there is some truth to in for me because throughout the story I really thought deeply about how their issues must be so difficult for them but come to realize that they're really not. It's been obvious from the start that Grey is richer than people like Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey, so what's the big deal if he is being threatened by somebody? 

At the snap of his (and now Steele's) fingers, they could hire guards to deal with their offenders, fly out to Hawaii, have a vacation, fly back and everything is back to normal. I felt like this movie tried hard to get regular middle and low class people to feel sorry for billionaires by making the problems bigger than they had to be. I mean the problems would be dire if Steele and Grey were say, struggling to pay rent every month or had a community that wouldn't protect them, but otherwise how could I feel a bit worried for these two? The problems leave as soon as they go, seriously it made the movie move quickly with how brief the negative encounters were.

As for their relationship in general, I have to say it got even better. I could even say that it turned into a healthy relationship in the end. Looking back on what they argued about and how they communicated their feelings, Grey got way more mature with allowing Steele to make her own decisions- or dare I say- let her do what she wants. 

He didn't have to allow her to do anything, Steele just did what she wanted and when there was a conflict in that I could emphasize with Grey. Not to say they weren't trivial, but when I saw when he was angry about something, I would initially think he would complain about something worse than the final result and I'd feel relieved when he had a more reasonable complaint instead. 

Here's an example for you that may or may not be in the movie, but regardless it is not a major plot point:

Steele- "I still want to be called Anastasia Steele and not Anastasia Grey at work"
Grey- "Why would you want that? Are you ashamed of being married to me?"

With that conflict, I would at first think, "He's going to say that she is his and only his, or she should be proud to be married to a billionaire" but not only was I fine with what he said but how he said it; it sounds somber- like he is sad at the thought of having someone not be proud to be with him. This gives off his sensitivity towards their relationship and in turn makes me believe that he cares about her aside from sex, which is good. 

Steele has improved to, although I'm debating if it's too much improvement. She gained more control in the relationship and even initiated a love scene at least once (yay diversity!) but it felt like a lot of her scenes had the same format: 

Grey- You're doing this
Steele- No, I'm not
Grey- Why?
Steele- Because I can

It's wonderful to have a more positive role model with Steele, but it seemed redundant to the point where it gets a little "girl power" for me, which would be fine if that was what the movie was mainly about. 

Does that make sense? I hope I don't sound sexist because I'm not, in fact I was very proud of Steele in all of her "I do what I want" scenes, especially a scene where she is upset with Grey over what I would find to be the climax of the story and she tells him to grow up. I felt my arms wanting- begging- to lift up and produce a slow clap in the theater because I was impressed with Steele and Johnson herself for preforming so well at that part. I wonder if the anger came from being in these movies...

I don't think it's a shocker that the villain in this movie is from "Fifty Shades Darker". I don't want to go much into it because I honestly don't have much to say about it, but I suppose if there is something to be said is that his backstory seems to come out of nowhere and I'd have to re-watch the second film to see any hints that they were leading up to this backstory, because I can't help but wonder what would have happened to this villain is he wasn't in specific circumstances (better explained in spoiler section).

I think there was only 1 villain and just mentioning of other villains from the previous films, otherwise it was just a matter of circumstances that hindered Steele and Grey, or now I should say- the Greys...speaking of which, leading onto what might be the critic you've been waiting for- the love scenes.

So how were the love scenes in this movies? Well, it's a hard feeling to describe but it felt like this film had both too many and too little of love scenes. 

There were at least 4 in total, I tried counting but lost track after 4, and all of them were extremely brief. I didn't have time to squirm in my seat, avoid eye contact with other movie-goers because the love scenes were complete in 2 minutes tops. I think they got better though when it comes to the creativity, there's even one involving food but personally, that made me recoil in disgust because all I could think about was the germs they could catch from that. That sure was an experience I'll keep in mind for future reference.

Yet despite the creativity, it still didn't bring it for me. This is known as a pornographic novel! I'm not even that open as a person per say, but I thought of 10 other naughty things Steele and Grey could've done in that red room! It just seemed like the typical basic levels of BDSM a couple would try their first time. Also, in regards to nudity, there was a lot more of it in this final film. None of Grey's private areas- of course not- but there was a ton of Steele breasts to look at from the very beginning. Wait, there's a couple scenes with Grey's bottom shown in clear view so if anyone's into that, you might like this movie.

To wrap this all up, "Fifty Shades Freed" was a delight to watch. I'm not saying it was amazing, but I think it was my favorite film out of the trilogy. Steele and Grey have better chemistry and have more scenes of being more than just a lustful couple and actually being more domestic, more communication and hotter love scenes. Although a few moments were downright bad to Grey's character in particular, I know the script had to mostly follow the dialogue in the book so no wonder it seemed so off-key to me. 

The comedy was funny, there were a few lines characters said here and there that if you catch them it'll make you crack up. The villain seemed to be there just to add more conflict, like they took a character who would normally just go on with life and instead made him a maniac. The dire situations Steele and Grey encounter were hard to relate too because I just knew with their money, they would be just fine. 

Lastly, something I don't think I've mentioned yet but only because it came to me as I was typing- there are some side plots that either pop out of nowhere or are unresolved and I'm sitting here seriously concerned for the characters involved in them because I'm like, "What happened to them?! Are they okay?" One more thing, just like the first movie- this one ended too soon! At least it felt like it, when the ending came around I was so shocked. It felt like I watching a 30 minute show, I swear. Maybe that shows how much I enjoyed most of it.

This trilogy sure was an interesting one and I'm glad I could give you a taste of my experience with it. Farewell Fifty Shades, you will be missed. 

I'm giving "Fifty Shades Freed" a 3 out of 5 stars.


Wow, straight to the wedding! I thought for sure I could see their bachelor and bachelorette parties, the bridal showers, etc. Although I doubt Grey would allow a bachelorette party for Steele...why should he care? Who would cheat on a handsome billionaire?

They only have a maid of honor and best man? Come to think of it, neither of them seem like the type to have a lot of friends.

Is Grey dancing with the elderly lady? Lady, if you knew where those hands have been.

Is there a little girl at the wedding too? Girl, if you knew...

"You own this?" Steele, you went in this man's personal helicopter and jet and boat before. I would not be surprised if he had a plane too!

Why does Grey braid her hair? Was that mentioned before? In the book?

If Steele slept on her stomach and said she rolled over, then she'd have to still been asleep while sitting up and laying on her back which would be weird. I know she was probably lying but just thinking about it makes me concerned.

Well, we had to have motivation for a love scene. I guess being topless on a nude beach without permission would do it.

Steele is moaning louder by the anticipation of sex rather than actually having sex.

Oh no, privileged problems. Someone broke it and put a bomb in your building. Get another one.

"Why would he do this?" Steele. This man lost his job because of Grey after he tried to sexually assault you and Grey put you in his position. Perhaps that's a clear reason as to why he would want to ruin Grey's business! 

Sorry we have to cancel our vacation, Steele. We'll go on another one tomorrow after we get this fixed.

I know of some people who naturally engage in physical contact with others, even if they are not committed to them, so I wondered what would have happened if Steele confronted the blonde girl (I forget her name), said that "don't come near my man" speech and the blonde was just like, "I really wasn't trying to do anything. You're just insecure about yourself and need to focus on your own problems."

Is doing it in a car really all that comfortable? Plus, that scene was just way too quick. If that was going to be included, they needed to make it longer because I just remembered that happened as I was writing the last comment down.

The washing hair scene was very cute, but the sexy stuff they tried to throw into it seemed unnecessary. If it was just a funny, light-hearted moment between the two that would've been great.

Hi Steele's blonde friend....(looks up name) Kate! You were not even in the last movie, were you? And now we're going to be focusing on her relationship with Elliot and if he's cheating or not. Is this something I really care about?

I heard a girl audibly gasp when Jack Hyde grabbed Steele in her house. I thought was funny to point out. 

I cracked up with Steele said she and Grey had something to bound Hyde with, that was pretty clever.

Was it really that bad that you had to say your safe word, Steele? I prefer not to describe the love scene's only sexual frustration, not pain. He wasn't exactly hurting you like you're going to die, that's just what couples do. I know it was for revenge wasn't that bad.

How nice of Grey to have all of Steele's friends for a vacation- is that Jose?! Why would Grey bring Jose to a vacation house?! What have we seen from him that would even suggest he would be on his best behavior around Steele and not try to make a pass at her again? He's tried kissing her and presented portraits of her at an art museum without her knowing about it. Creepy much? 

Steele eating ice cream at night for no reason. Signs of pregnancy? 

I thought food play was fun, but looking at Steele put that spoon against Grey's lower stomach where hair is makes me shiver. I would never taste that spoon again.

Maybe Elliot isn't cheating. Maybe that's someone who just helped him get a ring for Kate.

I was hoping the script wouldn't have Grey's outburst in the film. Now I'm liking him less. I'm sure Steele will forgive him but I could never do that. Side note: Why is he being so angry about having a baby? You have guards, just let one of them be a nanny! Why are you making this more difficult?!

Grey's reaction to the baby possibly being a girl was funny. I like him again.

"You're not a kid anymore, so grow the F up" (Claps) Thank you for putting him in his place...

Steele, even I don't know whether you should tell Kate about Elliot's possible cheating...

The kidnapping of Grey's sister was just to give Rita Ora more screen time, right? I always felt like she wasn't needed in the movie at all.

Who is Liz again...? Is that Grey's ex mistress? I'm sorry, I really don't remember her at all.

"You're my entire life" The last movie say you were only dating for 3 weeks, and within that you guys had a break, and I can only assume the time since being married was like another week and now they're having a baby, most you'll know each other for a little less than a year before the baby arrives.

So all it takes for Grey to open up, say sorry, be committed to the baby and cry about Steele is when she and the baby are near death. Take notes, girls! When I guy will be committed to you only after you almost die that is true love!

When "Love me like you Do" and the flashbacks to the other movies came out, I actually felt like crying. I think that's with any movie that does something like that. I did it with "Twilight: Breaking Dawn pt. 2" also.

That text message was seductive for sure. Good for you, Steele.

That shot of Steele sitting in the red room was nicely done. If the movie ended on just that, it would be just fine. Seeing Steele with the braid though reminds me...why don't we get an answer to why Grey braids her hair like that?!

Cute baby...but not their baby. That baby looks like neither of them. I'm glad they took out the 'breastfeeding' line though. It's a cute ending to an otherwise sex-filled trilogy.


(Sitting in my university's student center enjoying a comedy show when I suddenly remember...) 

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