Wednesday, May 4, 2016


This is not a movie review in any way; this is a public service announcement. I am using my blog as a way to speak to you, my viewers, about my thoughts about the 2016 presidential election. I wish I could tell you whether I support Trump in this race or not in this disclaimer so you can decide whether or not you want to continue reading my opinion or not, but frankly, I think whether you are a Trump lover or hater, you must read this. If you end up disliking my opinion, no need for hate comments, but I will gladly accept mature comments regarding why you think I am wrong and so forth. Thank you.


I think Trump will win this election.

I wholeheartedly believe this and do you want to know why?

Because after Barack Obama won the last election in 2009 and again in 2012, the people have grown comfortable with our 'equality.' Many of us probably thought that because we finally had our first african-american president, that things will be all well and good. We are all equal and the people of the United States of America were intelligent enough to elect a president who- despite being called an unfit leader at times- has been a all about well-rounded man who never lost his cool among the public eye, protected our country the best he could, and provided us with things like Obamacare to show us that he cares for the American people. 

We were comfortable then, and as I can tell from the current standings in this presidential race, we are still comfortable now. As much as I hate to say this, we shouldn't feel comfortable anymore. 

Currently, Trump is the lead not only in the Republican race, but amongst all the candidates. He has a tremendous amount of support from people across the country, all who want to Make America Great Again and restore America to what it once was, a nation with strong values, strong people, and solely made up of caucasians. 

Now that last sentence may sound a bit exaggerated to some of you, might sound like I'm not looking at the bigger picture that Trump is planning for the country. However, might I add in a very real quote Trump himself has said about his plans on immigration, if elected president:

"We have to have a wall. We have to have a border. And in that wall we’re going to have a big fat door where people can come into the country, but they have to come in legally.”

Well Ms. Blogger, that doesn't sound too bad. I mean, not everyone is a great person and we certainly wouldn't want them to be a bad addition to America. Why is this such a bad thing?

We as a people have been trying for years to befriend our fellow nations, and because of horrid back and fourths with wars and the like, not many nations don't seem to like America very much.

Besides, in 1987, former president Ronald Reagan made an effort for Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall that divided East and West Berlin for 26 years. 

What does that have to do with Trump's plan? 
This isn't Berlin, America is a totally different place.

The reason this matters is because while Berlin isn't our home, Reagan was our president and for him to help destroy the barriers that Berlin held for so long was a major event that helped bond America to the other nations and see us as a strong and compassionate country. Key word: Compassionate.

Trump's plan to build a wall does not involve compassion. He is doing it more as a means to keep people from the other part of the world away rather than embrace them or even try to understand them. To be kind of fair, some people may not presume this from the Trump quote, however, Trump has also said that he plans, "...for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”

He wants not a test to allow some muslim immigrants into the country; he wants a shutdown. Which means, not one muslim can come into this country no matter they're credentials. How does that sound compassionate? How does that sound like he's looking out for our best interests? 

He wants us not to be afraid of immigrants who can possibly harm Americans. It won't be fair to us to be risked by some immigrant who wants to attack our children or bomb our schools.

May I remind you that there is more news of American-on-American crime in America? American men and women, boys and girls committing horrendous crimes: shooting up schools, stabbing their classmates, killing innocent church-goers, pressuring their peers and bullying them till they commit suicide, joining ISIS?

I am not disregarding the fact that there have been horrible crimes on Americans by immigrants, but the point is that if we should be cautious of anyone, it should be ourselves. Very few immigrants actually commit crimes in America, majority wish to have a better life here and are willing to put in the work to be a citizen. Trump is not going to give the good people that chance if elected president, he has said at the beginning of his campaign that, "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you … they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” 

Sure, there are some awful humans who live in Mexico or Iraq, but are we a country to talk? Are we any better than them in terms of the people we have? When the muslims attacked thousands of innocents on 9/11, we retaliated by attacking thousands of innocents and we continued to fight even though the people we were fighting were not the people who needed to be stopped. So who are we to say that we are better than anyone else? 

We are all flawed, and if Trump is president, he will create bigger flaws that will destroy the progress we've made thus far in history.

It wasn't that long since we allowed blacks to vote...

It wasn't that long since we allowed women rights...

It wasn't that long since we allowed gay marriage in all 50 states...

Do you trust a man who openly and complains about women's menstrual cycles, saying it's, "Blood coming out of her … wherever,” as if it's a curse that must never be discussed?/

How can women trust a man who assumes all desire to jump his bones, him saying that “All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me — consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.” Will he see us as his fangirls, or as his people?

I truly wish I could talk more about why Trump would be a bad president...but I can't go on like this for days. I'll just tell you this....

Like I said in the beginning, we are too comfortable right now. Our freedom as people of color, and even caucasian people can be ripped away with one mistake. Going from Obama to Trump will be really telling of what we've learned from history and how we decided to take 10 steps backwards.

I don't care how riled up we are about inequality, for some reason we are comfortable enough to allow someone like Trump, a racist, sexist man possibly rule over our country for 4 years. Even if his plans sound better than any other candidate, he cannot get them passed without compassion for his fellow man. Trump takes pride that he is a business man, and that is a admirable job, and to be fair a country can be run by a business, but not the kind Trump is planning.

A great business man not only tries to better his work, but better the work of everyone he works with and his partners. Trump is the leader and the american people are his associates and the other nations are his partners. 

What will happen if he makes a wall to block out one of his strongest partners that try to help build his company? 

What will happen if the leader of the company constantly downgrades his female associates and calls his ethnically diverse associates rapists and killers?

Eventually his business will crumble. And that's what will happen to the UNITED states of America, a country built on the diversity of the world. 

If we allow Trump to continue gaining followers and blindly follow his plans without thinking of his morals and personal opinions of a great piece of our people, TRUMP WILL WIN.

Let's change our future. 


For those who support Trump, really really think about what he wants for our country. Think not only that but what would his plans do to you, your family, your friends, your children's friends. I'm sure we all have a trusted friend who is a minority or maybe a lover who is a minority, you yourself may even be a minority.

Please take my thoughts into consideration, I cannot stress this enough. I know there are problems in America that you want to be fixed, I know you want us to get tough. But what's the point of that if while we're getting tougher, we are becoming less unified and more like civilians forced to suffer the rules of a powerful dictator?

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