Thursday, August 9, 2018

5 Spanish Movies (Review)

There are a ton of wonderful films to watch in the world, that I try not to limit myself to just the English speaking ones. After all, how are we able to expand our minds to more stories if we're close-minded to movies that are not produced in our first language?

A lot can be learned from looking at foreign movies other than learning the language, especially if you're a fan of film making or script writing. You can see how other countries produce their work, the cultural environments they use, the actors, and probably much more that can be beneficial to know about.

During my hiatus, I made it a mission to watch more foreign films to explore more films that I may have disregarded and wouldn't give the time of day. The following films I will be reviewing briefly are five Spanish language films. Their original audio is all in European Spanish. I tried to find a bundle of Spanish movies that varied in genre, so there's something for everybody.

Since the time I posted this, all of these movies were on Netflix. If they are not on Netflix any longer, my apologies, but that is something I cannot control.


MADRE (2016)


Rating- NR
Genre- Thriller
Warnings- disturbing imagery/minor language

(Translation: MOTHER- Nobody can save her from her son)

"Madre" tells the story of a woman who is pregnant with her second child while she struggles to raise her older child who has autism. It seems that the mother is saved from her hardships when a lady offers to help her with her son, but soon enough things start to become even worse for the mother and what happens in the long run could cost her everything. The screenplay and directing was both done by American film producer and actor, Aaron Burns, who also worked on other movies including: Blacktino (2011), The Green Inferno (2013), and Knock Knock (2015).

I watched this movie twice in less than a month, so I enjoyed it. The story was interesting and I was invested in the main character. You could feel her anguish as she had a hard time handling her child along with other dilemmas that she must face on her own. The pacing was a little too long towards the end, but is was mostly well done as far as narration goes.

There were a lot of positives, but also some negatives starting with the characters. Aside from the main character, everyone else is pretty unlikable from start to finish. The villain is obviously looked at closely, even if they are acting friendly, because the movie doesn't really do well to hide the fact that they are evil.

The son just seems like a lost cause, and that has nothing to do with his disability, it's more so because there's never a moment where he goes against the villain and has any inkling of love towards his mother, thus the movie makes you feel just as helpless as the mother: no matter what you do, nobody will be there for you. The ending also made me upset because there were so many things that could've been done to prevent some events from spiraling out of control, but instead the lead goes through, "dumb character syndrome" and does the things a person would be least likely to do in order to roll the story along.

Would I see this movie again? Maybe, if someone wanted to see it with me. It was entertaining and does have some unexpected outcomes that diverge from the typical Hollywood ending. If you wanted to watch this, it's fine to see with family- but the toddlers can excuse themselves. Nothing is gory, just two moments that I would consider very disturbing that fly pass quickly enough before you can get too squeamish. There are more moments where you may be disgusted with by seeing vomit and feces, and that's mostly in the first act of the movie. As for sexual moments, there is non to be found so there's no need to shield your eyes.

I give "Madre" a 3.5/5 stars.



Rating- R
Genre- Romance/Comedy
Warnings- graphic sexual content/inappropriate language

"Kiki, Love to Love" follow five couples who begin to investigate their sexuality during a hot Madrid summer. This includes them discovering some uncommon fetishes that not many people even know about. This movie is based off of the Australian comedy film called The Little Death that was released back in 2014. It was directed and written by director and actor Paco León, who has a lead role in this film. He's worked on other productions like: Carmina or Blow Up (2012) and Carmina y Amén (2014).

Going into this and reading the rating, I already knew I'd expect some wackiness sprinkled into this mature movie and I was right. Right away, you could tell that you're in for one heck of a ride as mostly of the couples express their sexuality in the most peculiar ways. Despite this, I had no issue with the inappropriate nature because it came off more tasteful than I expected.

There was life to the characters and fleshed out personas that I grew to enjoy. Watching this you'll feel this sense of liberation and excitement along with the characters as you come to notice that everyone is strange in their own way. The pacing was also well done, but with some many people there was a couple that I forgot from time to time throughout the duration of the movie that by the time the ending arrived, I was confused as to why they were really focused on amongst the other couples.

I did enjoy watching this, but that doesn't mean I felt uncomfortable at times. Specifically, there was one couple where one of the partners would like to do something to his or her partner without their permission, it felt like I was watching sexual assault. Even now, I could argue that it was sexual assault, but in the end this couple still stays together and I am bit concerned about that.

If you're uncomfortable with watching a sex scene in general, then this movie won't be for you. There are several planted in here that aren't prolonged, but could bother you regardless for how graphic they are. This movie also plays with many fetishes including BDSM, furry, polygamy, so if those bother you as well then steer away from this. Personally, I found a few issues with how the characters would go about things but what kept me watching was my curiosity. I admit I was curious to see how these fetishes were deemed attractive to people, and it was light-hearted for the most part so I was able to laugh at it if I wasn't comfortable. This movie is best watched either by yourself or with a partner, this isn't something you'd watch while eating at the dinner table on Thanksgiving.

I give "Kiki, Love to Love" a 4 out of 5 stars.



Rating- NR
Genre- romance/comedy
Warnings- graphic sexual content/inappropriate language

"Don't Blame the Kid" is a story about a woman who becomes pregnant after a one night stand and is determined to follow tradition by marrying the immature father-to-be. This was directed and written by producer and writer Gustavo Loza who also worked on: Al Otro Lado (2004), Deep Silence (2003), and The Other Family (2011).

There were several moments in the first act of the movie where I thought to myself, "I should turn this off," because I really didn't like it at first. I thought the pacing was going way too fast and I vaguely knew what was going on and how the characters knew each other. It felt like I jumped into a party commercial by how much the movie showed views of Madrid and people drinking and slobbering over each other and talking about sex. 

Despite it being a comedy it felt too cheesy for my liking with sudden zoom ins on the character when something shocking is said or the musical accompaniment to go with it. However, I still wanted to give it a shot and let me tell you the other acts were much more bearable to sit through. The movie slows down more and helps the audience get to know the characters better. 

The lead was unlikable for most of it, often blaming only the father for creating the baby and her running comment on how she only got pregnant because he quote, "sneaked into her room at night" which holds some very dangerous implications that she possibly thought she was sexually assaulted. In that case, I wondered, why would the writers encourage a character to stay with someone who supposedly sexually assaulted them? On top of that, by the end you're still not sure whether it was true that he snuck in or she allowed him to sleep with her, so that was disturbing to say the least. The father on the other hand, I loved. He was so cute that it wasn't easy to be mad at him for anything, especially by how the female lead treated him.

Forgetting about that, this really was enjoyable to watch as it got closer to the ending. Seeing the progression of the two leads getting to know each other before the baby arrives is pretty cute, and even when it's not their actions are justified as to why either of them are upset with the other. This movie also brings in a twist that I sort of saw coming, but it wasn't in the way I expected. So this isn't just a clear cookie cut plot, and I liked that a lot.

This has a couple of graphic sex scenes that were uneasy to sit through but aside from one of them, didn't last long on screen. I'd recommend watching this alone, with a partner, or maybe even with a few good friends. I'm not sure if I'd watch it again, but it was engaging to watch.

I give "Don't Blame the Kid" a 3 out of 5 stars.



Rating- TV-MA
Genre- drama/horror
Warnings- disturbing imagery/inappropriate language/demonic possession/self-harm

"Verónica" is a movie that deals with the supernatural as a teenage girl attempts to summon her deceased father through a Ouija board and as a result this brings evil demons into her home. This story is based on a true account that occurred in Vallecas, South Madrid in the 90s. A girl named Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro preformed a seance at her school and days later, began acting violent and succumbing to seizures and hallucinations. Not long after that, Lazaro died with the reasons being unexplained to this day.

The reports that a detective took of that scene he witnessed  on the day she died became the inspiration for this movie that was written and directed by director and writer Paco Plaza- with accompanying writer Fernando Navarro. Plaza has also worked on movies such as: [Rec] 1 and 2 (2007 & 2009). I decided to watch this movie because I heard it was the scariest movie released onto Netflix, so much so that people aren't able to finish it because it was so terrifying. 

Let me tell you, I watched it with a breeze. I understand that with it being based on a true story it can make people feel unnerved, but it felt like any other scary movie I've seen involving demons. Everything scary that happened in the movie was to be expected, jump scares for example, and thus I wasn't afraid at all. The only driving fear I had throughout was if the lead character and her family would make it out alive after all of it.

I wasn't really impressed as I should've been, I guess. The demons you would see are what I've seen in past movies, you know: the humanoid figure standing in the corner, hands popping out of the bed, suddenly throwing your head back with your mouth wide open. I found everything else well done, the actors were great and I genuinely felt bad for the lead for having to go through all of this. It's just when a movie feels cheesy, you start to predict things a lot and that tends to lead you into becoming bored with the plot. It wasn't painful to watch, just predictable. 

I'd suggest to watch this with anyone who is a fan of thriller movies. There's some bloody scenes here and there, but nothing sexual involved. So, say if you're having scary movie night and a kid walks by the worst that could happen is them being scared by the jump scares.

I give "Verónica" a 3 out of 5 stars.



Rating- TV-MA
Genre- drama/comedy
Warnings- Inappropriate language/Self-harm

(Translation: Title- I am not Crazy)

"No Estoy Loca" is about a woman who tries to commit suicide after finding out that she's been betrayed by her husband, and is then sent to a mental asylum. Through this wild series of events, she discovers how to move on with her life and discover who she truly is. This was directed and written by producer and director Nicolás López with accompanying writer Guillermo Amoedo. López was also involved in the movies: Aftershock (2012), The Green Inferno (2013), and Knock Knock (2015). 

I was taken aback by how my expectations for this movie was overturned, because it was much better than I could've imagined. It was definitely a cheesy film, but one that also balanced a fair amount of drama so you did in fact take the plot seriously enough. 

I loved this character's arc and how I was never really sure of where it was going, but boy did it lead to an excellent finish. Everyone in this film are crazy in their own way, and whether it be for good or bad, the point the movie tries to make is that we should accept ourselves for who we are and not be pressured to change. I loved that message and how it was executed through the female lead going through with talking to people and participating in social exercises, as those are typically the healthiest ways to grow into a better person mentally.

I would complain that certain characters were a bit too cruel, but I think with it being a comedy, the writers are exaggerating their personalities to punch in the message about how ridiculous people can be in real life with trying to keep up appearances and pretending nothing is wrong when in fact, everything is falling apart. A couple of side characters in the asylum were also a bit too much for me, as they would often appear to provide comic relief but after the first two times it wasn't as funny anymore. 

Otherwise, I was a fan of this movie a lot. It was really funny, but also powerful in the message it sent. I think many people could relate to the main character in their own way, and will feel at peace when she learns to be independent. I think you could watch this with your family, but there is a couple of scenes that depict suicide that can be triggering to some so be wary.

I give "No Estoy Loca" a 5 out of 5 stars.

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