Después de la muerte de su padre, T'Challa vuelve a casa, la nación africana de Wakanda para tomar su lugar como rey. Cuando un enemigo poderoso de repente reaparece, T'Challa's Temple como rey- y como la Pantera Negra- obtiene probado cuando él está envuelto en un conflicto que pone el destino de Wakanda y todo el mundo en situación de riesgo. Ante la traición y el peligro, el joven rey debe concentrar a sus aliados y liberar toda la potencia de la Pantera Negra para derrotar a sus enemigos y garantizar la seguridad de su pueblo (Fuente-
Género- Fantasía/ Ciencia ficción
Advertencias- Menor lengua
El universo Marvel se está convirtiendo en muy popular en la industria del entretenimiento, que parece que todo el mundo que era un fan de Marvel antes es bombeado a la próxima línea de películas este año y aquellos que no eran fanáticos de Marvel están inclinados a verlos y girar en un fiel aficionado a la franquicia de superhéroes.
Una de las primeras películas que ha estado esperando un gran cambio y alabanza era "La Pantera Negra", una historia acerca de un rey africano que tiene que venir a los términos con la crisis al acecho dentro de su historia familiar, así como sus ideales y el poder están en tela de juicio.
Lo que empezó como un cómic en 1966 ha revivido en el siglo XXI con una feroz seguidores incluso antes de que la película salió a la venta. Para quien puede leer esto en el futuro lejano preguntándose cuál era el gran problema con "La Pantera Negra" y por qué fue elogiada tanto es porque durante este tiempo hubo un montón de cuestiones relacionadas con la representación en entretenimiento: películas, televisión, revistas, etcétera- donde la gente de color, o bien no eran representados a menudo o si lo fueran, estaban mal representados.
A menudo la gente de color, en este caso los africanos y los afroamericanos, o bien fueron retratados como ghetto, pobres o violenta, por nombrar solo algunos. Aún con "Black Panther" no sólo alejando de esos estereotipos, pero también comentó sobre las tragedias ocurridas a los pueblos africanos en el pasado y cómo esto ha causado las luchas a muchas personas de ese fondo se enfrentan en su vida cotidiana.
Creo que "la Pantera Negra" es una de las películas más duras de críticas por mucho, porque tiene muchas cosas que quiero hablar y, sin embargo, siento que no tienen la capacidad de hablar verdaderamente en profundidad sobre ellos sin hacer este examen una hora larga para leerla. Con esto en mente, voy a hacer mi mejor esfuerzo para hablar de lo que quiero en tan corto espacio de tiempo de lectura como yo puede que me ayude a condensar mis pensamientos y darle menos para ir a través de mientras que le proporciona el núcleo de ideas que pasaron por mi cabeza.
En esa nota, fue "La Pantera Negra" realmente la película todo el mundo estaba anticipando o hizo esta película no aterrizar sobre sus pies e hizo un gran fracaso en la taquilla?
La historia de "La Pantera Negra", estrellas T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) que se convierte en el rey de Wakanda, una vibrante y bien equipados, país que está escondido en el mundo debido a la preocupación de que sus recursos serán aprovechados por los forasteros. A lo largo de la película, obtendrá el testigo T'Challa interactuar con personas que tienen determinadas ideologías acerca de cómo están país- así como la gente en general- debe ayudar el uno al otro.
Se debe ayudar a las personas que no son de su cultura en todos? ¿Qué pasa con las personas que están en el fondo pero creció enormemente diferente de usted? ¿Mantener sus recursos a sí mismo para construir su sociedad o compartirlos con otros usuarios que no tengan el conocimiento equipadas para apoyar sus propios países?
Todas estas preguntas y muchas más son llevados a través de las perspectivas de T'Challa, Nakia (Lupita Nyong'o), que es un espía de la nación Wakandan e incluso Kilmonger (Michael B. Jordan), quien es el villano de la película, y una compleja.
La historia me pareció ser muy bien pensado en su ritmo y cómo aborda todas estas preguntas que me hizo tomar un vistazo a mis propios valores. De hecho, soy positivo esta película expresamente señala los fallos dentro de nuestra sociedad real y estaba haciendo declaraciones sobre ella.
He cogido muchas líneas que fácilmente podría estar refiriéndose a cómo algunas personas tratamos a los demás en este mundo, lo que hace que las personas sufren sólo para proteger la codicia o el uso de la violencia para derrotar a la violencia en sus propias comunidades. La película hace un punto que nos llamen como una sociedad que reconoce estos comportamientos negativos y cambiarlos para hacer un mundo pacífico.
El único fallo que yo tendría que decir acerca de la historia es quizás el principio donde hay dos personas que encuentro un ex Pantera Negra y la escena no se habló de nuevo por un rato, lo cual me dejó muy confuso y me pregunto cuando los caracteres particulares entraría en juego nuevamente. Además, algunas líneas de la película podría ser de fecha porque son referencias bromas hechas en años anteriores. Aún así, estos fallos pude ver la intención detrás de por qué estas escenas y líneas fueron educados y no arruinar la película, a fin de considerarlos nitpicks.
Yo diría que esta historia es la historia que la gente necesita oír este año en 2018. Cada año, parece haber una falta de felicidad en el mundo con todas las catástrofes y el delito corriendo entre nosotros, pero este año en particular, he visto la falta de esperanza en el pueblo. La gente no confía en nuestro gobierno, diferentes razas, e incluso de sus propias familias. Hay una brecha que "la Pantera Negra" parecía tanto que mentor guiarnos hacia la dirección correcta y el soplo de aire fresco, porque, una vez más- es desviado de los estereotipos.
T'Challa su vida estuvo llena de lujo, una sociedad próspera y un amante de la unidad familiar. Tenía a su madre y a su padre en la imagen, una hermana llamada Shuri (Letitia Wright) y guardaespaldas que son ferozmente leales a él, incluyendo uno llamado Okoye (Danai Gurira). No es común ver como un tejido apretado de la comunidad africana en entretenimiento y uno con más poder y la inteligencia de los Estados Unidos.
T'Challa mismo era un gran personaje. Él no se inicie como un tonto, hombre egoísta, sin embargo, su comportamiento aún cambió radicalmente. Él siempre fue amable y fuerte, y su único defecto era que él ignoraba a ciertas verdades que provocó el conflicto en esta película y él creció con una concepción de la vida que él considera correcta, lo que puede afirmarse que en cierto modo era, pero, al mismo tiempo aprendió a aceptar otros aspectos sobre cómo ser un líder por escuchar a la gente. Él siempre tuvo en lo que otros tienen que decir y, en última instancia, implementada en sus acciones.
Lo que también fue maravilloso es que él era débil y a veces emocional. Ha demostrado estar nervioso, congelación durante la batalla y llorando. Esto puede no parecer tan "innovadora", pero se dice a menudo que los hombres no deben mostrar la emoción, "ser hombre" y dejar de actuar "como una niña." Así que cuando T'Challa lloraba o Shuri ayudaría a su hermano con inventos que hizo, o Okoye y el resto de la hembra soilders lucharía para T'Challa, que es un fuerte visual para todos que las acciones no son un género, son seres humanos.
El lado de caracteres (que sentía como personajes principales a mí) eran tan espectaculares. Como lo mencioné anteriormente, Shuri inventó un montón de cosas para T'Challa para usar durante una batalla, entiende los entresijos de la tecnología. Además de eso, ella no era simplemente un tech nerd, ella era realmente divertido y actuaba como una hermana. Estoy totalmente sentían que eran verdaderos hermanos porque yo podría decir que el amor estaba allí.
Okoye era maravillosa y es todo lo que quiero ser en una mujer. Ella es dura, un gran luchador, admirado por muchos y no comprar en las tendencias americanas de tener el cabello lacio. Ella (y otros), estaban orgullosos de sus características naturales y sólo puedo imaginar el orgullo a niñas y niños sintieron verlos rechazar el cabello liso y abrazando a sus rizos.
¿Qué es un sinónimo que puedo utilizar para Nakia que no he utilizado todavía? Estoy bastante diciendo variaciones de la palabra "gran" ahora...Voy con preciosa. Nakia fue un entrañable personaje que tenían diferentes ideas para T'Challa y sin embargo no recuerdo luchando realmente más de una vez.
Puede haber diferencias, pero cuando hablaron fuera ninguno de ellos parecía que ofendido por los demás pensamientos hasta el punto de que hubo una constante animosidad. Nakia siempre estaba a T'Challa del lado de ayudarlo en sus misiones y emocionarse cuando toda esperanza parecía perdida. Esa es una excelente manera de presentar a la gente cómo tener una conversación normal sin estar indignada por la opinión de alguien.
El resto de los personajes laterales eran fuertes y elementos útiles para la historia, y tanto como yo quisiera abundar en ello, necesito para no convertir este examen en su propio guión.
Por último, hablaré sobre el villano, Kilmonger. Nunca me he sentido tan simpático hacia un bandido desde Loki desde el "Thor", pero después de ver la serie Kilmonger en pantalla, los problemas de Loki parecen ahora problemas de primer mundo.
Recuerdo chocante yo a veces en el teatro porque yo realmente caras con el villano en una medida. Kilmonger tuvo una crianza diferente de T'Challa que le llevan a tener opiniones opuestas sobre cómo deben apoyar a su propia gente, y mientras Kilmonger del método de ir acerca de que estaba equivocado, había una buena cantidad de puntos. Además, la película muestra que su manera de ir adelante con su plan no era algo que él hacía solo porque él estaba mal, pero a causa de sus experiencias como hombres negros que viven en América.
Él pasó por cosas que nadie quiere tratar, y el miedo de que es, le ha sucedido a muchas niñas y niños negros. La discriminación, los asesinatos, la pobreza, todo esto ocurre simplemente por el color de su piel y Kilmonger odiaba a ese hecho.
La película muestra Kilmonger es un hombre muy inteligente y ha trabajado su camino en la vida para ser una persona poderosa en su propio derecho. Esta película muestra el horror es que Kilmonger tuvo todas estas fantásticas características para él, pudo haber sido una influencia positiva de Wakanda y América sino que él tomó un giro oscuro y esto no era porque él nació para eso, las tragedias de su vida influyó en él.
Esto no quiere decir que no toma Kilmonger fallo en sus acciones, pero es deprimente y sin embargo perspicaz para ver un gran potencial se vea empañado por incidentes que no deba suceder a él, pero no sólo por el color de su piel.
Yo no soy tan calificados con hablando de escenografía y música, pero he encontrado tanto de aquellos aspectos que deben ser muy bien. Kendrick Lamar hizo muchas, si no todas, las canciones de esta película, así que si te gusta lo que definitivamente va a estar escuchando la banda sonora de vuelta a casa cuando la película termina.
El ritmo de la película podría ser arrastrado en un poco, pero dado que es la primera película completamente la introducción de los personajes, que era lo que se esperaba. Aún así, si usted no ha visto esta película todavía, tome un buen pan completo antes de hacerlo, porque es más de 2 horas de duración....y quedarse hasta el final de los créditos!
Algunas personas dejan aún después de la película se hace, y estas escenas extra realmente son importantes para ver si sigue todo el universo cinematográfico de Marvel.
¿Qué más se puede decir? Esta fue la película necesaria en este momento de nuestra sociedad. Yo no creo que "la Pantera Negra" ha creado una historia para abordar los problemas de nuestro mundo, pero no hay duda de que ayudó a llevar esas cuestiones a la vida. Cuando alguien -como yo- está sentado allí en el teatro con su corazón detenerse brevemente en las palabras que los personajes dicen, sabes que has conectado a su audiencia.
Doy "Black Panther" Un 5 de 5 estrellas.
Hay hermosas visuales en el comienzo con el chico preguntando acerca de Wakanda. ¿Quién es ese chico de todas formas? La pantera negra cuando era un niño?
Fue la pantera negra en la primera escena en California el mismo ahorro de Wakanda Nakia actualmente?
Interesante cómo se muestran cómo los estadounidenses subestiman los países africanos. Buena observación.
He visto la actriz para Okoye puedo poner mi dedo en ella.
Angela Basset! ¡Hola!!
Puedo decirles que voy a como la hermana, Shuri.
Michael B. Jordan...cómo no he notado cómo el atractivo que hasta ahora?
Museo de la pobre mujer, ella estaba haciendo su trabajo.
Es enfriar a dejar su trabajo como un todo, pero estamos esperando para mantener ese trabajo? Si no, ¿cómo vas a obtener más ingresos? (Refiriéndose a la novia Kilmonger)
Quiero tomar todas las panteras negras home como mascotas! Hermoso paisaje demasiado...
Hola chico de "Black Mirror" y "Salir" (Daniel Kaluuya)
Vaya, Okoye. Usted no tiene que ajustarse a tener vello para apelar a los demás.
Stan Lee, cómo deseo que puedan mostrar en cada película nunca. Su presencia es siempre apreciada.
Espere, ¿por qué estáis matando Kilmonger?! ¿De dónde ha salido?
Me preguntaba cuando la primera escena sería referenciado de nuevo. Estoy tan contento que hicieron eso demasiado, o bien que hubiera sido un gran problema en mi libro. También, así que el chico estaba Kilmonger en la cancha de, sí dejando al niño fue desordenado. Sólo lo eleve en Wakanda, como él va a regresar a América después de eso. Wakanda es próspera y puede proporcionar para el niño, que podría haber sido hecho! Una última cosa...dónde estaba su mamá? Fue sólo después de que su padre murió sin hogar? Si es así, que hace las cosas aún peor!
Daniel Kaluuya, ¡no! No se molesto por no T'Challa "morir" o, en caso contrario, vas a tener que morir!
Toda la escena con Kilmonger y su papá...escalofríos. La línea acerca de personas que mueren cada día por eso él no lloró, la gente no encontrarlas...exactamente cuántas personas se sienten ahora. El niño pobre, maldijo con una imagen de su padre muerto. ¿Cómo puede ser normal después de eso y tener una perspectiva positiva en el mundo?
Que al revés, 360 tiros de Kilmonger ir al trono me confundió durante un segundo, pero lo entiendo ahora. Todo fue volteado sobre su cabeza, un giro de los, película.
Casi se me olvida que otra tribu fue en la película.
"Somos vegetarianos" toda la audiencia agrietado en aquél. Como hice yo.
Yay, salvaron a T'Challa! Al menos no fue ninguna excusa razonable de porqué él sobrevivió.
Es bueno para T'Challa a decir lo que su padre hizo para Kilmonger estaba equivocada, pero al mismo tiempo, es triste que la última vez que él podría comunicarse con su padre fue de esa manera.
"Estás hecho? Estás haciendo?" El hombre, M'Baku es gracioso. Estoy calentando a él.
Woah, me olvidé totalmente sobre el traje de oro Shuri hace! Una buena manera de incorporar nuevamente en la historia.
Okoye no!!! Bueno, es sólo un soldado extra. Nevermind.
Yo no entendía lo que significaba realmente para Kaluuya a arrodillarse delante de Okoye, que parece tonto, porque significa que ahora estaba de pie abajo a pesar de tener la capacidad de matar.
"Enterradme en los océanos de mis antepasados, porque sabía que la muerte era mejor que la servidumbre" maldito...
No puedo creer que estoy diciendo esto, pero deseo Kilmonger no tuviera que morir... pero ya era demasiado tarde para él.
Esta película no dice, "T'Challa derecha. Kilmonger malo". Por el contrario, mostró que ambas tenían los positivos y negativos a sus ideologías y T'Challa notó que y, por tanto, utilizado tanto de los aspectos positivos para ayudar a hacer del mundo un lugar mejor. Esa es una buena narración.
"Black Panther volverá a vengadores: Infinity War" te darn justo lo hará. No vamos a permitir que esta película morir!
"En tiempos de crisis, el sabio construir puentes, mientras que el insensato construir barreras. Debemos encontrar una manera de cuidar de uno a otro como si fuéramos una sola tribu", bueno, bueno, pregunto que se hizo escuchar esa línea...
Es que Bucky? Hola, yo todavía no han visto la Guerra Civil de manera no muy seguro de cómo terminan en Wakanda, pero es tan bueno verte! Estás genial!
Me di cuenta al final de la película que el muchacho preguntando acerca de Wakanda en el principio era Kilmonger. Puedo llorar en una esquina ahora?
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Black Panther (2018)
After the death of his father, T'Challa returns home to the African nation of Wakanda to take his rightful place as king. When a powerful enemy suddenly reappears, T'Challa's mettle as king- and as Black Panther- gets tested when he's drawn into a conflict that puts the fate of Wakanda and the entire world at risk. Faced with treachery and danger, the young king must rally his allies and release the full power of Black Panther to defeat his foes and secure the safety of his people (Source-
Rating- PG-13
Genre- Fantasy/ Science Fiction
Warnings- Minor language
The Marvel universe is becoming incredibly popular in the entertainment industry, seems like everyone who was a fan of Marvel before is pumped for the upcoming line of movies this year and those who weren't fans of Marvel are being inclined to watch them and turn into a loyal moviegoer for the superhero franchise.
One of the first movies that has been expecting a huge turn-out and praise was "Black Panther," a story about an African king who must come to terms with the crisis lurking within his family history as well as his ideals and power being challenged.
What started out as a comic book in 1966 has revived itself into the 21st century with fierce supporters before the movie even came out. For anyone who may read this in the far future wondering what the big deal was with "Black Panther" and why it was praised so much is because during this time there was a lot of issues involving representation in entertainment- movies, television, magazines and so on- where people of color were either not represented often or if they were, they were represented poorly.
Oftentimes people of color, in this case Africans/African Americans, were either portrayed as ghetto, poor or violent just to name a few. Yet with "Black Panther" not only did it stray away from those stereotypes but they also commented on the tragedies that happened to the African people in the past and how that has caused the struggles many people from that background face in their everyday lives.
I believe "Black Panther" is one the toughest movies to critic by far because it has so many things I want to speak about and yet I feel like I fail to have the capacity to speak truly in depth about them without making this review an hour long to read. With that in mind, I will do my best to talk about what I want in as short amount of reading time as I can which will help me condense my thoughts and give you less to go through whilst still providing you with the core ideas that went through my head.
On that note, was "Black Panther" really the groundbreaking film everyone was anticipating or did this film not land on its feet and made a big flop at the box office?
The story of "Black Panther" stars T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) who becomes the king of Wakanda, a vibrant and well-equipped country that is hidden away from the world due to the concern that their resources will be taken advantage of by outsiders. Throughout the film, you get the witness T'Challa interact with people who have specific ideologies about how they're country- as well as how people in general- should help one another.
Should you help people who are not from your culture at all? What about people that are from your background but grew up vastly different from you? Do you keep your resources to yourself to build up your society or share them with others who may not have the knowledge equipped to support their own countries?
All of these questions and more are brought up through the perspectives of T'Challa, Nakia (Lupita Nyong'o) who is a spy for the Wakandan nation, and even Kilmonger (Michael B. Jordan) who is the villain of the film, and a complex one at that.
I found the story to be well-thought out in its pacing and how it addressed all of these questions that made me take a look at my own values. In fact, I'm positive this movie purposely pointed out the faults within our real society and was making statements on it.
I've caught many lines that could easily be referring to how some people treat others in this world, making people suffer just to protect their greed or using violence to defeat violence in their own communities. The movie makes a point to call us out as a society to recognizes these negatives behaviors and to change them in order to make a peaceful world.
The only faults I would have to say about the story is maybe the beginning where there are two individuals who encounter a former Black Panther and the scene is not talked about again for a while, which left me very confused and had me wondering when those particular characters would come into play again. Also, certain lines in the movie could be dated because they are referencing jokes made from previous years. Even so, with these faults I could see the intention behind why these scenes and lines were brought up and they don't ruin the movie, so consider these as nitpicks.
I would say that this story was the story that people needed to hear this year in 2018. Every year there seems to be a lack of happiness in the world with all the disasters and crime running amongst us, yet this year in particular I've seen the lack of hope in people. People do not trust our government, different races, and even their own families. There's such a divide that "Black Panther" seemed like both that mentor guiding us towards the right direction and the breath of fresh air, because again- it strayed away from stereotypes.
T'Challa's life was one filled with luxury, a prosperous society and a loving family unit. He had his mother and his father in the picture, a sister named Shuri (Letitia Wright) and bodyguards who are fiercely loyal to him, including one named Okoye (Danai Gurira). It's not common to see such a tight knit African community in entertainment and one with more power and intelligence than the United States.
T'Challa himself was a great character. He didn't start out as a foolish, selfish man, yet his behavior still changed radically. He was always kind and strong, and his only flaw was that he was ignorant to certain truths that caused the conflict in this movie and he grew up with a conception of life that he believed to be correct, which it can be argued that in a way it was, but at the same time he learned to accept other aspects on how to be a leader by listening to people. He always took in what others had to say and ultimately implemented that into his actions.
What was also wonderful is that he was weak and emotional at times. He's shown being nervous, freezing during battle and crying. This may not sound so "groundbreaking" but it's often said that men should not to show emotion,"be a man" and stop acting "like a girl." So when T'Challa would cry or Shuri would assist her brother with inventions she made, or Okoye and the rest of the female soilders would fight for T'Challa, that's a strong visual for everyone that actions are not a gender, they are human.
The side characters (who felt like main characters to me) were just as spectacular. Like I mentioned earlier, Shuri invented a lot of things for T'Challa to use during a battle, she understood the ins-and-outs of technology. Plus, she was not just a tech nerd, she was really funny and acted like a sister. I totally felt that they were real siblings because I could tell that the love was there.
Okoye was marvelous and is everything I want to be in a woman. She's tough, a great fighter, admired by many and didn't buy into the American trends of having straight hair. She (and the others) were proud of their natural features and I can only imagine the pride little girls and boys felt seeing them reject the straight hair and embracing their curls.
What's a synonym I can use for Nakia that I haven't used yet? I'm pretty much saying variations of the word "great" right now...I'll go with lovely. Nakia was a lovely character who had differing ideas to T'Challa and yet I don't remember them really fighting over it once.
There may have been differences, but when they talked it out neither of them seemed that offended by the other's thoughts to the point where there was constant animosity. Nakia was always by T'Challa's side helping him in his missions and becoming emotional when all hope seemed lost. That's an excellent way to present to people how to have a normal conversation without being angered over someone's opinion.
The rest of the side characters were strong and useful elements to the story, and as much as I want to elaborate on that, I need to not turn this review into its own script.
I'll speak lastly on the villain, Kilmonger. I've never felt so sympathetic towards a villian since Loki from the "Thor" series, but after watching Kilmonger on screen, Loki's problems look like first world problems now.
I remember shocking myself at times in the theater because I actually sided with the villain to an extent. Kilmonger had a different upbringing from T'Challa which lead him to have contrasting views on how they should support their own people, and while Kilmonger's method of going about that was wrong, he had good points to make. In addition, the movie shows that his way of going on with his plan wasn't something he did just because he was evil, but because of his experiences as a black male living in America.
He went through stuff no one wants to deal with, and the scary part about that is, it has happened to many black girls and boys. Discrimination, murder, poverty, all of this occurs just because of the color of their skin and Kilmonger hated that fact.
The movie shows Kilmonger is a very intelligent man and has worked his way up in life to be a powerful person in his own right. The horror this movie shows is that Kilmonger had all of these fantastic traits to him, he could've been a positive influence to Wakanda and America but instead he took a dark turn and this wasn't because he was born to do that, the tragedies in his life influenced him.
This is not to say that Kilmonger takes no fault in his actions, but it's depressing and yet insightful to see great potential be tarnished because of incidents that didn't need to happen to him, but they did just because of the color of his skin.
I'm not as skilled with talking about scenery and music but I found both of those aspects to be just fine. Kendrick Lamar did a lot-if not all-of the songs in this movie, so if you like him you'll definitely be hearing the soundtrack back at home when the movie finishes.
The pacing of the movie could be dragged on just a little bit, but given that it's the first film fully introducing the characters, that's to be expected. Still, if you haven't seen this movie yet, take a nice full nap before you do, because it's over 2 hours long....and stay till the very end of the credits!
Some people still leave after the movie is done, and these extra scenes actually are important to watch if you follow the whole Marvel film universe.
What else is there to say? This was the movie needed in this time in our society. I don't think "Black Panther" created a story to address the problems in our world, but it definitely helped bring those issues to life. When someone- like me- is sitting there in the theater with their heart stopping briefly at the words the characters say, you know you've connected to your audience.
I give "Black Panther" a 5 out of 5 stars.
There are beautiful visuals in the beginning with the kid asking about Wakanda. Who is that kid anyways? The black panther when he was a kid?
Was the black panther in the first scene in California the same one currently in Wakanda saving Nakia?
Interesting how they show how Americans underestimate African countries. Nice observation.
I've seen the actress for Okoye somewhere....I can't put my finger on it.
Angela Basset! Hi!
I can tell that I'm going to like the sister, Shuri.
Michael B. have I not noticed how attractive you are till now?
Poor museum woman, she was just doing her job.
It's cool to leave your job like that an all, but we're expecting to keep that job? If not, how are you going to get more income? (referring to Kilmonger's girlfriend)
I want to take all those black panthers home as my pets! Beautiful scenery too...
Hi guy from "Black Mirror" and "Get out" (Daniel Kaluuya)
You go, Okoye. You don't have to conform to having hair to appeal to others.
Stan Lee, how I wish you could show up in every movie ever. Your presence is always appreciated.
Wait, why are you killing them Kilmonger?! Where did that come from?
I was wondering when the first scene would be referenced again. I'm so glad they did that too, or else that would have been a huge fault in my book. Also, so Kilmonger was the little kid in the basketball, yeah leaving the child was messed up. Just raise him in Wakanda, like he'll return to America after that. Wakanda is prosperous and can provide for the kid, it could've been done! Last thing...where was his mom? Was he just homeless after his dad died? If so, that makes things even worse!
Daniel Kaluuya, no! Don't be not upset over T'Challa "dying" or else you're going to have to die!
The whole scene with Kilmonger and his dad...chills. The line about people dying everyday that's why he didn't cry, people not finding them...exactly how many people feel now. The poor child, cursed with an image of his father dead. How can you be normal after that and have a positive outlook on the world?
That upside-down, 360 shot of Kilmonger going to the throne threw me off for a second but I get it now. Everything was flipped on its head, a turn of smart, movie.
I almost forgot that other tribe was in the movie.
"We are vegetarian" the whole audience cracked up on that one. As did I.
Yay, they saved T'Challa! At least it wasn't any unreasonable excuse for why he survived.
It's nice for T'Challa to say what his dad did to Kilmonger was wrong, but at the same time, it's sad that the last time he might communicate with his father was in that way.
"Are you done? Are you done?" Man, M'Baku is funny. I'm warming up to him.
Woah, I totally forgot about the gold suit Shuri made! Nice way to incorporate it back into the story.
Okoye no!!! Oh, it's just an extra solider. Nevermind.
I didn't understand what it really meant for Kaluuya to kneel in front of Okoye, which seems silly now because it means he was standing down despite having the ability to kill her.
"Bury me in the oceans of my ancestors, because they knew death was better than bondage" Damn...
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish Kilmonger didn't have to die...but it was too late for him.
This movie did not say, "T'Challa right. Kilmonger bad." Instead, it showed that they both had positives and negatives to their ideologies and T'Challa noticed that and thus, used both of the positives to help make the world a better place. That's good storytelling.
"Black Panther will return for Avengers: Infinity War" You darn right he will. We will not let this movie die!
"In times of crisis, the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe," Well, well, well...I wonder who was made to hear that line...
Is that Bucky? Hey, I still haven't seen Civil War so not quite sure how you ended up in Wakanda but it's so good to see you! You look great!
I realized at the end of the movie that the boy asking about Wakanda in the beginning was Kilmonger. Can I cry in a corner now?
Rating- PG-13
Genre- Fantasy/ Science Fiction
Warnings- Minor language
The Marvel universe is becoming incredibly popular in the entertainment industry, seems like everyone who was a fan of Marvel before is pumped for the upcoming line of movies this year and those who weren't fans of Marvel are being inclined to watch them and turn into a loyal moviegoer for the superhero franchise.
One of the first movies that has been expecting a huge turn-out and praise was "Black Panther," a story about an African king who must come to terms with the crisis lurking within his family history as well as his ideals and power being challenged.
What started out as a comic book in 1966 has revived itself into the 21st century with fierce supporters before the movie even came out. For anyone who may read this in the far future wondering what the big deal was with "Black Panther" and why it was praised so much is because during this time there was a lot of issues involving representation in entertainment- movies, television, magazines and so on- where people of color were either not represented often or if they were, they were represented poorly.
Oftentimes people of color, in this case Africans/African Americans, were either portrayed as ghetto, poor or violent just to name a few. Yet with "Black Panther" not only did it stray away from those stereotypes but they also commented on the tragedies that happened to the African people in the past and how that has caused the struggles many people from that background face in their everyday lives.
I believe "Black Panther" is one the toughest movies to critic by far because it has so many things I want to speak about and yet I feel like I fail to have the capacity to speak truly in depth about them without making this review an hour long to read. With that in mind, I will do my best to talk about what I want in as short amount of reading time as I can which will help me condense my thoughts and give you less to go through whilst still providing you with the core ideas that went through my head.
On that note, was "Black Panther" really the groundbreaking film everyone was anticipating or did this film not land on its feet and made a big flop at the box office?
The story of "Black Panther" stars T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) who becomes the king of Wakanda, a vibrant and well-equipped country that is hidden away from the world due to the concern that their resources will be taken advantage of by outsiders. Throughout the film, you get the witness T'Challa interact with people who have specific ideologies about how they're country- as well as how people in general- should help one another.
Should you help people who are not from your culture at all? What about people that are from your background but grew up vastly different from you? Do you keep your resources to yourself to build up your society or share them with others who may not have the knowledge equipped to support their own countries?
All of these questions and more are brought up through the perspectives of T'Challa, Nakia (Lupita Nyong'o) who is a spy for the Wakandan nation, and even Kilmonger (Michael B. Jordan) who is the villain of the film, and a complex one at that.
I found the story to be well-thought out in its pacing and how it addressed all of these questions that made me take a look at my own values. In fact, I'm positive this movie purposely pointed out the faults within our real society and was making statements on it.
I've caught many lines that could easily be referring to how some people treat others in this world, making people suffer just to protect their greed or using violence to defeat violence in their own communities. The movie makes a point to call us out as a society to recognizes these negatives behaviors and to change them in order to make a peaceful world.
The only faults I would have to say about the story is maybe the beginning where there are two individuals who encounter a former Black Panther and the scene is not talked about again for a while, which left me very confused and had me wondering when those particular characters would come into play again. Also, certain lines in the movie could be dated because they are referencing jokes made from previous years. Even so, with these faults I could see the intention behind why these scenes and lines were brought up and they don't ruin the movie, so consider these as nitpicks.
I would say that this story was the story that people needed to hear this year in 2018. Every year there seems to be a lack of happiness in the world with all the disasters and crime running amongst us, yet this year in particular I've seen the lack of hope in people. People do not trust our government, different races, and even their own families. There's such a divide that "Black Panther" seemed like both that mentor guiding us towards the right direction and the breath of fresh air, because again- it strayed away from stereotypes.
T'Challa's life was one filled with luxury, a prosperous society and a loving family unit. He had his mother and his father in the picture, a sister named Shuri (Letitia Wright) and bodyguards who are fiercely loyal to him, including one named Okoye (Danai Gurira). It's not common to see such a tight knit African community in entertainment and one with more power and intelligence than the United States.
T'Challa himself was a great character. He didn't start out as a foolish, selfish man, yet his behavior still changed radically. He was always kind and strong, and his only flaw was that he was ignorant to certain truths that caused the conflict in this movie and he grew up with a conception of life that he believed to be correct, which it can be argued that in a way it was, but at the same time he learned to accept other aspects on how to be a leader by listening to people. He always took in what others had to say and ultimately implemented that into his actions.
What was also wonderful is that he was weak and emotional at times. He's shown being nervous, freezing during battle and crying. This may not sound so "groundbreaking" but it's often said that men should not to show emotion,"be a man" and stop acting "like a girl." So when T'Challa would cry or Shuri would assist her brother with inventions she made, or Okoye and the rest of the female soilders would fight for T'Challa, that's a strong visual for everyone that actions are not a gender, they are human.
The side characters (who felt like main characters to me) were just as spectacular. Like I mentioned earlier, Shuri invented a lot of things for T'Challa to use during a battle, she understood the ins-and-outs of technology. Plus, she was not just a tech nerd, she was really funny and acted like a sister. I totally felt that they were real siblings because I could tell that the love was there.
Okoye was marvelous and is everything I want to be in a woman. She's tough, a great fighter, admired by many and didn't buy into the American trends of having straight hair. She (and the others) were proud of their natural features and I can only imagine the pride little girls and boys felt seeing them reject the straight hair and embracing their curls.
What's a synonym I can use for Nakia that I haven't used yet? I'm pretty much saying variations of the word "great" right now...I'll go with lovely. Nakia was a lovely character who had differing ideas to T'Challa and yet I don't remember them really fighting over it once.
There may have been differences, but when they talked it out neither of them seemed that offended by the other's thoughts to the point where there was constant animosity. Nakia was always by T'Challa's side helping him in his missions and becoming emotional when all hope seemed lost. That's an excellent way to present to people how to have a normal conversation without being angered over someone's opinion.
The rest of the side characters were strong and useful elements to the story, and as much as I want to elaborate on that, I need to not turn this review into its own script.
I'll speak lastly on the villain, Kilmonger. I've never felt so sympathetic towards a villian since Loki from the "Thor" series, but after watching Kilmonger on screen, Loki's problems look like first world problems now.
I remember shocking myself at times in the theater because I actually sided with the villain to an extent. Kilmonger had a different upbringing from T'Challa which lead him to have contrasting views on how they should support their own people, and while Kilmonger's method of going about that was wrong, he had good points to make. In addition, the movie shows that his way of going on with his plan wasn't something he did just because he was evil, but because of his experiences as a black male living in America.
He went through stuff no one wants to deal with, and the scary part about that is, it has happened to many black girls and boys. Discrimination, murder, poverty, all of this occurs just because of the color of their skin and Kilmonger hated that fact.
The movie shows Kilmonger is a very intelligent man and has worked his way up in life to be a powerful person in his own right. The horror this movie shows is that Kilmonger had all of these fantastic traits to him, he could've been a positive influence to Wakanda and America but instead he took a dark turn and this wasn't because he was born to do that, the tragedies in his life influenced him.
This is not to say that Kilmonger takes no fault in his actions, but it's depressing and yet insightful to see great potential be tarnished because of incidents that didn't need to happen to him, but they did just because of the color of his skin.
I'm not as skilled with talking about scenery and music but I found both of those aspects to be just fine. Kendrick Lamar did a lot-if not all-of the songs in this movie, so if you like him you'll definitely be hearing the soundtrack back at home when the movie finishes.
The pacing of the movie could be dragged on just a little bit, but given that it's the first film fully introducing the characters, that's to be expected. Still, if you haven't seen this movie yet, take a nice full nap before you do, because it's over 2 hours long....and stay till the very end of the credits!
Some people still leave after the movie is done, and these extra scenes actually are important to watch if you follow the whole Marvel film universe.
What else is there to say? This was the movie needed in this time in our society. I don't think "Black Panther" created a story to address the problems in our world, but it definitely helped bring those issues to life. When someone- like me- is sitting there in the theater with their heart stopping briefly at the words the characters say, you know you've connected to your audience.
I give "Black Panther" a 5 out of 5 stars.
There are beautiful visuals in the beginning with the kid asking about Wakanda. Who is that kid anyways? The black panther when he was a kid?
Was the black panther in the first scene in California the same one currently in Wakanda saving Nakia?
Interesting how they show how Americans underestimate African countries. Nice observation.
I've seen the actress for Okoye somewhere....I can't put my finger on it.
Angela Basset! Hi!
I can tell that I'm going to like the sister, Shuri.
Michael B. have I not noticed how attractive you are till now?
Poor museum woman, she was just doing her job.
It's cool to leave your job like that an all, but we're expecting to keep that job? If not, how are you going to get more income? (referring to Kilmonger's girlfriend)
I want to take all those black panthers home as my pets! Beautiful scenery too...
Hi guy from "Black Mirror" and "Get out" (Daniel Kaluuya)
You go, Okoye. You don't have to conform to having hair to appeal to others.
Stan Lee, how I wish you could show up in every movie ever. Your presence is always appreciated.
Wait, why are you killing them Kilmonger?! Where did that come from?
I was wondering when the first scene would be referenced again. I'm so glad they did that too, or else that would have been a huge fault in my book. Also, so Kilmonger was the little kid in the basketball, yeah leaving the child was messed up. Just raise him in Wakanda, like he'll return to America after that. Wakanda is prosperous and can provide for the kid, it could've been done! Last thing...where was his mom? Was he just homeless after his dad died? If so, that makes things even worse!
Daniel Kaluuya, no! Don't be not upset over T'Challa "dying" or else you're going to have to die!
The whole scene with Kilmonger and his dad...chills. The line about people dying everyday that's why he didn't cry, people not finding them...exactly how many people feel now. The poor child, cursed with an image of his father dead. How can you be normal after that and have a positive outlook on the world?
That upside-down, 360 shot of Kilmonger going to the throne threw me off for a second but I get it now. Everything was flipped on its head, a turn of smart, movie.
I almost forgot that other tribe was in the movie.
"We are vegetarian" the whole audience cracked up on that one. As did I.
Yay, they saved T'Challa! At least it wasn't any unreasonable excuse for why he survived.
It's nice for T'Challa to say what his dad did to Kilmonger was wrong, but at the same time, it's sad that the last time he might communicate with his father was in that way.
"Are you done? Are you done?" Man, M'Baku is funny. I'm warming up to him.
Woah, I totally forgot about the gold suit Shuri made! Nice way to incorporate it back into the story.
Okoye no!!! Oh, it's just an extra solider. Nevermind.
I didn't understand what it really meant for Kaluuya to kneel in front of Okoye, which seems silly now because it means he was standing down despite having the ability to kill her.
"Bury me in the oceans of my ancestors, because they knew death was better than bondage" Damn...
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish Kilmonger didn't have to die...but it was too late for him.
This movie did not say, "T'Challa right. Kilmonger bad." Instead, it showed that they both had positives and negatives to their ideologies and T'Challa noticed that and thus, used both of the positives to help make the world a better place. That's good storytelling.
"Black Panther will return for Avengers: Infinity War" You darn right he will. We will not let this movie die!
"In times of crisis, the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe," Well, well, well...I wonder who was made to hear that line...
Is that Bucky? Hey, I still haven't seen Civil War so not quite sure how you ended up in Wakanda but it's so good to see you! You look great!
I realized at the end of the movie that the boy asking about Wakanda in the beginning was Kilmonger. Can I cry in a corner now?
Sunday, February 11, 2018
50 Tonos Liberados (2018)
Creyendo que ha dejado atrás la sombra de las figuras del pasado, el multimillonario Christian Gray y su nueva esposa, Anastasia, asumimos plenamente su conexión inextricable y compartió la vida de lujo. Justo como los grises comienzan a paso en sus nuevos roles, siniestra hechos salgan a la luz y comprometer su final feliz antes de que comience. (Fuente:
Rating- R
Género- Romance/Drama
Advertencias- Juramento/desnudez/ situaciones sexuales
Asumí esta película sería liberado en la semana del Día de San Valentín, por razones obvias, pero el día antes de que yo vi esta película me di cuenta de que desde el 09 de febrero- que también tiene sentido demasiado (viendo antes de V-Day y todo).
Si has estado siguiendo mi blog por un tiempo, usted sabe que yo ya tenía una racha de ver la trilogía de 50 tonos y sería una decepción si me fui sin mirar el final de lo que es el mejor o el peor o un buen romance película- dependiendo de cómo se siente la gente acerca de la historia, porque estoy seguro de que incluso si nunca has leído los libros o eres menor de 18 años, debe haber llegado a través de cincuenta tonos sea alguien hablando de él o uno de sus compañeros leer acerca de él durante la clase forense en la Escuela Secundaria (que es lo que realmente me pasó a mí).
El 59 sombras trilogía comenzó como un libro escrito por James E.L como fan ficción para la serie Twilight, con Anastasia Steele ser Bella Swan y Christian gris como Edward no conoce ese hecho por ahora, entonces seguramente puede indicar las similitudes entre los personajes Steele y gris se basa fuera de.
Tras alcanzar la fama con su historia, James' fan-ficción transformado en algo mucho más- de una serie de novelas románticas para que la gente pueda comprar a los estantes y ver en los cines y en DVD. Desde la primera película "cincuenta tonos de gris" publicado en 2015, la historia de amor entre Steele y Gris ha entretenido a las mentes de los amantes y aborrecedores, y ahora finalmente puedo ver el día en que la trilogía ha llegado a su fin y esperemos que no producen secuelas o spin offs.
Otra cosa que usted probablemente sabe si me siguió el tiempo suficiente es que no soy un gran fan de esta trilogía. He leído unos pocos capítulos del primer libro y conocía de varios trazar puntos en las otras dos, pero esa es la medida de mi interés en él (si no contar conmigo viendo las películas también). Historia sabia, me parece que hay un montón de cuestiones relacionadas con el consentimiento, el romance y la moral que las películas parecen estar empujando en nuestras caras.
La primera película trajo sentimientos de malestar para mí después de ver Steele, interpretado por Dakota Johnson, siendo básicamente acechado por Gray interpretado por Jamie Doman, así como ser presionados para estar de acuerdo con un contrato que contenga borderline promesas abusivas. Incluso las personas que practican la dominación y sumisión o roles BDSM han llegado a decir que la película no retrata las relaciones bien y básicamente dice que debe renunciar a todo su autocontrol para alguien que no es lo que una relación sana se supone que debe ser. Incluso en fantasías donde dicen que eres sumisa, incluso tienen normas y puede tomar decisiones sobre cómo quieren ser tratados.
La segunda película parece tratar de rectificar los errores cometidos en la primera película por descenso del control gris por Steele y contar con su llamada fuera de su tontería (lo que de por sí es realmente cagado, pero que rant es para otro día). Aun así, si bien es cierto que mejor dar Steele un backbone, todavía tenía defectos y era muy aburrido para mí cerca del final que yo esperaba que pudiera dejar el teatro antes, no porque sea mala, sino porque me sentía como nada en la pantalla era necesario para la trama.
Ahora que he visto la tercera y última película; mis expectativas para este era sólo para reír. Yo no tenía ni altas ni bajas expectativas- no me esperaba una obra maestra ni un desastre. En resumen, me gustaría tener un buen tiempo burlarse de él. En esa nota, voy a ser elogiado por mis suposiciones correcta o estaba sometido al dolor de una película tan mala que ni siquiera estaba tremendamente bien?
Así la trama de esta película es que Steele y gris plan de casarse y tener una vida juntos, pero hay villanos y los inconvenientes que amenazan que suceda en el futuro. A través de estas dificultades, la pareja debe aprender a confiar el uno en el otro y tener confianza en sí mismos que pueden realizar sus sueños a pesar de sus problemas de primer mundo.
La última línea iba a ser una broma, pero hay algo de verdad en mí porque a lo largo de la historia realmente me reflexionado profundamente acerca de cómo sus problemas deben ser tan difícil para ellos, pero llegan a darse cuenta de que no son realmente. Ha sido evidente desde el principio que el gris es más rico que gente como Donald Trump y Oprah Winfrey, así que cuál es el big deal si él está amenazado por alguien?
En el complemento de su (ahora Steele) dedos, se podría contratar guardias para tratar con los delincuentes, vuela a Hawaii, unas vacaciones, volar hacia atrás y todo ha vuelto a la normalidad. Me sentí como esta película se esforzó para recibir periódicamente las personas de clase media y baja para sentir lástima por los multimillonarios haciendo los problemas más grandes que tenía que ser. Me refiero a los problemas serían nefastas si Steele y gris se dicen, luchando para pagar la renta cada mes o había una comunidad que no protegerlos, pero, de lo contrario, ¿cómo podría yo me siento un poco preocupado por estos dos? Los problemas salir tan pronto como se vaya, en serio que hizo la película avanzar rápidamente con la forma breve los encuentros fueron negativos.
En cuanto a su relación en general, tengo que decir que fue incluso mejor. Podría incluso decir que se convirtió en una relación sana, en fin mirando hacia atrás en lo que se discutía y cómo se comunican sus sentimientos, Gris tiene mucho más madura con permitiendo Steele para tomar sus propias decisiones- o incluso me atrevería a decir- de la lista le permiten hacer lo que quiere.
Él no tiene que permitir que ella haga nada, Steele solo lo que ella quería y cuando había un conflicto en el que yo podría enfatizar con gris. No quiere decir que no eran triviales, pero cuando me vio cuando él estaba enojado por algo, me gustaría pensar que inicialmente se quejan de algo peor que el resultado final y me sentiría aliviado cuando había una denuncia más razonable en su lugar.
He aquí un ejemplo de lo que puede o no estar en la película, sin embargo, no es un gran complot:
Steele- "Todavía quiero ser llamado Anastasia Anastasia Steele y no gris en el trabajo"
Gris- "por qué quieres? ¿Avergonzado de estar casado conmigo?"
Con ese conflicto, en primer lugar me gustaría pensar, "va a decir que ella es su y sólo su, o ella debe estar orgullosos de estar casada con un multimillonario" pero no sólo era yo bien con lo que dijo pero cómo dijo ella; suena sombrío- como él es triste ante la idea de tener a alguien para no estar orgulloso de estar con él. Este emite su sensibilidad hacia su relación y a su vez me hace creer que él se preocupa por ella, aparte de sexo, lo cual es bueno.
Steele ha mejorado, aunque estoy debatiendo si es demasiada mejora. Ella ganó un mayor control en la relación e incluso inició una escena de amor al menos una vez (yay diversidad!), pero se sentía como un montón de escenas ella tenía el mismo formato:
Gris- estás haciendo esto
Steele- No, no soy
Gris- ¿Por qué?
Steele- porque puedo
Es maravilloso tener un papel más positivo modelo con Steele, pero parece redundante hasta el punto donde se pone un poco de "power de chica" para mí, que estaría bien si eso era lo que la película trataba sobre todo.
¿Que sentido? Espero no sexista de sonido porque no estoy, en realidad yo estaba muy orgulloso de Steele en toda su "yo hago lo que quiero" escenas, especialmente una escena donde ella está molesto con gris sobre lo que me gustaría encontrar el clímax de la historia y ella le dice a crecer. Me sentí mis brazos queriendo- la mendicidad- levantar y producir una lenta clap en el teatro porque me quedé impresionado con Steele y Johnson a sí misma para prestar tan bien en esa parte. Me pregunto si la ira vino de estas películas...
Creo que no es una sorpresa que el villano en esta película es de "50 tonos más oscura". No quiero ir mucho porque yo honestamente no tengo mucho que decir al respecto, pero supongo que si hay algo que se dice es que su backstory parece salir de la nada y me gustaría volver a ver la segunda película para ver cualquier insinuación de que estaban conduciendo hasta el backstory, porque no puedo evitar preguntarme qué habría sucedido a Este villano es no estaba en circunstancias concretas (mejor explicado en la sección spoiler).
Creo que sólo hubo un villano y la sola mención de otros villanos de las películas anteriores, si no era sólo una cuestión de circunstancias que obstaculizan Steele y gris, o ahora debo decir- los grises...hablando de eso, conduce a lo que podría ser el crítico que estabas esperando- las escenas de amor.
Entonces, ¿cómo fueron las escenas de amor en este cine? Bueno, es una sensación difícil de describir, pero se sentía como esta película tenía demasiados y demasiado poco de las escenas de amor.
Hubo, al menos, 4 en total, he intentado contar, pero perdió la pista después de 4, y todos ellos son sumamente breves. No tuve tiempo de squirm en mi asiento, evite el contacto visual con otros cinéfilos porque las escenas de amor se completa en 2 minutos tops. Creo que tiene mejor, aunque cuando se trata de la creatividad, incluso hay uno relativo a la alimentación, pero personalmente, lo que me hizo recular en disgusto porque todo lo que yo podía pensar era los gérmenes que pudieron atrapar. Fue una experiencia de la que seguro voy a tener en cuenta para futuras referencias.
Sin embargo, a pesar de la creatividad, todavía no trajo para mí. Esto se conoce como una novela pornográfica! Yo no soy ni siquiera que se abren como una persona por decir, pero pensé en otras 10 travieso cosas Steele y gris podría haber hecho que la habitación roja! Parecía sencillamente los típicos niveles básicos de BDSM un par intentaría su primera vez. Además, en cuanto a la desnudez, había mucho más de él en esta última película. Ninguno de Gray's zonas privadas- por supuesto que no, pero hubo una tonelada de Steele senos mirar desde el principio. Espere, hay un par de escenas con gris inferior se muestra en la vista clara de modo que si alguien está en ello, quizá te gustaría esta película.
Para envolver todo esto, "50 tonos liberados" era una delicia de ver. No estoy diciendo que era increíble, pero creo que era mi película favorita de la trilogía. Steele y gris tienen mejor química y tienen más escenas de ser algo más que un par de lujuriosos y siendo realmente más doméstico, más comunicación y más calientes escenas de amor. Aunque unos pocos momentos eran francamente mal a gris del personaje en particular, sé que el guión ha principalmente a seguir el diálogo en el libro de modo que no es de extrañar que parecía tan off-clave para mí.
La comedia fue divertido, hubo unas pocas líneas personajes dice aquí y allá que si les captura hará que se hunden. El villano parecía estar allí sólo para agregar más conflicto, al igual que tomaron un carácter que normalmente acaba de pasar con la vida y, en cambio, hizo de él un maníaco. Las situaciones extremas Steele y gris encuentro fueron difíciles de relacionar demasiado porque yo sólo sabía con su propio dinero, estaría muy bien.
Por último, algo que creo que no he mencionado todavía, pero sólo porque vino a mí como yo estaba escribiendo- hay algunas parcelas laterales que salen de la nada o no se han resuelto, por lo que estoy aquí sentado seriamente preocupado por los personajes involucrados en ellas porque estoy como, "¿Qué les pasó?! ¿Están bien?" Una cosa más, al igual que la primera película- éste terminó demasiado pronto! Al menos lo parece, cuando el final se acercaba estaba tan sorprendido. Se sentía como que viendo un espectáculo de 30 minutos, lo juro. Quizás que muestra cuánto he disfrutado más de él.
Esta trilogía seguro fue interesante y me alegro de que me puede dar un sabor de mi experiencia con él. 50 Tonos de despedida, será perdida.
Estoy dando "50 Tonos Liberados" Un 3 de 5 estrellas.
Wow, directamente a la boda! Pensé en que yo podía ver su licenciatura y una despedida de soltera, la ducha nupcial, etc. Aunque dudo gris permitiría una despedida de soltera para Steele...qué ha cuidado? Que haría trampa en un guapo millonario?
Sólo tienen una dama de honor y el mejor hombre? Pensándolo bien, ninguno de ellos parece ser el tipo A tiene un montón de amigos.
Es gris bailando con la anciana? Señora, si sabía dónde esas manos han sido.
Hay una niña en la boda? Chica, si tu supieras...
"Tú propio esto?" Steele, se dirigió a este hombre del personal Helicóptero y jet y barco antes. No me sorprendería si él tenía un avión demasiado!
¿Por qué su cabello trenzado gris? Fue que se mencionó antes? En el libro?
Si Steele dormía en su estómago y dijo que arrastró, entonces ella tendría que quedado dormido sentado y tendido sobre su espalda que sería raro. Sé que probablemente estaba mintiendo pero sólo pensarlo me pone en cuestión.
Bueno, tuvimos que tener motivación para una escena de amor. Supongo que está en topless en una playa nudista sin permiso lo haría.
Steele es gemir más fuerte por la anticipación del sexo, en lugar de tener sexo.
Oh no, problemas de privilegiados. Alguien rompió y poner una bomba en el edificio. Conseguir otro.
"¿Por qué tendría que hacerlo?" Steele. Este hombre perdió su trabajo porque de gris tras haber intentado agredir sexualmente y gris que le ponga en su posición. Quizás esa es una razón clara de por qué él quiere arruinar Gray's business!
Sentimos que tenemos que cancelar nuestras vacaciones, Steele. Entraremos en otro día de mañana, después de que consigamos esta fijo.
Sé de algunas personas que naturalmente entablar contacto físico con otros, incluso si no están comprometidos con ellos, así que me pregunté qué habría sucedido si Steele confrontado a la chica rubia (no recuerdo su nombre), dijo que "no se acerque a mi hombre" en el habla y la rubia estaba como, "Yo realmente no estaba tratando de hacer algo. Sólo estás inseguro acerca de sí mismo y la necesidad de centrarse en sus propios problemas."
es hacerlo en un coche todo lo que realmente cómodo? Además, esa escena fue demasiado rápido. Si que iba a ser incluido, que necesitaban para hacerlo más largo porque me acaba de recordar que sucedió mientras escribía el último comentario abajo.
El lavar el cabello escena fue muy lindo, pero las cosas sexy intentaron sembraran parecía innecesario. Si fue sólo un gracioso, desenfadado momento entre las dos que hubiera sido genial.
Hola Steele es rubia amigo....(busca nombre) Kate! Usted no eran ni siquiera en la última película, estaba usted? Y ahora vamos a centrarnos en su relación con Elliot y si él es hacer trampas o no. Se trata de algo que realmente me importa?
He escuchado a una chica suspiro audiblemente cuando Jack Hyde agarró Steele en su casa. Me pareció gracioso a señalar.
Yo agrietada con Steele dijo que ella y el gris tuvo algo que enlazado con Hyde, que era bastante inteligente.
Fue realmente ese malo que usted tenía que decir su palabra de seguridad, Steele? Prefiero no describir la escena de amor sólo la frustración sexual, no dolor. Él no estaba exactamente lastimando como vas a morir, que es justo lo que las parejas lo hacen. Sé que fue por venganza, estaba tan mal.
Lo bonito de gris para que todos los amigos de Steele por vacaciones- es que José?! ¿Por qué iba a traer gris José para una casa de vacaciones?! Lo que hemos visto de él que sugiere incluso que él sería su mejor comportamiento en torno a Steele y no intentar hacer un pase en ella de nuevo? Él intentó besar a ella y presenta retratos de ella en un museo de arte sin su conocimiento. Creepy mucho?
Steele comer helado por la noche sin ningún motivo. Los síntomas del embarazo?
Pensé alimentos juegan era divertido, pero mirando Steele poner esa cuchara contra Gray's en la parte inferior del abdomen donde el pelo se me hace temblar. Nunca me gusto esa cuchara de nuevo.
Quizá Elliot no es hacer trampas. Tal vez alguien que simplemente le ayudó a conseguir un anillo de Kate.
Yo estaba esperando el script no tendría el exabrupto de gris en la película. Ahora tengo gusto de él menos. Estoy seguro Steele perdonarل pero yo nunca podría hacer eso. Nota al margen: ¿Por qué él está siendo tan enojado acerca de tener un bebé? Usted tiene guardias, simplemente dejar que uno de ellos sea una niñera! ¿Por qué estás haciendo esto más difícil?!
La reacción del gris al bebé puede ser una niña fue gracioso. Me gustaría verle de nuevo.
"No eres un niño más, así crecer el ****" (da palmadas) Gracias por ponerlo en su lugar...
Steele, aunque no sé si debería decirle a Kate acerca de Elliot's las trampas posibles...
El secuestro de la hermana de gris se acaba de dar a Rita Ora más tiempo de pantalla, ¿verdad? Yo siempre sentía que no era necesario en la película en absoluto.
Quien es Liz nuevamente...? Es que Grey's ex amante? Lo siento, yo realmente no recuerdo su a todos.
"Eres toda mi vida", la última película afirman que sólo eran dating durante 3 semanas, y dentro de ustedes que tuvo una pausa, y sólo puedo asumir que el tiempo desde que se casó era como otra semana y ahora tienen un bebé, así que... en la mayoría podrá conocerse por un poco menos de un año antes de que llegue el bebé.
Así que todo lo que se necesita para el gris para abrirse, decir lo siento, estar comprometido con el bebé y llorar por Steele es cuando ella y el bebé están cerca de la muerte. Tomar notas, chicas! Cuando me guy estará comprometida a usted sólo después de casi morir, que es el verdadero amor!
Cuando "LOVE ME LIKE YOU Do" y los flashbacks a las otras películas salieron, me sentí realmente ganas de llorar. Creo que con cualquier película que hace algo como eso. Lo hice con "Twilight: Amanecer pt. 2" también.
Ese mensaje de texto era seductora para asegurarse. Bueno para usted, Steele.
Que la foto de Steele sentado en la sala roja estaba bien hecho. Si la película terminó sólo en eso, estaría muy bien. Ver Steele con la trenza aunque me recuerda… ¿por qué no tenemos una respuesta a por qué las trenzas de su pelo gris como ese?!
Lindo bebé...pero no a su bebé. Ese bebé luce como ninguno de ellos. Me alegro de que sacó la 'línea de lactancia" aunque. Es un lindo final para una trilogía llena de sexo contrario.
(sentado en mi centro de estudiantes de la universidad de disfrutar de un espectáculo de comedia cuando de repente me recuerde...) LO HIZO ELLIOT ENGANAR O NO?! NUNCA HUBO UNA REPUESTA PARA ESO!
Rating- R
Género- Romance/Drama
Advertencias- Juramento/desnudez/ situaciones sexuales
Asumí esta película sería liberado en la semana del Día de San Valentín, por razones obvias, pero el día antes de que yo vi esta película me di cuenta de que desde el 09 de febrero- que también tiene sentido demasiado (viendo antes de V-Day y todo).
Si has estado siguiendo mi blog por un tiempo, usted sabe que yo ya tenía una racha de ver la trilogía de 50 tonos y sería una decepción si me fui sin mirar el final de lo que es el mejor o el peor o un buen romance película- dependiendo de cómo se siente la gente acerca de la historia, porque estoy seguro de que incluso si nunca has leído los libros o eres menor de 18 años, debe haber llegado a través de cincuenta tonos sea alguien hablando de él o uno de sus compañeros leer acerca de él durante la clase forense en la Escuela Secundaria (que es lo que realmente me pasó a mí).
El 59 sombras trilogía comenzó como un libro escrito por James E.L como fan ficción para la serie Twilight, con Anastasia Steele ser Bella Swan y Christian gris como Edward no conoce ese hecho por ahora, entonces seguramente puede indicar las similitudes entre los personajes Steele y gris se basa fuera de.
Tras alcanzar la fama con su historia, James' fan-ficción transformado en algo mucho más- de una serie de novelas románticas para que la gente pueda comprar a los estantes y ver en los cines y en DVD. Desde la primera película "cincuenta tonos de gris" publicado en 2015, la historia de amor entre Steele y Gris ha entretenido a las mentes de los amantes y aborrecedores, y ahora finalmente puedo ver el día en que la trilogía ha llegado a su fin y esperemos que no producen secuelas o spin offs.
Otra cosa que usted probablemente sabe si me siguió el tiempo suficiente es que no soy un gran fan de esta trilogía. He leído unos pocos capítulos del primer libro y conocía de varios trazar puntos en las otras dos, pero esa es la medida de mi interés en él (si no contar conmigo viendo las películas también). Historia sabia, me parece que hay un montón de cuestiones relacionadas con el consentimiento, el romance y la moral que las películas parecen estar empujando en nuestras caras.
La primera película trajo sentimientos de malestar para mí después de ver Steele, interpretado por Dakota Johnson, siendo básicamente acechado por Gray interpretado por Jamie Doman, así como ser presionados para estar de acuerdo con un contrato que contenga borderline promesas abusivas. Incluso las personas que practican la dominación y sumisión o roles BDSM han llegado a decir que la película no retrata las relaciones bien y básicamente dice que debe renunciar a todo su autocontrol para alguien que no es lo que una relación sana se supone que debe ser. Incluso en fantasías donde dicen que eres sumisa, incluso tienen normas y puede tomar decisiones sobre cómo quieren ser tratados.
La segunda película parece tratar de rectificar los errores cometidos en la primera película por descenso del control gris por Steele y contar con su llamada fuera de su tontería (lo que de por sí es realmente cagado, pero que rant es para otro día). Aun así, si bien es cierto que mejor dar Steele un backbone, todavía tenía defectos y era muy aburrido para mí cerca del final que yo esperaba que pudiera dejar el teatro antes, no porque sea mala, sino porque me sentía como nada en la pantalla era necesario para la trama.
Ahora que he visto la tercera y última película; mis expectativas para este era sólo para reír. Yo no tenía ni altas ni bajas expectativas- no me esperaba una obra maestra ni un desastre. En resumen, me gustaría tener un buen tiempo burlarse de él. En esa nota, voy a ser elogiado por mis suposiciones correcta o estaba sometido al dolor de una película tan mala que ni siquiera estaba tremendamente bien?
Así la trama de esta película es que Steele y gris plan de casarse y tener una vida juntos, pero hay villanos y los inconvenientes que amenazan que suceda en el futuro. A través de estas dificultades, la pareja debe aprender a confiar el uno en el otro y tener confianza en sí mismos que pueden realizar sus sueños a pesar de sus problemas de primer mundo.
La última línea iba a ser una broma, pero hay algo de verdad en mí porque a lo largo de la historia realmente me reflexionado profundamente acerca de cómo sus problemas deben ser tan difícil para ellos, pero llegan a darse cuenta de que no son realmente. Ha sido evidente desde el principio que el gris es más rico que gente como Donald Trump y Oprah Winfrey, así que cuál es el big deal si él está amenazado por alguien?
En cuanto a su relación en general, tengo que decir que fue incluso mejor. Podría incluso decir que se convirtió en una relación sana, en fin mirando hacia atrás en lo que se discutía y cómo se comunican sus sentimientos, Gris tiene mucho más madura con permitiendo Steele para tomar sus propias decisiones- o incluso me atrevería a decir- de la lista le permiten hacer lo que quiere.
Él no tiene que permitir que ella haga nada, Steele solo lo que ella quería y cuando había un conflicto en el que yo podría enfatizar con gris. No quiere decir que no eran triviales, pero cuando me vio cuando él estaba enojado por algo, me gustaría pensar que inicialmente se quejan de algo peor que el resultado final y me sentiría aliviado cuando había una denuncia más razonable en su lugar.
He aquí un ejemplo de lo que puede o no estar en la película, sin embargo, no es un gran complot:
Steele- "Todavía quiero ser llamado Anastasia Anastasia Steele y no gris en el trabajo"
Gris- "por qué quieres? ¿Avergonzado de estar casado conmigo?"
Con ese conflicto, en primer lugar me gustaría pensar, "va a decir que ella es su y sólo su, o ella debe estar orgullosos de estar casada con un multimillonario" pero no sólo era yo bien con lo que dijo pero cómo dijo ella; suena sombrío- como él es triste ante la idea de tener a alguien para no estar orgulloso de estar con él. Este emite su sensibilidad hacia su relación y a su vez me hace creer que él se preocupa por ella, aparte de sexo, lo cual es bueno.
Steele ha mejorado, aunque estoy debatiendo si es demasiada mejora. Ella ganó un mayor control en la relación e incluso inició una escena de amor al menos una vez (yay diversidad!), pero se sentía como un montón de escenas ella tenía el mismo formato:
Gris- estás haciendo esto
Steele- No, no soy
Gris- ¿Por qué?
Steele- porque puedo
Es maravilloso tener un papel más positivo modelo con Steele, pero parece redundante hasta el punto donde se pone un poco de "power de chica" para mí, que estaría bien si eso era lo que la película trataba sobre todo.
¿Que sentido? Espero no sexista de sonido porque no estoy, en realidad yo estaba muy orgulloso de Steele en toda su "yo hago lo que quiero" escenas, especialmente una escena donde ella está molesto con gris sobre lo que me gustaría encontrar el clímax de la historia y ella le dice a crecer. Me sentí mis brazos queriendo- la mendicidad- levantar y producir una lenta clap en el teatro porque me quedé impresionado con Steele y Johnson a sí misma para prestar tan bien en esa parte. Me pregunto si la ira vino de estas películas...
Creo que no es una sorpresa que el villano en esta película es de "50 tonos más oscura". No quiero ir mucho porque yo honestamente no tengo mucho que decir al respecto, pero supongo que si hay algo que se dice es que su backstory parece salir de la nada y me gustaría volver a ver la segunda película para ver cualquier insinuación de que estaban conduciendo hasta el backstory, porque no puedo evitar preguntarme qué habría sucedido a Este villano es no estaba en circunstancias concretas (mejor explicado en la sección spoiler).
Creo que sólo hubo un villano y la sola mención de otros villanos de las películas anteriores, si no era sólo una cuestión de circunstancias que obstaculizan Steele y gris, o ahora debo decir- los grises...hablando de eso, conduce a lo que podría ser el crítico que estabas esperando- las escenas de amor.
Entonces, ¿cómo fueron las escenas de amor en este cine? Bueno, es una sensación difícil de describir, pero se sentía como esta película tenía demasiados y demasiado poco de las escenas de amor.
Hubo, al menos, 4 en total, he intentado contar, pero perdió la pista después de 4, y todos ellos son sumamente breves. No tuve tiempo de squirm en mi asiento, evite el contacto visual con otros cinéfilos porque las escenas de amor se completa en 2 minutos tops. Creo que tiene mejor, aunque cuando se trata de la creatividad, incluso hay uno relativo a la alimentación, pero personalmente, lo que me hizo recular en disgusto porque todo lo que yo podía pensar era los gérmenes que pudieron atrapar. Fue una experiencia de la que seguro voy a tener en cuenta para futuras referencias.
Sin embargo, a pesar de la creatividad, todavía no trajo para mí. Esto se conoce como una novela pornográfica! Yo no soy ni siquiera que se abren como una persona por decir, pero pensé en otras 10 travieso cosas Steele y gris podría haber hecho que la habitación roja! Parecía sencillamente los típicos niveles básicos de BDSM un par intentaría su primera vez. Además, en cuanto a la desnudez, había mucho más de él en esta última película. Ninguno de Gray's zonas privadas- por supuesto que no, pero hubo una tonelada de Steele senos mirar desde el principio. Espere, hay un par de escenas con gris inferior se muestra en la vista clara de modo que si alguien está en ello, quizá te gustaría esta película.
Para envolver todo esto, "50 tonos liberados" era una delicia de ver. No estoy diciendo que era increíble, pero creo que era mi película favorita de la trilogía. Steele y gris tienen mejor química y tienen más escenas de ser algo más que un par de lujuriosos y siendo realmente más doméstico, más comunicación y más calientes escenas de amor. Aunque unos pocos momentos eran francamente mal a gris del personaje en particular, sé que el guión ha principalmente a seguir el diálogo en el libro de modo que no es de extrañar que parecía tan off-clave para mí.
La comedia fue divertido, hubo unas pocas líneas personajes dice aquí y allá que si les captura hará que se hunden. El villano parecía estar allí sólo para agregar más conflicto, al igual que tomaron un carácter que normalmente acaba de pasar con la vida y, en cambio, hizo de él un maníaco. Las situaciones extremas Steele y gris encuentro fueron difíciles de relacionar demasiado porque yo sólo sabía con su propio dinero, estaría muy bien.
Por último, algo que creo que no he mencionado todavía, pero sólo porque vino a mí como yo estaba escribiendo- hay algunas parcelas laterales que salen de la nada o no se han resuelto, por lo que estoy aquí sentado seriamente preocupado por los personajes involucrados en ellas porque estoy como, "¿Qué les pasó?! ¿Están bien?" Una cosa más, al igual que la primera película- éste terminó demasiado pronto! Al menos lo parece, cuando el final se acercaba estaba tan sorprendido. Se sentía como que viendo un espectáculo de 30 minutos, lo juro. Quizás que muestra cuánto he disfrutado más de él.
Esta trilogía seguro fue interesante y me alegro de que me puede dar un sabor de mi experiencia con él. 50 Tonos de despedida, será perdida.
Estoy dando "50 Tonos Liberados" Un 3 de 5 estrellas.
Wow, directamente a la boda! Pensé en que yo podía ver su licenciatura y una despedida de soltera, la ducha nupcial, etc. Aunque dudo gris permitiría una despedida de soltera para Steele...qué ha cuidado? Que haría trampa en un guapo millonario?
Sólo tienen una dama de honor y el mejor hombre? Pensándolo bien, ninguno de ellos parece ser el tipo A tiene un montón de amigos.
Es gris bailando con la anciana? Señora, si sabía dónde esas manos han sido.
Hay una niña en la boda? Chica, si tu supieras...
"Tú propio esto?" Steele, se dirigió a este hombre del personal Helicóptero y jet y barco antes. No me sorprendería si él tenía un avión demasiado!
¿Por qué su cabello trenzado gris? Fue que se mencionó antes? En el libro?
Si Steele dormía en su estómago y dijo que arrastró, entonces ella tendría que quedado dormido sentado y tendido sobre su espalda que sería raro. Sé que probablemente estaba mintiendo pero sólo pensarlo me pone en cuestión.
Bueno, tuvimos que tener motivación para una escena de amor. Supongo que está en topless en una playa nudista sin permiso lo haría.
Steele es gemir más fuerte por la anticipación del sexo, en lugar de tener sexo.
Oh no, problemas de privilegiados. Alguien rompió y poner una bomba en el edificio. Conseguir otro.
"¿Por qué tendría que hacerlo?" Steele. Este hombre perdió su trabajo porque de gris tras haber intentado agredir sexualmente y gris que le ponga en su posición. Quizás esa es una razón clara de por qué él quiere arruinar Gray's business!
Sentimos que tenemos que cancelar nuestras vacaciones, Steele. Entraremos en otro día de mañana, después de que consigamos esta fijo.
Sé de algunas personas que naturalmente entablar contacto físico con otros, incluso si no están comprometidos con ellos, así que me pregunté qué habría sucedido si Steele confrontado a la chica rubia (no recuerdo su nombre), dijo que "no se acerque a mi hombre" en el habla y la rubia estaba como, "Yo realmente no estaba tratando de hacer algo. Sólo estás inseguro acerca de sí mismo y la necesidad de centrarse en sus propios problemas."
es hacerlo en un coche todo lo que realmente cómodo? Además, esa escena fue demasiado rápido. Si que iba a ser incluido, que necesitaban para hacerlo más largo porque me acaba de recordar que sucedió mientras escribía el último comentario abajo.
El lavar el cabello escena fue muy lindo, pero las cosas sexy intentaron sembraran parecía innecesario. Si fue sólo un gracioso, desenfadado momento entre las dos que hubiera sido genial.
Hola Steele es rubia amigo....(busca nombre) Kate! Usted no eran ni siquiera en la última película, estaba usted? Y ahora vamos a centrarnos en su relación con Elliot y si él es hacer trampas o no. Se trata de algo que realmente me importa?
He escuchado a una chica suspiro audiblemente cuando Jack Hyde agarró Steele en su casa. Me pareció gracioso a señalar.
Yo agrietada con Steele dijo que ella y el gris tuvo algo que enlazado con Hyde, que era bastante inteligente.
Fue realmente ese malo que usted tenía que decir su palabra de seguridad, Steele? Prefiero no describir la escena de amor sólo la frustración sexual, no dolor. Él no estaba exactamente lastimando como vas a morir, que es justo lo que las parejas lo hacen. Sé que fue por venganza, estaba tan mal.
Lo bonito de gris para que todos los amigos de Steele por vacaciones- es que José?! ¿Por qué iba a traer gris José para una casa de vacaciones?! Lo que hemos visto de él que sugiere incluso que él sería su mejor comportamiento en torno a Steele y no intentar hacer un pase en ella de nuevo? Él intentó besar a ella y presenta retratos de ella en un museo de arte sin su conocimiento. Creepy mucho?
Steele comer helado por la noche sin ningún motivo. Los síntomas del embarazo?
Pensé alimentos juegan era divertido, pero mirando Steele poner esa cuchara contra Gray's en la parte inferior del abdomen donde el pelo se me hace temblar. Nunca me gusto esa cuchara de nuevo.
Quizá Elliot no es hacer trampas. Tal vez alguien que simplemente le ayudó a conseguir un anillo de Kate.
Yo estaba esperando el script no tendría el exabrupto de gris en la película. Ahora tengo gusto de él menos. Estoy seguro Steele perdonarل pero yo nunca podría hacer eso. Nota al margen: ¿Por qué él está siendo tan enojado acerca de tener un bebé? Usted tiene guardias, simplemente dejar que uno de ellos sea una niñera! ¿Por qué estás haciendo esto más difícil?!
La reacción del gris al bebé puede ser una niña fue gracioso. Me gustaría verle de nuevo.
"No eres un niño más, así crecer el ****" (da palmadas) Gracias por ponerlo en su lugar...
Steele, aunque no sé si debería decirle a Kate acerca de Elliot's las trampas posibles...
El secuestro de la hermana de gris se acaba de dar a Rita Ora más tiempo de pantalla, ¿verdad? Yo siempre sentía que no era necesario en la película en absoluto.
Quien es Liz nuevamente...? Es que Grey's ex amante? Lo siento, yo realmente no recuerdo su a todos.
"Eres toda mi vida", la última película afirman que sólo eran dating durante 3 semanas, y dentro de ustedes que tuvo una pausa, y sólo puedo asumir que el tiempo desde que se casó era como otra semana y ahora tienen un bebé, así que... en la mayoría podrá conocerse por un poco menos de un año antes de que llegue el bebé.
Así que todo lo que se necesita para el gris para abrirse, decir lo siento, estar comprometido con el bebé y llorar por Steele es cuando ella y el bebé están cerca de la muerte. Tomar notas, chicas! Cuando me guy estará comprometida a usted sólo después de casi morir, que es el verdadero amor!
Cuando "LOVE ME LIKE YOU Do" y los flashbacks a las otras películas salieron, me sentí realmente ganas de llorar. Creo que con cualquier película que hace algo como eso. Lo hice con "Twilight: Amanecer pt. 2" también.
Ese mensaje de texto era seductora para asegurarse. Bueno para usted, Steele.
Que la foto de Steele sentado en la sala roja estaba bien hecho. Si la película terminó sólo en eso, estaría muy bien. Ver Steele con la trenza aunque me recuerda… ¿por qué no tenemos una respuesta a por qué las trenzas de su pelo gris como ese?!
Lindo bebé...pero no a su bebé. Ese bebé luce como ninguno de ellos. Me alegro de que sacó la 'línea de lactancia" aunque. Es un lindo final para una trilogía llena de sexo contrario.
(sentado en mi centro de estudiantes de la universidad de disfrutar de un espectáculo de comedia cuando de repente me recuerde...) LO HIZO ELLIOT ENGANAR O NO?! NUNCA HUBO UNA REPUESTA PARA ESO!
Fifty Shades Freed (2018)
Believing they've left behind the shadowy figures from the past, billionaire Christian Grey and his new wife, Anastasia, fully embrace their inextricable connection and shared life of luxury. Just as the Greys begin to step into their new roles, sinister events come to light and jeopardize their happy ending before it even begins. (Source:
Rating- R
Genre- Romance/Drama
Warnings- Swearing/Nudity/Sexual Situations
I assumed this movie would be released on the week of Valentine's Day for obvious reasons, but the day before I saw this movie I realized that it's been out since Feb. 9- which also makes sense too (watching it before V-day and all).
If you've been following my blog for a while you know that I already had a streak with watching the Fifty Shades trilogy and it would be such a letdown if I went without watching the finale of what is the worst or best or an okay romance movie- depending on how people feel about the story because I'm sure that even if you've never read the books or you're younger than 18 years old, you must have come across Fifty Shades whether it be someone talking about it or one of your classmates reading about it during Forensics class in High School (which is what really happened to me).
The Fifty Shades trilogy started out as a book written by E.L James as a fan-fiction for the Twilight series, with Anastasia Steele being Bella Swan and Christian Grey as Edward Cullen...if you didn't know that fact by now then surely you can tell the similarities between the characters Steele and Grey are based off of.
After reaching fame with her story, James' fan-fiction transformed into something much more- a series of romance novels for people to buy off bookshelves and watch in theaters and DvD. Since the first film "Fifty Shades of Grey" released back in 2015, the love story between Steele and Grey has further entertained the minds of both lovers and haters, and now I can finally see the day where the trilogy has come to an end and hopefully not produce sequels or spin offs.
Another thing you probably know if you followed me long enough is that I'm not a huge fan of this trilogy. I've read a few chapters of the first book and knew of several plot points in the other two, but that's the extent of my interest in it (if you don't count me watching the movies as well). Story wise, I find there to be a lot of issues involving consent, romance, and the morals that the movies seem to be pushing in our faces.
The first film brought up feelings of discomfort for me after seeing Steele, played by Dakota Johnson, being basically stalked by Grey played by Jamie Dornan, as well as being pressured to be in agreement to a contract that contains borderline abusive promises. Even people who practice the dominance and submissive or BDSM roles have come out to say that the movie does not portray those relationships well and it basically says you must give up all of your self-control for someone else which is not what a healthy relationship is supposed to be like. Even in fantasies where you say you're submissive, even they have standards and can make decisions on how they want to be treated.
The second movie seemed to try and rectify the mistakes in the first movie by lowering Grey's control on Steele and having her call out his nonsense (which by itself is really screwed up, but that rant is for another day). Even so, while it did better to give Steele a backbone, it still had flaws and was very boring to me near the end that I was hoping I could leave the theater sooner not because it was bad, but because I felt like nothing on the screen was necessary to the plot.
Now I've just watched the third and final film; my expectations for this one was just to laugh. I had neither high nor low expectations- I didn't expect a masterpiece nor a disaster. In short, I'd have a good time making fun of it. So on that note, am I to be praised for my correct assumptions or was I subjected to pain from a movie so bad it wasn't even hilariously good?
So the plot of this film is that Steele and Grey get married and plan to have a life together, but there are villains and inconveniences that threaten that future from happening. Through these hardships, the couple must learn to trust in one another and be confident in themselves that they can make their dreams come true despite their first world problems.
That last line was meant to be a joke, but there is some truth to in for me because throughout the story I really thought deeply about how their issues must be so difficult for them but come to realize that they're really not. It's been obvious from the start that Grey is richer than people like Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey, so what's the big deal if he is being threatened by somebody?
At the snap of his (and now Steele's) fingers, they could hire guards to deal with their offenders, fly out to Hawaii, have a vacation, fly back and everything is back to normal. I felt like this movie tried hard to get regular middle and low class people to feel sorry for billionaires by making the problems bigger than they had to be. I mean the problems would be dire if Steele and Grey were say, struggling to pay rent every month or had a community that wouldn't protect them, but otherwise how could I feel a bit worried for these two? The problems leave as soon as they go, seriously it made the movie move quickly with how brief the negative encounters were.
As for their relationship in general, I have to say it got even better. I could even say that it turned into a healthy relationship in the end. Looking back on what they argued about and how they communicated their feelings, Grey got way more mature with allowing Steele to make her own decisions- or dare I say- let her do what she wants.
He didn't have to allow her to do anything, Steele just did what she wanted and when there was a conflict in that I could emphasize with Grey. Not to say they weren't trivial, but when I saw when he was angry about something, I would initially think he would complain about something worse than the final result and I'd feel relieved when he had a more reasonable complaint instead.
Here's an example for you that may or may not be in the movie, but regardless it is not a major plot point:
Steele- "I still want to be called Anastasia Steele and not Anastasia Grey at work"
Grey- "Why would you want that? Are you ashamed of being married to me?"
With that conflict, I would at first think, "He's going to say that she is his and only his, or she should be proud to be married to a billionaire" but not only was I fine with what he said but how he said it; it sounds somber- like he is sad at the thought of having someone not be proud to be with him. This gives off his sensitivity towards their relationship and in turn makes me believe that he cares about her aside from sex, which is good.
Steele has improved to, although I'm debating if it's too much improvement. She gained more control in the relationship and even initiated a love scene at least once (yay diversity!) but it felt like a lot of her scenes had the same format:
Grey- You're doing this
Steele- No, I'm not
Grey- Why?
Steele- Because I can
It's wonderful to have a more positive role model with Steele, but it seemed redundant to the point where it gets a little "girl power" for me, which would be fine if that was what the movie was mainly about.
Does that make sense? I hope I don't sound sexist because I'm not, in fact I was very proud of Steele in all of her "I do what I want" scenes, especially a scene where she is upset with Grey over what I would find to be the climax of the story and she tells him to grow up. I felt my arms wanting- begging- to lift up and produce a slow clap in the theater because I was impressed with Steele and Johnson herself for preforming so well at that part. I wonder if the anger came from being in these movies...
I don't think it's a shocker that the villain in this movie is from "Fifty Shades Darker". I don't want to go much into it because I honestly don't have much to say about it, but I suppose if there is something to be said is that his backstory seems to come out of nowhere and I'd have to re-watch the second film to see any hints that they were leading up to this backstory, because I can't help but wonder what would have happened to this villain is he wasn't in specific circumstances (better explained in spoiler section).
I think there was only 1 villain and just mentioning of other villains from the previous films, otherwise it was just a matter of circumstances that hindered Steele and Grey, or now I should say- the Greys...speaking of which, leading onto what might be the critic you've been waiting for- the love scenes.
So how were the love scenes in this movies? Well, it's a hard feeling to describe but it felt like this film had both too many and too little of love scenes.
There were at least 4 in total, I tried counting but lost track after 4, and all of them were extremely brief. I didn't have time to squirm in my seat, avoid eye contact with other movie-goers because the love scenes were complete in 2 minutes tops. I think they got better though when it comes to the creativity, there's even one involving food but personally, that made me recoil in disgust because all I could think about was the germs they could catch from that. That sure was an experience I'll keep in mind for future reference.
Yet despite the creativity, it still didn't bring it for me. This is known as a pornographic novel! I'm not even that open as a person per say, but I thought of 10 other naughty things Steele and Grey could've done in that red room! It just seemed like the typical basic levels of BDSM a couple would try their first time. Also, in regards to nudity, there was a lot more of it in this final film. None of Grey's private areas- of course not- but there was a ton of Steele breasts to look at from the very beginning. Wait, there's a couple scenes with Grey's bottom shown in clear view so if anyone's into that, you might like this movie.
To wrap this all up, "Fifty Shades Freed" was a delight to watch. I'm not saying it was amazing, but I think it was my favorite film out of the trilogy. Steele and Grey have better chemistry and have more scenes of being more than just a lustful couple and actually being more domestic, more communication and hotter love scenes. Although a few moments were downright bad to Grey's character in particular, I know the script had to mostly follow the dialogue in the book so no wonder it seemed so off-key to me.
The comedy was funny, there were a few lines characters said here and there that if you catch them it'll make you crack up. The villain seemed to be there just to add more conflict, like they took a character who would normally just go on with life and instead made him a maniac. The dire situations Steele and Grey encounter were hard to relate too because I just knew with their money, they would be just fine.
Lastly, something I don't think I've mentioned yet but only because it came to me as I was typing- there are some side plots that either pop out of nowhere or are unresolved and I'm sitting here seriously concerned for the characters involved in them because I'm like, "What happened to them?! Are they okay?" One more thing, just like the first movie- this one ended too soon! At least it felt like it, when the ending came around I was so shocked. It felt like I watching a 30 minute show, I swear. Maybe that shows how much I enjoyed most of it.
This trilogy sure was an interesting one and I'm glad I could give you a taste of my experience with it. Farewell Fifty Shades, you will be missed.
I'm giving "Fifty Shades Freed" a 3 out of 5 stars.
Wow, straight to the wedding! I thought for sure I could see their bachelor and bachelorette parties, the bridal showers, etc. Although I doubt Grey would allow a bachelorette party for Steele...why should he care? Who would cheat on a handsome billionaire?
They only have a maid of honor and best man? Come to think of it, neither of them seem like the type to have a lot of friends.
Is Grey dancing with the elderly lady? Lady, if you knew where those hands have been.
Is there a little girl at the wedding too? Girl, if you knew...
"You own this?" Steele, you went in this man's personal helicopter and jet and boat before. I would not be surprised if he had a plane too!
Why does Grey braid her hair? Was that mentioned before? In the book?
If Steele slept on her stomach and said she rolled over, then she'd have to still been asleep while sitting up and laying on her back which would be weird. I know she was probably lying but just thinking about it makes me concerned.
Well, we had to have motivation for a love scene. I guess being topless on a nude beach without permission would do it.
Steele is moaning louder by the anticipation of sex rather than actually having sex.
Oh no, privileged problems. Someone broke it and put a bomb in your building. Get another one.
"Why would he do this?" Steele. This man lost his job because of Grey after he tried to sexually assault you and Grey put you in his position. Perhaps that's a clear reason as to why he would want to ruin Grey's business!
Sorry we have to cancel our vacation, Steele. We'll go on another one tomorrow after we get this fixed.
I know of some people who naturally engage in physical contact with others, even if they are not committed to them, so I wondered what would have happened if Steele confronted the blonde girl (I forget her name), said that "don't come near my man" speech and the blonde was just like, "I really wasn't trying to do anything. You're just insecure about yourself and need to focus on your own problems."
Is doing it in a car really all that comfortable? Plus, that scene was just way too quick. If that was going to be included, they needed to make it longer because I just remembered that happened as I was writing the last comment down.
The washing hair scene was very cute, but the sexy stuff they tried to throw into it seemed unnecessary. If it was just a funny, light-hearted moment between the two that would've been great.
Hi Steele's blonde friend....(looks up name) Kate! You were not even in the last movie, were you? And now we're going to be focusing on her relationship with Elliot and if he's cheating or not. Is this something I really care about?
I heard a girl audibly gasp when Jack Hyde grabbed Steele in her house. I thought was funny to point out.
I cracked up with Steele said she and Grey had something to bound Hyde with, that was pretty clever.
Was it really that bad that you had to say your safe word, Steele? I prefer not to describe the love scene's only sexual frustration, not pain. He wasn't exactly hurting you like you're going to die, that's just what couples do. I know it was for revenge wasn't that bad.
How nice of Grey to have all of Steele's friends for a vacation- is that Jose?! Why would Grey bring Jose to a vacation house?! What have we seen from him that would even suggest he would be on his best behavior around Steele and not try to make a pass at her again? He's tried kissing her and presented portraits of her at an art museum without her knowing about it. Creepy much?
Steele eating ice cream at night for no reason. Signs of pregnancy?
I thought food play was fun, but looking at Steele put that spoon against Grey's lower stomach where hair is makes me shiver. I would never taste that spoon again.
Maybe Elliot isn't cheating. Maybe that's someone who just helped him get a ring for Kate.
I was hoping the script wouldn't have Grey's outburst in the film. Now I'm liking him less. I'm sure Steele will forgive him but I could never do that. Side note: Why is he being so angry about having a baby? You have guards, just let one of them be a nanny! Why are you making this more difficult?!
Grey's reaction to the baby possibly being a girl was funny. I like him again.
"You're not a kid anymore, so grow the F up" (Claps) Thank you for putting him in his place...
Steele, even I don't know whether you should tell Kate about Elliot's possible cheating...
The kidnapping of Grey's sister was just to give Rita Ora more screen time, right? I always felt like she wasn't needed in the movie at all.
Who is Liz again...? Is that Grey's ex mistress? I'm sorry, I really don't remember her at all.
"You're my entire life" The last movie say you were only dating for 3 weeks, and within that you guys had a break, and I can only assume the time since being married was like another week and now they're having a baby, most you'll know each other for a little less than a year before the baby arrives.
So all it takes for Grey to open up, say sorry, be committed to the baby and cry about Steele is when she and the baby are near death. Take notes, girls! When I guy will be committed to you only after you almost die that is true love!
When "Love me like you Do" and the flashbacks to the other movies came out, I actually felt like crying. I think that's with any movie that does something like that. I did it with "Twilight: Breaking Dawn pt. 2" also.
That text message was seductive for sure. Good for you, Steele.
That shot of Steele sitting in the red room was nicely done. If the movie ended on just that, it would be just fine. Seeing Steele with the braid though reminds me...why don't we get an answer to why Grey braids her hair like that?!
Cute baby...but not their baby. That baby looks like neither of them. I'm glad they took out the 'breastfeeding' line though. It's a cute ending to an otherwise sex-filled trilogy.
(Sitting in my university's student center enjoying a comedy show when I suddenly remember...)
Rating- R
Genre- Romance/Drama
Warnings- Swearing/Nudity/Sexual Situations
I assumed this movie would be released on the week of Valentine's Day for obvious reasons, but the day before I saw this movie I realized that it's been out since Feb. 9- which also makes sense too (watching it before V-day and all).
If you've been following my blog for a while you know that I already had a streak with watching the Fifty Shades trilogy and it would be such a letdown if I went without watching the finale of what is the worst or best or an okay romance movie- depending on how people feel about the story because I'm sure that even if you've never read the books or you're younger than 18 years old, you must have come across Fifty Shades whether it be someone talking about it or one of your classmates reading about it during Forensics class in High School (which is what really happened to me).
The Fifty Shades trilogy started out as a book written by E.L James as a fan-fiction for the Twilight series, with Anastasia Steele being Bella Swan and Christian Grey as Edward Cullen...if you didn't know that fact by now then surely you can tell the similarities between the characters Steele and Grey are based off of.
After reaching fame with her story, James' fan-fiction transformed into something much more- a series of romance novels for people to buy off bookshelves and watch in theaters and DvD. Since the first film "Fifty Shades of Grey" released back in 2015, the love story between Steele and Grey has further entertained the minds of both lovers and haters, and now I can finally see the day where the trilogy has come to an end and hopefully not produce sequels or spin offs.
Another thing you probably know if you followed me long enough is that I'm not a huge fan of this trilogy. I've read a few chapters of the first book and knew of several plot points in the other two, but that's the extent of my interest in it (if you don't count me watching the movies as well). Story wise, I find there to be a lot of issues involving consent, romance, and the morals that the movies seem to be pushing in our faces.
The first film brought up feelings of discomfort for me after seeing Steele, played by Dakota Johnson, being basically stalked by Grey played by Jamie Dornan, as well as being pressured to be in agreement to a contract that contains borderline abusive promises. Even people who practice the dominance and submissive or BDSM roles have come out to say that the movie does not portray those relationships well and it basically says you must give up all of your self-control for someone else which is not what a healthy relationship is supposed to be like. Even in fantasies where you say you're submissive, even they have standards and can make decisions on how they want to be treated.
The second movie seemed to try and rectify the mistakes in the first movie by lowering Grey's control on Steele and having her call out his nonsense (which by itself is really screwed up, but that rant is for another day). Even so, while it did better to give Steele a backbone, it still had flaws and was very boring to me near the end that I was hoping I could leave the theater sooner not because it was bad, but because I felt like nothing on the screen was necessary to the plot.
Now I've just watched the third and final film; my expectations for this one was just to laugh. I had neither high nor low expectations- I didn't expect a masterpiece nor a disaster. In short, I'd have a good time making fun of it. So on that note, am I to be praised for my correct assumptions or was I subjected to pain from a movie so bad it wasn't even hilariously good?
So the plot of this film is that Steele and Grey get married and plan to have a life together, but there are villains and inconveniences that threaten that future from happening. Through these hardships, the couple must learn to trust in one another and be confident in themselves that they can make their dreams come true despite their first world problems.
That last line was meant to be a joke, but there is some truth to in for me because throughout the story I really thought deeply about how their issues must be so difficult for them but come to realize that they're really not. It's been obvious from the start that Grey is richer than people like Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey, so what's the big deal if he is being threatened by somebody?
At the snap of his (and now Steele's) fingers, they could hire guards to deal with their offenders, fly out to Hawaii, have a vacation, fly back and everything is back to normal. I felt like this movie tried hard to get regular middle and low class people to feel sorry for billionaires by making the problems bigger than they had to be. I mean the problems would be dire if Steele and Grey were say, struggling to pay rent every month or had a community that wouldn't protect them, but otherwise how could I feel a bit worried for these two? The problems leave as soon as they go, seriously it made the movie move quickly with how brief the negative encounters were.
As for their relationship in general, I have to say it got even better. I could even say that it turned into a healthy relationship in the end. Looking back on what they argued about and how they communicated their feelings, Grey got way more mature with allowing Steele to make her own decisions- or dare I say- let her do what she wants.
He didn't have to allow her to do anything, Steele just did what she wanted and when there was a conflict in that I could emphasize with Grey. Not to say they weren't trivial, but when I saw when he was angry about something, I would initially think he would complain about something worse than the final result and I'd feel relieved when he had a more reasonable complaint instead.
Here's an example for you that may or may not be in the movie, but regardless it is not a major plot point:
Steele- "I still want to be called Anastasia Steele and not Anastasia Grey at work"
Grey- "Why would you want that? Are you ashamed of being married to me?"
With that conflict, I would at first think, "He's going to say that she is his and only his, or she should be proud to be married to a billionaire" but not only was I fine with what he said but how he said it; it sounds somber- like he is sad at the thought of having someone not be proud to be with him. This gives off his sensitivity towards their relationship and in turn makes me believe that he cares about her aside from sex, which is good.
Steele has improved to, although I'm debating if it's too much improvement. She gained more control in the relationship and even initiated a love scene at least once (yay diversity!) but it felt like a lot of her scenes had the same format:
Grey- You're doing this
Steele- No, I'm not
Grey- Why?
Steele- Because I can
It's wonderful to have a more positive role model with Steele, but it seemed redundant to the point where it gets a little "girl power" for me, which would be fine if that was what the movie was mainly about.
Does that make sense? I hope I don't sound sexist because I'm not, in fact I was very proud of Steele in all of her "I do what I want" scenes, especially a scene where she is upset with Grey over what I would find to be the climax of the story and she tells him to grow up. I felt my arms wanting- begging- to lift up and produce a slow clap in the theater because I was impressed with Steele and Johnson herself for preforming so well at that part. I wonder if the anger came from being in these movies...
I don't think it's a shocker that the villain in this movie is from "Fifty Shades Darker". I don't want to go much into it because I honestly don't have much to say about it, but I suppose if there is something to be said is that his backstory seems to come out of nowhere and I'd have to re-watch the second film to see any hints that they were leading up to this backstory, because I can't help but wonder what would have happened to this villain is he wasn't in specific circumstances (better explained in spoiler section).
I think there was only 1 villain and just mentioning of other villains from the previous films, otherwise it was just a matter of circumstances that hindered Steele and Grey, or now I should say- the Greys...speaking of which, leading onto what might be the critic you've been waiting for- the love scenes.
So how were the love scenes in this movies? Well, it's a hard feeling to describe but it felt like this film had both too many and too little of love scenes.
There were at least 4 in total, I tried counting but lost track after 4, and all of them were extremely brief. I didn't have time to squirm in my seat, avoid eye contact with other movie-goers because the love scenes were complete in 2 minutes tops. I think they got better though when it comes to the creativity, there's even one involving food but personally, that made me recoil in disgust because all I could think about was the germs they could catch from that. That sure was an experience I'll keep in mind for future reference.
Yet despite the creativity, it still didn't bring it for me. This is known as a pornographic novel! I'm not even that open as a person per say, but I thought of 10 other naughty things Steele and Grey could've done in that red room! It just seemed like the typical basic levels of BDSM a couple would try their first time. Also, in regards to nudity, there was a lot more of it in this final film. None of Grey's private areas- of course not- but there was a ton of Steele breasts to look at from the very beginning. Wait, there's a couple scenes with Grey's bottom shown in clear view so if anyone's into that, you might like this movie.
To wrap this all up, "Fifty Shades Freed" was a delight to watch. I'm not saying it was amazing, but I think it was my favorite film out of the trilogy. Steele and Grey have better chemistry and have more scenes of being more than just a lustful couple and actually being more domestic, more communication and hotter love scenes. Although a few moments were downright bad to Grey's character in particular, I know the script had to mostly follow the dialogue in the book so no wonder it seemed so off-key to me.
The comedy was funny, there were a few lines characters said here and there that if you catch them it'll make you crack up. The villain seemed to be there just to add more conflict, like they took a character who would normally just go on with life and instead made him a maniac. The dire situations Steele and Grey encounter were hard to relate too because I just knew with their money, they would be just fine.
Lastly, something I don't think I've mentioned yet but only because it came to me as I was typing- there are some side plots that either pop out of nowhere or are unresolved and I'm sitting here seriously concerned for the characters involved in them because I'm like, "What happened to them?! Are they okay?" One more thing, just like the first movie- this one ended too soon! At least it felt like it, when the ending came around I was so shocked. It felt like I watching a 30 minute show, I swear. Maybe that shows how much I enjoyed most of it.
This trilogy sure was an interesting one and I'm glad I could give you a taste of my experience with it. Farewell Fifty Shades, you will be missed.
I'm giving "Fifty Shades Freed" a 3 out of 5 stars.
Wow, straight to the wedding! I thought for sure I could see their bachelor and bachelorette parties, the bridal showers, etc. Although I doubt Grey would allow a bachelorette party for Steele...why should he care? Who would cheat on a handsome billionaire?
They only have a maid of honor and best man? Come to think of it, neither of them seem like the type to have a lot of friends.
Is Grey dancing with the elderly lady? Lady, if you knew where those hands have been.
Is there a little girl at the wedding too? Girl, if you knew...
"You own this?" Steele, you went in this man's personal helicopter and jet and boat before. I would not be surprised if he had a plane too!
Why does Grey braid her hair? Was that mentioned before? In the book?
If Steele slept on her stomach and said she rolled over, then she'd have to still been asleep while sitting up and laying on her back which would be weird. I know she was probably lying but just thinking about it makes me concerned.
Well, we had to have motivation for a love scene. I guess being topless on a nude beach without permission would do it.
Steele is moaning louder by the anticipation of sex rather than actually having sex.
Oh no, privileged problems. Someone broke it and put a bomb in your building. Get another one.
"Why would he do this?" Steele. This man lost his job because of Grey after he tried to sexually assault you and Grey put you in his position. Perhaps that's a clear reason as to why he would want to ruin Grey's business!
Sorry we have to cancel our vacation, Steele. We'll go on another one tomorrow after we get this fixed.
I know of some people who naturally engage in physical contact with others, even if they are not committed to them, so I wondered what would have happened if Steele confronted the blonde girl (I forget her name), said that "don't come near my man" speech and the blonde was just like, "I really wasn't trying to do anything. You're just insecure about yourself and need to focus on your own problems."
Is doing it in a car really all that comfortable? Plus, that scene was just way too quick. If that was going to be included, they needed to make it longer because I just remembered that happened as I was writing the last comment down.
The washing hair scene was very cute, but the sexy stuff they tried to throw into it seemed unnecessary. If it was just a funny, light-hearted moment between the two that would've been great.
Hi Steele's blonde friend....(looks up name) Kate! You were not even in the last movie, were you? And now we're going to be focusing on her relationship with Elliot and if he's cheating or not. Is this something I really care about?
I heard a girl audibly gasp when Jack Hyde grabbed Steele in her house. I thought was funny to point out.
I cracked up with Steele said she and Grey had something to bound Hyde with, that was pretty clever.
Was it really that bad that you had to say your safe word, Steele? I prefer not to describe the love scene's only sexual frustration, not pain. He wasn't exactly hurting you like you're going to die, that's just what couples do. I know it was for revenge wasn't that bad.
How nice of Grey to have all of Steele's friends for a vacation- is that Jose?! Why would Grey bring Jose to a vacation house?! What have we seen from him that would even suggest he would be on his best behavior around Steele and not try to make a pass at her again? He's tried kissing her and presented portraits of her at an art museum without her knowing about it. Creepy much?
Steele eating ice cream at night for no reason. Signs of pregnancy?
I thought food play was fun, but looking at Steele put that spoon against Grey's lower stomach where hair is makes me shiver. I would never taste that spoon again.
Maybe Elliot isn't cheating. Maybe that's someone who just helped him get a ring for Kate.
I was hoping the script wouldn't have Grey's outburst in the film. Now I'm liking him less. I'm sure Steele will forgive him but I could never do that. Side note: Why is he being so angry about having a baby? You have guards, just let one of them be a nanny! Why are you making this more difficult?!
Grey's reaction to the baby possibly being a girl was funny. I like him again.
"You're not a kid anymore, so grow the F up" (Claps) Thank you for putting him in his place...
Steele, even I don't know whether you should tell Kate about Elliot's possible cheating...
The kidnapping of Grey's sister was just to give Rita Ora more screen time, right? I always felt like she wasn't needed in the movie at all.
Who is Liz again...? Is that Grey's ex mistress? I'm sorry, I really don't remember her at all.
"You're my entire life" The last movie say you were only dating for 3 weeks, and within that you guys had a break, and I can only assume the time since being married was like another week and now they're having a baby, most you'll know each other for a little less than a year before the baby arrives.
So all it takes for Grey to open up, say sorry, be committed to the baby and cry about Steele is when she and the baby are near death. Take notes, girls! When I guy will be committed to you only after you almost die that is true love!
When "Love me like you Do" and the flashbacks to the other movies came out, I actually felt like crying. I think that's with any movie that does something like that. I did it with "Twilight: Breaking Dawn pt. 2" also.
That text message was seductive for sure. Good for you, Steele.
That shot of Steele sitting in the red room was nicely done. If the movie ended on just that, it would be just fine. Seeing Steele with the braid though reminds me...why don't we get an answer to why Grey braids her hair like that?!
Cute baby...but not their baby. That baby looks like neither of them. I'm glad they took out the 'breastfeeding' line though. It's a cute ending to an otherwise sex-filled trilogy.
(Sitting in my university's student center enjoying a comedy show when I suddenly remember...)
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