Sunday, February 5, 2017

Holiday Movie Recommendations: Valentine's Day

The day of love and romance is approaching soon, so it's a good time to release my suggestions for movies you can watch on that special day.

My personal opinion on Valentine's Day is that I don't feel too strongly about it, but then again should I? I mean, this is a day made up by humans as a staple in American holidays. In fact, it's considered one of the most popular holidays; many people adore the idea of being showered with love and gifts. Boyfriends and girlfriends, husbands and wives, many couples of commitment share this holiday together and relish in it to their heart's content.

But what about those who don't have a significant other, what do you really get out of this day? Well, it can be one of two things: Treat it like any normal day or use it as a way to express even more sentiments towards your platonic loved ones like family and friends.

No matter the case, I'm sure you will enjoy the following suggestions with your lover, family, friends or even by yourself.



Rating- PG-13
Genre- Fantasy/Drama
Warnings- None

I recall seeing this movie stacked beside hundreds of other movies in my living room as a child, passing by it all the time but never had the urge to watch it till I was a teenager. Since then, I'd loved this movie ever since. I sing its praises when I say that it is one of my favorite romantic comedy movies I've ever seen.

"Shallow Hal" stars a shallow man named Hal who doesn't appreciate women for who they are on the inside, but after a strange encounter with someone, he suddenly starts seeing women for the beauty within. The story has permanently got a soft spot in my heart, if anyone says they were going to play "Shallow Hal" at my place, then I'd get the popcorn ready and grab a seat. 

The story could have easily gone down the rode of misogynistic rants and whining about how women aren't hot if they don't wear makeup, but that's only presented mostly in a quarter of the movie so it can slide. We're given the origin of Hal's idea of women and the character is actually not somehow you'd hate, even in the beginning. I'm not saying he was justified but Jack Black gives Hal a certain charm to him that makes me just not want to be upset with him, and the way Hal treats women once he's changed makes me like him even more. You want to root for Hal and his determination to be with the woman he wants goes very far and reveals the kindness he has within. 

The soundtrack is stellar, in my opinion. I don't think I disliked one song and I even have a couple remembered so I can listen to them once in a while when I want to feel nostalgic. It may not be an Oscar worthy movie, but it can stick with you as one of those feel good flicks that you can play when you just need to cheer up a bit and believe in love again.

The story can be a little questionable as to how women will feel once Hal tells them exactly how he was able to see them for their true selves, but that's only a minor flaw in an otherwise quirky and light-hearted movie on true love.  

I give "Shallow Hall" a 5 out of 5 stars.

SHE'S THE MAN (2006)


Rating- PG-13
Genre- Romance/Comedy
Warnings- Mild nudity

I don't think I hate any Amanda Bynes movie, any film starring her I am an immediate favorite of. My earliest memory of her comes from "The Amanda Bynes Show" when I was just a naive little girl admiring this funny and beautiful woman making me smile every time she appeared on screen. That's the same case with "She's the Man" a movie I might consider my favorite film starring Bynes.

It stars Bynes as a tomboy teenager who must cover for her older brother at school by disguising as him, and during this mission she meets new friends and causes some campus ruckus.

The story is fun enough to follow along and the characters are fun too. A few can be very cliche like the nerdy girl or the popular stuck-up chick, but it plays well here because it's meant to be an over-the-top movie. It doesn't try to take itself seriously most of the time and it's something you can sit back and relax too. You shouldn't expect any huge moral aside from having equal respect for men and women, but don't worry, the lesson isn't presented as some kind of lecture.

I would consider this a movie for Valentine's Day because it does include romance, in fact, it includes several degrees of romances like one-sided or misguided. Bynes' character turns the school on its head and it's a wild ride from start to finish with a good amount of sports related into it. So for those who can't stand romance movies, but are into sports, this won't be a pain to watch.

I give "She's the Man" a 5 out of 5 stars



Rating- R
Genre- Fantasy/Drama
Warnings- Sexual content, inappropriate language, graphic nudity

It was incredibly hard to look away from watching this movie and it was shocking how difficult it was. "Anomolisa" takes an-at first-simplistic looking storyline about looking for affection and gradually reveals the true profound message it really entails, or if there even is a message at all. Depending on the viewer, you are able to interpret this film in a lot of ways and I like that idea that it is up to the viewer to decide the purpose of the story.

The movie stars a lonely man named Michael who is highly successful yet disconnected from society. It's to the point where Michael starts to even resent those closest to him and attempts to find newfound love. This leads him to meet an incredible woman and the audience gets to witness his interaction with this woman and discover how she manages to impact his life-whether it be for better or worse.

The stop-motion animation is very fluid and detailed, having great focus on the characters' facial expressions, their mannerisms, it's almost like you're watching real life people preform in front of it. The scenes even become fluid as you recognize how it doesn't often jump to different environments, but rather stays in one and just lets the characters interact.

The only thing that would throw you off from the animation are the lines that draw from the character's eyes to the back of their heads, but otherwise the animation is excellent and it does serve a purpose to the story that a film with real performers couldn't fulfill.

I will admit there are several graphic scenes that I felt a bit uncomfortable with, but it had nothing to do with how it was directed, it was just things I didn't expect. Therefore, I wouldn't recommend to watch this with young children, rather have some friends over, a significant other or just have a cozy movie night for one. I warn you though, the way the story progressed influenced emotion out of me and made me feel a range of feelings. In fact, I'd even say that if you're not careful the story can end up making you cry before you even realize why tears are rolling down your cheeks.

I consider this a valentine's day suggestion because aside from the deep messages this film can have about life, individuality and conformity, it also reveals the power of love and how special it can be in a world that can seem so bleak and monotone. There are some scenes with subtle humor that brought out a hearty laugh in me, but overall it is a more serious piece of work with beauty a viewer can appreciate.

I give "Anomolisa" a 5 out of 5 stars.



Rating- R
Genre- Drama/Romance
Warnings- Sexual scenarios, inappropriate language

I remember watching "Brokeback Mountain" an feeling like I went through an experience; I didn't exit the movie the same way I entered and it took me on a greater emotional rollercoaster than I suspected.

The movie stars actors Jake Gyllenhaal and the late Heath Ledger as two cowboys who share a forbidden romance that lingers throughout the years. I thought when I saw this film it was going to be mostly romantic, and while it is, it feels more dramatic and heartbreaking.

The story takes place in a time where homosexuality wasn't accepted, so a majority of the movie presents the two men hiding their true feelings for each other in the eyes of the public and how that begins to affect them as they grow older and go on with their individual lives.

It's not a typical valentine's day movie suggestion for the fact that it doesn't celebrate love in the traditional sense. The characters don't seem to be truly happy unless they are in the confines of one another and away from society, but I think seeing how courageous they are to still return to their true loves despite the risk of discrimination (and even death) is a beautiful thing-aside from bittersweet.

My only complaint about the movie would be that the beginning is a little slow and can be boring to some, but once the character leave the mountain, that's when the story really picks up.

If you want to watch "Brokeback Mountain" don't expect to be happily laughing during the movie, think of it as more as a tragic love story that will make you look at your partner with fondness, grateful that they are in your life and there's no reason to hide them from the world.

However, if you're single you might just only be an emotional mess.

I give "Brokeback Mountain" a 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.



Rating- G
Genre- Animation/Family
Warnings- none

This last suggestion seems a little unconventional for a valentine's day suggestion, but I couldn't bring myself to not put a child friendly movie on this list. It was difficult to find a film I knew of well that can align with valentine's day, but finally I found it with "Rugrats in Paris."

The story follows the adventures of babies: Tommy, Chuckie, Phil and Lil as they travel to Paris with their parents. While on this trip, the babies help Chuckie to get a "new mommy" by finding a beautiful princess.

The reason why I consider this film to be worthy of valentine's day is because the holiday doesn't have to always involve a romantic kind of love. There is romance involved in this film, but it's not the main focus. The focus is for Chuckie to find someone to love as a mother after not having one for most of his life.

You can tell he longs for that connection and it feels so good when you watch his journey and see how hard he tries to find a woman to call his mom. Plus, Chuckie's dad shows a great amount of love for him, as well as the other parents with their kids. It's an all around love fest of the most innocent kind.

The movie is fun from beginning to end, but a few scenes can cause you to shed a tear or two. They fly by quickly though and you're back to watching wacky antics. The characters are likable and funny, the villain is intimidating but can also throw in a few laughs here and there and the subplots within the movie ultimately tie together with the main plot to create one big joyous event.

I give "Rugrats in Paris" a 5 out of 5 stars.

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