Saturday, December 9, 2017

Justice League (2017)

In the wake of Superman's death, Batman and Wonder Woman recruit superpowered individuals to defend humanity from an otherworldly threat called Steppenwolf. Together with their new allies- Cyborg, Aquaman, and the Flash- they form the superhero team known as the Justice League. (Source:

Rating- PG-13
Genre- Action/Fantasy/Adventure
Warnings- Minor language

Before people get ready to watch Avengers: Infinity War in May 2018, first we must take a look at the Marvel rivals who have their own movie with a culmination of DC's favorite heroes on the big screen.

I was never too big of a fan of the superhero world, particularly DC comics. Nothing personal, it just wasn't my style, but with the revival of superheroes staying strong for these past years how could I not ignore these movies? It's obvious both DC and Marvel are reaching for this grand finale the more they produce these films, so I'm going to try to be on top of these films to see if it's even worth getting to that point.

Justice League is an adventure filled with some of the most popular DC characters in history teaming up to fight against a great evil that threatens to rule the world. Through the powers of Batman (Ben Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), The Flash (Ezra Miller), Aquaman (Jason Mamoa), and Cyborg (Ray Fisher) this team will stop at nothing to protect people even if it may cost them their lives like it did Superman (Henry Cavill) in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016).

Does this team of heroes gain enough power to entertain the audience or did they fail in their mission to provide a great movie?

The main conflict of the movie addresses how the league must first come together before defeating Steppenwolf (Cirán Hinds). The first half of the movie feels more dedicated to the team forming together than them actually going against Steppenwolf, but it makes sense why it would be framed that way. Each character is complex and has their own positives and negatives on the idea of joining the league. Since this is the aftermath of Superman's death, most- if not all of the characters are reasonably hesitant to work together but when they eventually do, it's very fun. 

The action scenes were cool to watch and I think all of them show a good amount of their abilities on screen, especially The Flash. I could be wrong, but his scenes where he used his powers interested me the most. Batman on the other hand seemed like the one left in the background, as I have a hard time remember a lot of the things he did in action parts of the movie, but I suppose that's a way to make room for more screen time for the newer heroes.

The most recent heroes to make their way into popular American film are The Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman. The Flash was clearly the comic relief, since every other line of his is meant to be taken as a joke, and if you were counting how many times that happened like I was then it might just bother you a tiny bit. Though no worries, The Flash wasn't unbearable. The jokes were delivered well, that's part of his character, and as I mentioned before his powers intrigued me the most. I was just hoping The Flash wouldn't just be classified as the comic relief, the film shows his more emotional side and I wanted to know more about that; maybe they will expand on it more in future movies.

Onto Cyborg, he was good for a character and I tried so hard not to complain about how he (and the other characters) kind of fit into this stereotypical mold that I've grown up with when it comes to characters in general. Cyborg turns out to have a dark past which shapes his views on himself and life and it presents a few cliches that I've seen in the past. Pushing that aside, he was good with an interesting twists on the components that make up who he is that come into play with the villain (don't know if that was in the comics). 

Aquaman is the final newcomer in the DC universe and I am so proud of how the designers of thiis character came through to make him much more intense and associated more with water. The original Aquaman was always teased for his power of talking to fish and his design. This movie's Aquaman actually looks more like someone who's dealt a lot with the ocean, he has this intimidating look to him that works and the actor is great for the role. 

When I learned Mamoa would be Aquaman I was only a bit perplexed before getting on board with it because I've seen him in Game of Thrones and if a guy like that would play one of the supposedly weakest heroes in DC then he would surely at the very least make him look more powerful. Thankfully, not only did Mamoa's Aquaman look well, but the acting was good and he made the character very likable and I hope to see him again in future movies. Overall, Aquaman along with Cyborg and The Flash are all likable characters who I wouldn't mind seeing again. As for Batman...

Batman was a good character with a hint of humor to get the audience laughing, and there's not much that I can say about him really that is not expected. Affleck did well, but there was just one scene that made me really disliked Batman and though they try to excuse it I just couldn't help but give Batman the side eye as he came on screen after that moment. I'll mention the moment in the spoilers section.

Wonder Woman was done well again, the actress brings both grace and brute force to this character which makes for a well-rounded character for females to look up to. I took notice of how each character represents a different race, and only Wonder Woman is a woman for people can cheer for. Thankfully there was no harping on girl power in the slightest, but it's a proud moment to see a character so beautiful not be hit on by anybody but be an ally equal to the men.

There's not much to say about Steppenwolf really, just a typical huge supernatural villain with almost indestructible power with phrases like, "How dare you defy me?" and "You will all bow to my power" Same old, same old.

I would say this movie was pretty good, I didn't expect it to be bad at all. There's some things like that Batman scene that made me angry, the overuse of comedy with The Flash, and the predictable villain, but they're all either nitpicks or don't affect the movie too negatively that I wouldn't watch it again. I would give Justice League a 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.


Superman is clearly going to return. You going to kill off the biggest hero in DC comics after 2 movies and constantly refer to him here? No way, you're not being clever. If they had allowed Superman to stay alive for at least...2 more films then his death would have more weight.

The burglar said there were bombs down 4 blocks, so sure Wonder Woman got the first bomb gone but what about the others?

Does everyone have to have some tragic family background with the parent dying, giving them away, in prison, etc.? I mean, I get the encouragement for kids from broken families to show them that they can be a success in their own way, but this is practically every single hero. Tell me, which hero from DC or Marvel has a perfectly stable family with both parents and neither of them die during their series? 

Amy Adams as Lois Lane just doesn't sit right with me. I was never a fan of Lois because I didn't really get interested in her story and I'm still not. In this movie, I just can't get invested in her devastation that she can't commit herself to a big news story or her grief on Superman's death. It's not Adams fault (I think) I think it's just a "me" thing.

Rick and Morty! I spotted it during Batman and The Flash's first encounter in The Flash's place.

There's always some sort of difficulty getting a team together. There's never a time where everyone is on board right away. Not to say it would make sense here, it wouldn't, but I've seen it so much. Can't there just be one movie that has everyone like, "I'm in!" like The Flash was?

This is not the Cyborg I knew from Teen Titans. So brooding...

Wonder Woman is so pretty...I bet money someone will point that out during the movie. Her outfits are also amazing, beautiful.

I don't like to swear on this blog, not major swears (you know what I'm talking about) but I feel the need to swear at Batman for bringing up Wonder Woman's dead boyfriend to one up her. In that theater, I felt my heart break for Wonder Woman and my anger rise. Batman, both of your parents died and that's always brought up in your movies to set up how you became who you are. That's a major tragedy for you and if anyone brought it up, I'm sure that would make you enrage- even as an adult. So, on that note, the fact that you brought up (two times! If I remember correctly) that Wonder Woman's boyfriend died to save her, he died in front of her in a freaking explosion and they barely had time to really enjoy their relationship without having to fight a war, that is screwed up on your part. Very screwed up. 

Not only that, his death happened more recently than your parents' death, so those wounds are still fresh and she has a right to seclude herself from people because of this tragedy (like you did!) so to belittle her and say, "You're wrong for hiding from people because of your dead boyfriend" that is not a hero I want to look up to, and in this universe I don't think I can tolerate Batman the same way anymore.

Well that's certainly not how I expected Superman to be revived- or revived in the first place. I just thought he was hiding somewhere, somehow.

Why is Superman mad? First off, you're mad that you were brought back to life. Does that imply that there is an afterlife that we can look forward to? Because if it was just nothing then I don't see how that's enjoyable. Secondly, you beat up every other member of the team- including Batman and Wonder Woman, whom you already met! Batman especially, you two shared a bond in Batman V. Superman over your mothers and fought to defeat evil, therefore how are you angry with Batman of all people for trying to talk to you?

This trope now? Love conquers all when Lois consoles Superman? Hear my load groan coming from the computer screen...

Sweet girl, thinking bug spray is going to kill the villains. You would die if not for the Justice League.

Aquaman, you sweetheart! I think you're shaping to be one of my favorite characters.
The lasso of truth scene was cute.

Superman is the ultimate hero, he trumps everybody. I get it.

Boo-yah! There you go, Cyborg. Getting comical now.

Are we really ending the Justice League off with a Lois Lane monologue? I don't care about her!

Lois' last line sounded unfinished, like she had more to say but then the movie ends.

Are they really keeping this version of Lex Luthor in the DC universe? Groan...oh look, Deathstroke!

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