Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Human Centipede 3: The Final Sequence (2015)


Taking inspiration from The Human Centipede films, the warden of a notorious and troubled prison looks to create a 500-person human centipede as a solution to his problems. (Source:

Human Centipede 3 "Official Trailer" 1:

This is the final installment to the trilogy based of one of the most disturbing premises of modern day film: The Human Centipede 3: The Final Sequence.

In case you are unsure of what the premise is, the human centipede films are basically about showing the terrifying experiment of stitching people together mouth-to-anus.

Despite its title, The Final Sequence, I highly doubt that this will actually be the final Human Centipede. There will be some sequel, prequel, spin off or what not of this idea so creator and director Tom Six can milk more money out of viewers' pockets.

Before getting to the actual review, it is best to summarize the inspiration behind the trilogy.

Director and screenwriter, Tom Six came up with the idea of the human centipede after watching a child molester on television. He said, quote, "They should stick this guy with his mouth to the ass of a very fat truck driver. It would be a really good punishment for him" Six figured that this idea was actually an interesting idea to put on the big screen.

The way he got it financed is pretty amusing actually. Before making the trilogy, Six participated in making films in Holland before, so he was already connected to several investors. He explained to the investors that he wished to make a horror film that involved people getting stitched together. He never specified where on the body they would be stitched, and this worked in his favor. Because of his sly yet convincing proposal, the investors allowed him to go through with his plan.

Thus, the Human Centipede: First sequence was born in 2009 and the second film in 2011. In 2015, the third film debuted to the public.

Originally, I was going to critcize this movie for its gore and unsettling scenes, but I believe the point of these films is to gross us out and make us uncomfortable. So with that in mind, did this movie deliver on the gore like its predecessors? In my opinion, yes it did, but not to the extent I was expecting.

The movie starts off with the warden, Bill Boss (Dieter Laser) and his accountant, Dwight Butler (Laurence R. Harvey) finishing their viewing of the previous Human Centipede movies and Butler suggests that Boss use this method to control the prisoners. Already, I think this is stupid. If they saw the previous films, Butler should already know that the creators of the centipede do not ultimately end up well, what would make it different for them?

Butler brings up the idea to do this in real life because apparently, the prisoners are out of control and constantly pick on the warden, giving him no respect. However, the movies presents more of the warden's insane acts of retaliation that makes me think that perhaps its not the prisoners that are in the wrong, but the warden instead.

This film is not categorized as a comedy, so why do the supporting characters find the warden's actions as normal or necessary to do? It was frustrating watching how much this man got away with, from breaking an inmate's arm to waterboarding boiling water on another inmate's face to even castrating one more inmate. All of these torture methods were shown in graphic detail, the castration scene I had to look away from to avoid vomiting.

The character, Bill Boss is not only sadistic, but incredibly annoying. Every other line of dialogue for him is addressed by him screaming at someone or no one for that matter. In addition, Boss is also insane. They really hype the gross factor when they have Boss eat dried clitorises, cooked testicles (the one from the inmate he castrated), and dancing and singing while chanting about rape. In a couple scenes, he's shown screaming at nobody by an empty courtyard or the blue sky, which didn't make for a dramatic scene, but succeeded in giving me a massive migraine.

Most of the movie consists of Boss' torment against the inmates and others, including Butler and his female assistant, Daisy (Bree Olson) When it comes to Daisy, Boss treats her like his sex slave.

Of course they need the only girl in the movie to be submissive to sex. Can't just be a normal character with a more unique personality....

Not even 5 minutes into the film he harasses her, making the audience see him finger her roughly. Other scenes like this include him forcing Daisy to suck him off and swallow his semen while Butler is in the room causing serious awkwardness for everyone but Boss.

So, the conflict in the movie starts when Governor Hughes (Eric Roberts) visits the prison and states that if the warden and the accountant don't find a way to handle their prisoners in 2 weeks, then he will fire them both. This is the reason that Butler goes on trying to convince Boss that he should make the prisoners apart of the human centipede.

It pretty much takes the whole movie for the warden to finally be persuaded to go with this plan. After constantly feeling degraded by the inmates and even having a nightmare about them chanting "Death Rape!" as he is raped by a prisoner in the kidney (which is how the movie should've ended!)

I was actually surprised that it took over an hour to do, considering how crazy Boss was in the first place. The movie includes a cameo from Six as well, supporting the idea to stitch together the prisoners.

In the scene where the warden, accountant and Six are all discussing this plan, they reference other sources that used their idea (e.g South Park episode, "The Human CEN-TI-PAD") and they promote easier ways to make this plan work. It got me wondering, is Six trying to influence people to do this?! Or is he hoping other people make these movies for him, since this is the last installment (yeah right...) 

Again, if this is not a comedy, I could only assume what they're talking about is meant to be taken seriously and that's a dangerous thing.

The warden decides to tell the inmates that they will be apart of the human centipede after a movie night where they watch the previous Human Centipedes, showing off infamous scenes and having me re-live the horror. This idea was obviously a terrible one, both the accountant and I disagreed with this plan, but ultimately it did work...the warden riled the inmates up and the inmates were all around the prison beating up the guards and Daisy, but eventually police broke in and sedated them.

After this, the warden and accountant prepared the inmates for the human centipede, but not before killing off a hispanic man who had a *Stoma, by shoving a pistol in his kidney and shooting him. He also shot were a crippled man and one crazy inmate who was eager to be apart of the human centipede.

Around this part of the movie, we see Daisy bruised up and in a coma on a hospital bed. Boss is aroused by this so much that he implies that he wants to rape her, but Butler cries out that he shouldn't because he loves Daisy. There are small scenes that hint at this fact, so for Butler to confess this before Daisy gets raped was heartbreaking for me.

To be honest, I didn't even watch the rape scene, but I knew it would happen, I'm sure it did.

Anyways, the whole process of attaching the people together is shown in a disgusting manner and on a side note we see random body limbs being cut off for unknown reasons at the moment.

Boss and Butler give Six a tour of the process and Six grows extremley disgusted with what is happening and regretting ever supporting their plan. I wonder if this says something about how he sees his movies?

After two weeks of planning and preparation, Governor Hughes returns to the prison and the warden introduces him to the complete human centipede, with 500 people involved as they are hopelessly stuck together in the courtyard. These people include all the prisoners that got on the warden's nerves, including the black guy whose arm was broken and the tattooed fellow who raped him in the kidney in the dream sequence. Plus, Daisy is also included into the centipede because...I'm not entirely sure. Just because she was in a coma at the time?

The warden does explain that she was put in there to add gender diversity to the centipede and see how it would work out. However, the main point they're trying to convey to the governor is that this was a method to control the prisoners. This is a punishment for the prisoners, so it doesn't make sense that she is there. She did not do anything wrong. It makes me think, if I were asleep during the time of working on the centipede, would they just stitch me up too because I was there? In fact, isn't Daisy the warden's plaything? Who else is he going to sexually harass without her? Sure, he could hire another female, but I'm going to assume that Daisy is the ONLY female that will ever work for him.

The governor is clearly disgusted by this display, but I surely wasn't. They only show the centipede in the last 16 minutes of the movie....

For this type of movie, where the centipede is their main focus, that's a REALLY BAD thing to show the centipede right at the end. 

With the other two movies, the experiments were done early and we get to witness how grotesque it is seeing the people defecate into the other person's mouth and so on. In this film, yeah we see that, but only for very little and there's no other creative things that are done for this centipede. And by creative, I mean they aren't asked to walk around the courtyard or fetch anything (1st film) and the creator of the centipede doesn't rape the end person, making him think he's having sex with the whole centipede (2nd film) 

Now, it's not like I HOPED this would happen, but it was definitely expected. 

This is the FINAL movie, if you want to make your audience scared, GO ALL OUT! You already freaked them out enough with the other two films, do something different, make us get traumatized by how intense this film was and complain about it to our friends. That gives Tom Six more publicity and power over the people's minds.

But nope, nothing. 

Warden just shows the centipede and leaves the courtyard. Although, I must give credit where it's needed. The only 'good' thing they do is come up with a new idea called, "The Human Caterpillar" where inmates with a lifetime sentence are stitched mouth-to-anus but their arms and legs are cut off, so they only lay on the ground as they are reduced to living off of another person's feces.

That was horrifying, but again, nothing else came from it. It's just looking at it and then gone.

After the tour, the governor tells Boss and Butler that they would go to jail for this act and leaves them alone, possibly to call the police. Boss and Butler are frightened for their lives and Boss decides that the best course of action is to commit suicide. So he takes out a gun, shoots the doctor that helped them make the plan (the doctor runs into the room randomly) and right before he's ready to pull the trigger on himself and Butler, Governor Hughes returns. For what you may ask? Oh, well he had a change of heart and congratulated them for their hard work, saying this plan would be amazing and might even get him elected president.

I was baffled when I heard this, up till this point the governor was my only favorite character. He was the serious person of the film, but then they pasted on this weak turn around for him. It could say something about actual officials that know that what they're doing is wrong, but if it benefits them in the long run, they go through with it...Nevertheless, this part sucked any liking I had for him.

The governor leaves the room-again (not noticing the doctor's dead body btw) and Boss and Butler share a hug only for Boss to shoot Butler in the head anyways. Boss wants the idea all to himself and so there is no one to take it away from him.

He is shown in the final scene, yelling in joy amongst the courtyard in the rifle tower while the human centipede and caterpillar are down below, as the star spangled banner plays in the background.

This movie was terrible! Not because it had gore or disgusting scenes, but because there wasn't enough of it! ...I didn't imagine I'd ever say that about a Human Centipede movie, but when you've watched all three, you notice some things.

This trilogy was meant to disturb the audience, and the first film was disturbing and sad, the second was extremely disturbing and vomit-inducing, this third film had little to no factors of those throughout the whole thing. Most of the time, I was irritated by the warden and his screeching voice, his controlling ways, and just looking at him too long grossed me out (no offense to the actor) I would have called him an unrealistic character but there could be people out there like him, but they certainly shouldn't be the star of any movie.

The movie had terrible acting and simply didn't push itself as far as I expected it to. I had to take an hour long break in between the movie before I continued watching it. As for the second human centipede movie: 2 days!!! That says something about which one had a greater impact on me.

Score? 1/5 Stars. Only one for that human caterpillar, that was scary.



Stoma- An incised opening that is kept open for drainage or other purposes, such as the opening in the abdominal wall for colostomy, ureterostomy, and ileal conduit. 
(Source from  

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