Saturday, November 1, 2014

ABCs of Death Review (2013)

The ABCs of Death. I have passed over this title many times while browsing through Netflix and I always promised myself that I would watch it.
That was promised a long, long time ago.
It wasn't until I read a comment on a friend’s profile a few weeks earlier about how disturbing this movie was that I actually dedicated my time to watching this two-hour anthology horror comedy.
This movie presents twenty-six different stories created by twenty-six very diverse directors. Each were given a letter of the alphabet and with that letter, they were given free will to develop a story that related to that letter and revolved around death.
Sounded creepy enough, so I intended to get a good scare out of it.
Turns out I bit off more than I could chew.
To have it simply put, the ABCs of Death gave me two hours of perplexing plots, frightening imagery, and an all-around bizarre production. These directors took their given alphabet and threw caution to the wind. I didn't know whether to give them props for having to guts to go to the extreme or question their sanity since they were the ones to think of such things.
It’s difficult to really describe what goes on through the film, but think of it like this: As you get deeper into the layers, it becomes more and more painful and uncomfortable to go through. I swear to you, I even had to stop the movie halfway through and watch the rest the next day. It was too much insanity to observe in one go.
I searched on the internet for ratings and Rotten Tomatoes gave this movie a score of 35%. The site posted, “As is often the case with anthology films, the ABCs of Death is wildly uneven, with several legitimately scary entries and a bunch more that miss the mark.”
This film is definitely not one to watch with the family. It contains gore, sexual content, and vulgar language. Young children and those faint of heart are advised to stay away from this movie, for it is very disturbing and even traumatizing.
However, if you’re curious as to what could possibly be so bad about this flick, you could check it out on Netflix for free and enjoy the nightmares you will no doubt have.
Once you watch it, you will understand why it’s so hard for me to go into details on how strange it is.
My rating on it? I’d give it a two and a half. It felt jumbled and had no solid objective other than to tell its morbid tales. Perhaps that’s all the directors wanted from it, but that doesn't mean it’s a good idea to go with.
P.S. I also checked on the internet that this movie has a sequel to it. ABCs of Death 2. What could the new stories present that hasn't already been shown?
Also, some fun facts for you. Story wise, I did like some tales in the movie. The letters I, J,N, and S were my personal favorites.

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