Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Transformers 4 (2014)

In the devastating aftermath of the fight for humanity, an enigmatic group strives to alter the course of history as an ancient force of evil plots the destruction of mankind. 
(Summary taken from Fandango.com)

Transformers 4 seems to have an early, eager audience ready to see it. In spite of the negative feedback that the franchise has been given over the years, mainly over its director Michael Bay and his love for huge explosions, there are still many who have faith that Age of Extinction will blow their minds.

Their faith may falter after witnessing the ‘meh’ performance I witnessed last night.

There was a lot of action and drama to keep my attention. There are robots in serious combat with one another, how could you sleep during that? However, there were more problems with this movie than there were praises.

The explosions are the main issue over why Michael Bay films get a bad rap, and in this movie, it was a bit much, but I wasn’t that upset over it. What I was really upset over was the writing. Certain scenes just didn’t make sense. If you’re planning to watch this movie, pay close attention to what the characters say. I found myself questioning why someone would say this and that, or what purpose it brought to the plot.

In addition, a small complaint I had was the product placement. During the climax of the film, you will definitely spot some major products displaying themselves in this flick. I don’t even think I need to tell you where it appears; you’ll just know. 

The characters were bland and I did not find myself cheering for their survival either. I found them highly annoying. They were unlikable, even when they were doing heroic things they always had something to say or do to ruin that moment. 

Personally, my least favorite character was the daughter of Mark Walberg’s character, Tessa. There are times where she can was so disrespectful and useless to the plot that I just wished they didn’t put her in the movie in the first place.

I didn’t blame the actress; I thought she was okay and could do better. The script is what brought the movie down; it didn’t really make sense and I feel bad in a way because Transformers 4 should be spectacular if it has humongous robots!

Again, the movie was ‘meh’ in a sense that it wasn’t that bad or good. It will entertain children and those who love action, but for others who also care about the story may have a hard time liking it. 

Should you watch it? Eh…if you want, but I didn’t feel like I watched an awesome movie. I certainly didn’t clap for it. 

All in all, out of five stars, I’ll give it a two and a half.

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