Miles Morales se convierte en el Hombre Araña de su realidad y se cruza con sus homólogos de otras dimensiones para detener una amenaza a toda la realidad (Fuente-
Rating- PG
Género- animación / acción / aventura
Advertencias- luces intermitentes
Bueno, este no era el tipo de película que esperaba este año.
Cuando pienso en Spider-Man, nunca hubiera pensado que estaba al lado de diferentes tipos de personas de otros universos. Sin embargo, cuanto más lo pienso, probablemente haya algo de cómic en los miles de temas que hablan de este escenario exacto, pero aún es extraño pensar en ello. Y también, muy intrigante. Siempre me fascinó la idea de que pudiéramos tener versiones alternativas de nosotros mismos, y el avance de esta película fue para ponerlo en los términos más simples, ¡qué bueno!
Pero, siendo la persona cautelosa que soy, no estaba segura de que una película animada de Spiderman fuera un buen lugar para el público en este momento o si continuaría siendo exitosa como las películas de acción en vivo relacionadas con Spiderman que recientemente aparecieron como 'Spiderman' : Homecoming 'o' Avengers: Infinity War '.
Entré en esta película sintiéndome emocionado por eso, pero también haciendo mi mejor esfuerzo para no dejar que mi emoción supere mi juicio. Entonces, tengo que preguntarte si crees que esta película me dio una nueva e increíble historia del origen de Spiderman para seguir o ¿simplemente me atrapó en su red de mentiras?
La trama de 'Spiderman: Into the Spider Verse' es la siguiente: El público sigue a Miles Morales (Shameik Moore), un adolescente de Brooklyn que es mordido por una araña radiactiva y descubre que es uno de los muchos héroes Spider de múltiples universos. . . Morales se presenta a estos individuos únicos, pero tienen que trabajar juntos para detener una fuerza que planea destruir todos sus mundos.
Una de mis preocupaciones al entrar en esta película es que sería demasiado. Vi el trailer de antemano, así que sabía de cuántos personajes se presentarían y me preocupaba que no hubiera tiempo suficiente para explicarlos a todos. Pero la película proporciona maneras inteligentes de compensar esto. Hay una clara jerarquía de importancia con los personajes que nos presentan, con Morales en la parte superior y, a medida que avanza la película, somos testigos de nuevas personas que disminuyen en importancia. Esto no significa que a la película le haya ido mal mostrando sus nuevos personajes; de hecho, esto hace que las cosas mejoren.
Con tanta gente, si todos fueran empujados con un desarrollo igualitario, atestaría su cerebro y le haría difícil concentrarse en la historia. Entonces, se dijo lo que se necesitaba para decir, y me conformé con eso. Para los personajes que no se tocaron tanto, no había realmente una razón para no cambiar eso. Una secuela estaría bien, pero si nunca volviera a ver a esos personajes, no sentiría que me faltara nada. Después de todo, la historia era sobre Morales, quien por cierto es mi personaje favorito.
No creo que a menudo me guste la estrella de una película, pero con Morales supe que me gustaría que lo hiciera una vez que apareciera en la pantalla. Tuve uno de esos momentos que muchos niños probablemente tienen donde miras la pantalla y piensas: "Ese soy yo. Estoy siendo representado". Por supuesto, no soy un adolescente que vive en Brooklyn, pero ciertos elementos me recuerdan a mí mismo y a mi hogar.
Su carácter era tan diverso desde su trasfondo cultural hasta su personalidad. A veces tiene problemas para mostrar emociones, pero no es oscuro ni melancólico. Tiene algunos buenos amigos, pero no es el mejor con las damas. Morales solo me recuerda a alguien con quien podría pasar el rato, y no es un estereotipo, lo que eleva esta película a un nivel completamente diferente.
Su arco también estaba bien armado, aunque a veces era muy difícil de ver porque sentí su dolor cuando intentaba estar a la altura de un nuevo Spiderman en su universo. Podía sentir cómo reaccionaría en esas situaciones, y eso lo hizo más real para mí. Entonces, una vez que la audiencia se da cuenta de que Morales comenzó a comprender sus poderes, las cosas se vuelven aún más satisfactorias porque se hizo un gran esfuerzo para llegar a ese punto.
Los otros héroes araña también estaban bien hechos, y al final de la película he llegado a gustarme a cada uno de ellos. Todos son distintos el uno del otro, pero la historia de alguna manera los conecta en su origen, que es una broma en la película que me pareció graciosa. Un par de héroes de la araña se volvieron realmente locos, pero afortunadamente la película no se centra tanto en eso y, como resultado, pude apreciarlos más de lo que esperaba. Los relieves cómicos fueron geniales cuando fueron necesarios, y ciertamente juegan con los diferentes tipos de héroes araña que hemos obtenido a lo largo de los años, pero me alegro de que los escritores sabían que era mejor dejar que la historia principal siguiera su curso sin demasiada interferencia de personajes secundarios o secundarios (donde los pusieras, si vieras la película).
El villano de la película era un villano típico en apariencia, pero sus antecedentes mostraban que ellos también tenían un corazón en necesidad de remendarse, aunque la forma en que lo hacen no es la mejor. También es alguien que algunas personas ya han visto en el universo de Spiderman si eres un gran fanático de la serie, así que no hay nadie nuevo. Aún así, hay un par de giros en la trama que se lanzan aquí y allá a lo largo de la historia que tienen sentido, por lo que no solo se lanzan para lograr un efecto dramático.
La animación era mi mayor preocupación al entrar en esto porque no estaba acostumbrada. Sabía que iba con este estilo de cómic, pero temía que los personajes se vieran más rígidos en sus movimientos o demasiado caricaturescos para tomarlos en serio, si eso tiene sentido. Sin embargo, la película se reproduce en la animación de manera excelente, incluso de manera flagrante e incluye paneles de cómics para dirigir la trama y presentar cómo se abordarán las series de eventos.
Mi juego favorito en los diseños de cómics era cómo escribían los efectos de sonido hechos en el fondo como "Bam" o "Chirp" o cómo un personaje pensaría en voz alta y las burbujas de pensamiento aparecerían detrás de ellos. Me hizo sentir como un niño otra vez leyendo cómics en mi habitación, ¡aunque eso apenas sucedió! Simplemente me dio esta cálida sensación de alegría.
La banda sonora también fue una locura buena! Mucha de la música también recordaba a Brooklyn, ese ritmo urbano de hip-hop. Me ayudó a conectarme con la Nueva York que se presentó en la pantalla. Para aquellos que nunca han estado en Nueva York, particularmente en Brooklyn, la forma en que se presentó en esta película le da una buena idea de cómo es: lo bueno y lo malo de todo esto. Además, esté atento a los divertidos huevos de Pascua cuando estén en Nueva York, porque muestran Times Square varias veces y cada vez hay algo nuevo que atrapar.
Siento que esta crítica fue mucho más corta que la de los otros, pero no puedo recordar nada más que pudiera decir sobre esta película. Si miras en la sección de spoiler, menciono algunas cosas que no me gustan especialmente, pero no ocultan lo divertido que era mirar esto. Si tuviera que decir algunas quejas, comentaría cómo a veces las escenas que no involucraban peleas pasaron muy rápido y algunas transiciones se sintieron demasiado entrecortadas.
También recomendaría tomar precauciones si usted o alguien que conoce es propenso a las convulsiones antes de ver esta película, ya que la introducción y el final tienen una larga duración de destellos y colores vibrantes, y la escena final de la batalla también tiene un montón de colores brillantes y destellantes.
No creo que esta sea una película que deba estar conectada al gran universo de Marvel que seguimos con Spiderman de Tom Holland, pero es una gran película para compartir con toda la familia. Lo vería de nuevo si alguien me pidiera que lo hiciera, y lo compraría para DvD si hubiera niños vagando por mi casa, que no hay. El protagonista es muy agradable al igual que los otros personajes, la música y la animación se sintieron innovadoras, y parece que es una gran forma para una posible secuela.
Le doy a Spiderman: Into the Spider Verse un 5 de cada 5 estrellas.
Una de las expectativas que tengo para esta película es que quiero que aborden la relación de Peter Parker y Gwen Stacy en su universo. Siento que no es algo que puedas dejar de lado. ¡Gwen enloqueció en su universo! Si no lo mencionan de alguna manera estaré molesto.
La introducción es realmente genial, pero Dios lo hizo volar tan rápido con esos colores. No sé si las personas que son propensas a las convulsiones deberían ver esta película.
¿Lo vi correctamente o fue Mary Jane la que estaba al revés en la famosa escena de los besos? ¿Por qué demonios estaría atada boca abajo en un callejón? El único que podía hacer eso es Spiderman, ¿así que la puso a propósito en esa posición para que pudieran tener una escena de beso genial?
Miles tiene una madre latina? Sé que su apellido era Morales, pero no esperaba que agregaran una latina que habla español en la película. Me recuerda a mi propia madre cómo regresó con el inglés y el español, y en ese momento sentí cuántos otros niños debieron sentirse donde se sienten como el personaje en la pantalla. Fue un momento cálido para mí.
Oof, esa transición en la que Miles se corta mientras dice "En un minuto" se sintió realmente entrecortada ...
Ese fue un momento increíble en el que Miles pasó junto a sus amigos y escuchas que se hablan diferentes idiomas. Se siente como mi propia ciudad.
Tío Aaron, ¿eh? Si alguien va a morir en el universo de Miles, tiene que ser el tío. Los tíos siempre mueren ...
Me encantan las pequeñas bromas que los niños están bromeando justo después de que Miles se vio obligado a decirle "Te quiero" a su padre. Recuerda mucho a la vida real y cómo las personas son idiotas.
Tener tu zapato desatado es una tendencia en realidad. Sé de alguien que hace eso.
Miles llegaba tarde otra vez a clase? ¿No es este su primer día?
Entonces, ¿va a ser una cosa en la que Gwen exista en el universo de Miles, pero también existe en otro universo y Miles se vincula tanto con Spider Gwen que él sigue saliendo con su Gwen?
Este intercambio de "Hey" entre Miles y el tío Aaron se siente incómodo para mí, pero supongo que eso lo hace divertido porque todos los demás se estaban riendo. Yo también me reí, pero era más que seguir a la multitud.
Momento divertido donde Miles acaba de matar a la araña con indiferencia. Ése sería yo.
¿Por qué es esa chica tan alta? (Pfft, debería hablar. La gente hablaba mucho sobre mi estatura mientras crecía)
Millas enloquecidas es en serio una gran representación de la ansiedad. ¿Es esta la consecuencia de ser Spiderman (o mujer)? ¿Ansiedad establecida?
¡Maldición, King Pen, esos hombros son gruesos!
¿Por qué es rubio Peter Parker? No hay una versión de Peter que haya visto que lo tenga con ese rubio de cabello.
*Ve a Peter Parker asesinado por King Pen * .... Está bien.
Supongo que el padre de Miles se siente como una mierda ahora que su hombre araña está muerto.
Stan Lee camafeo! Ugh, ver sus camafeos después de su muerte lo hace más poderoso.
Te preguntas, eh ... los superhéroes tienen que salvar al mundo todo el tiempo, y un día, morirán como el resto de nosotros. Te hace pensar, también son (a veces) humanos y no los tendremos para siempre, por lo que deberíamos apreciarlos durante el tiempo que los tengamos. Dios mío, ¿esto es un presagio para 'Avengers: Endgame?'
Probablemente yo sea esa persona para decir: "No creo que él estuviera hablando de ti personalmente. Es más como una metáfora".
Cuando Miles bajó corriendo la escalera, recordé la película Venom, donde Venom se burla de Eddie por no saltar del edificio.
¿Viste a Peter B. romper el vidrio en su montaje de la historia de origen? El es judio
Me aseguré de mirar alrededor de Times Square para encontrar algunas referencias y aquí hay algunas que vi. Tenían un anuncio en la cartelera de Stephen Curry, una parodia de Shaun of the Dead titulada algo como From Death hasta que Shaun and Bridesmaids fue reemplazada por Baby Showers.
Eso es Nueva York para ti. La gente podría caer del cielo y a la gente no le importaría nada.
Verás, pensé que Peter B. Parker era el Peter Parker original de lo que interpreté en el trailer.
Aunque se supone que Peter B. es la versión de menor tasa de Peter Parker, personalmente creo que se ve mejor. Creo que es el rastrojo que me atrapa.
Tenía la sensación de que Miles habría obtenido el poder de una memoria más grande desde que Peter B. memorizó un código.
Me gusta mucho el diseño de personajes de esa dama de la ciencia. Es diferente. Además, ¿está aplastando a Peter B.?
No, ella no lo es. Ella es la Dra. Oct. ¡Eso es genial!
Pensé que Miles y Peter B. se iban a golpear contra un árbol mientras se balanceaban juntos.
De acuerdo, entonces el universo de Gwen se siente culpable por la muerte de Peter. Pero espera, ¿quieres decirme que Peter, de 16 años, estaba tan desgarrado? Tal vez incluso más joven que eso, porque si recuerdas al final de la película, Gwen dice que es mayor que Miles antes de los 15 meses, pero no antes de decir que él tenía 15 años, lo que significa que ella tiene 16 años. ¡Ningún niño de 16 años podría estar tan mal! Bien...
¡Tía May es tan genial en este universo!
Nicholas Cage es el hombre araña negro? Supongo que esto lo compensa por no ser Superman.
¿Por qué tengo la sensación de que no me va a gustar el cerdo araña?
Esa frase del hombre Noir Spider acerca de "enciendo un fósforo para tratar de sentir algo" es increíble.
Spider Gwen es una bailarina de ballet? No pude captar eso en su historia de origen. Pensé que ella estaba en una banda.
Los otros héroes araña que presionaban a Miles para que se levantaran me pusieron realmente ansioso y me dejaron un mal sabor de boca. Una vez más, una semejanza de ansiedad con todas estas voces gritándote y no tienes la fuerza para levantarte debido a eso.
¿Por qué estos héroes araña son tan idiotas? Sí, hablar a espaldas de Miles era una broma, pero solo me molestaba con ellos. Realmente he disfrutado de Miles y si alguien lo lastima, les haré daño.
¡El tío Aaron es el secuaz! ¿Por qué otra cosa visitaría el apartamento? Además, me hubiera parecido gracioso si se hubiera sentado a mirar la tele con su disfraz.
Pensé que el Dr. Oct iba a secuestrar a la tía May, a lo que yo habría reaccionado como, "¡Oh, vamos! ¡¿Otra vez?"
Esa foto de Peter Parker en la pared con su traje y gafas es tan adorable.
¿Por qué se tradujeron las palabras del villano pero no las de la madre si ambas hablan español? * jadeo * ¿Hicieron eso porque fue solo DESPUÉS de que Miles se dio cuenta de que los afectos del cómic comenzaron a suceder? Si es así, buena elección.
El tío Aaron no va tan lejos como para intentar matar a Miles. No hay forma. Oh bien, tenía razón, ¡oh no! Bueno, dije que todos los tíos mueren en las películas de Spiderman ...
Las últimas palabras del tío Aaron no fueron tan impactantes para mí, pero, de nuevo, cuando te estás muriendo de repente es difícil evocar este excelente discurso antes de tu último aliento.
¿Ahora el padre va a tratar de matar a Miles? Esto simplemente no termina ...
Desearía que hubiera más interacción con el compañero de cuarto de Miles, como Ned fue para Peter en Spiderman: Homecoming.
Odio la sensación de ser excluido por otras personas porque eres diferente, por eso todo este "No estás listo, Miles" no es tan agradable de ver como creo que debería ser. Lo entiendo, y también entiendo por qué me siento así.
Es agradable ver que un gran oficial de policía como el padre de Miles se emociona con la audiencia. ¡El llanto no es débil, amigos!
¿No podría Miles simplemente tomar uno de los trajes de hombre araña que se parecen más a lo que quiere? No, porque necesitamos que arruine un traje con pintura en aerosol para demostrar que es un individuo. Estoy llegando, lo sé.
Nunca fui fan de Mary Jane (al menos la versión de Kristen Dunst) pero la hicieron agradable en esta. Lo sé, ella tuvo como dos escenas de su conversación, pero ... ¿quizás eso era lo que se necesitaba? Lo siento fans de Mary Jane!
El ida y vuelta sobre el "pan" era hilarante.
Los otros héroes de la araña van a necesitar a Miles cuando todos estén fallando así. Apuesto a que será lo que los salve.
No entendí lo que Peter B. dijo la primera vez cuando se reunió con Miles, pero me las arreglé para resolverlo y me dijo: "Espera, ¿quiero niños?" y eso me molestó un poco. No soy el mayor fanático de los arcos de historias que involucran a alguien que no quiere que los niños aprendan que él realmente quiere a los niños, porque siento que les está diciendo a las personas que no quieren a los niños que "simplemente no quieren ninguna "Porque eres inseguro sobre ti mismo, no crees que puedas hacerlo, y una vez que obtengas esta experiencia, llegarás". Hay personas que nunca querrán ser padres y que no las dañan ni a que sean malas personas por pensar de esa manera, por lo que Peter B. podría haber tenido su problema con Mary Jane pero sin el "ella quería hijos" , Yo no "parte".
¿Era necesario que el robot de Penny muriera durante esta pelea? No pasamos mucho tiempo con ella junto con Noir Spiderman y Spider Pig, por lo que esta muerte se siente mediocre.
*Ve a Spider Gwen y Miles hablando antes de que ella regrese a su universo * ... Oh, solo bésame, ¿por qué no lo haces?
¿Es incorrecto para mí pensar que la posición en la que estaban Miles y Peter B. era romántica? ¡NO ENTRE ELLOS! Escúchame, la forma en que Miles literalmente mantuvo a Peter B. sobre el borde para salvarlo (y también para probar un punto), pero solo imaginé esta escena de rescate intenso entre dos amantes y fue realmente lindo imaginarlo. Tal vez lo dibuje.
Me encanta cómo Peter B. estaba decidido a morir para salvar el universo, pero Miles simplemente lanza sus propias palabras sobre él y Peter B. es como, "Sí, estás bien". Como no Si mi profesor de matemáticas dijo que iba a fallar en un examen porque no estudié, y respondo: "Sólo necesito dar un salto de fe", él no dirá, "Tienes razón, tú". Lo haré bien por ti mismo ". Aún fallaré ... estoy llegando de nuevo.
¿Cuál fue el punto de que el rey Pen viera a su esposa e hijo en el tren? Eran hologramas (o como se llame) pero los trató como si fueran reales. ¿Por qué? Claramente no están allí. Mi madre comentó esa escena aunque dijo que pensaba que su familia se estaba volviendo a formar otra vez, lo que me hizo pensar que el objetivo de esa escena era revelar que incluso si la familia de King Pen regresaba, solo volvería a la última escena. La hora en que los conoció fue donde fue descubierto atacando a Spiderman.
Esa cara que hizo Miles cuando estaba abrazando a su papá cuando los ojos de su máscara se hicieron pequeños era adorable.
Entonces, ¿Peter Parker está realmente muerto en este universo? Eso apesta.
¿Fue Gwen contactando a Miles al final? Ese fue un final que sabe que quiere una secuela.
Me quedé para la primera escena después de los créditos con la dedicación de Stan Lee, que fue encantadora, pero me fui antes que la otra y fue un gran error ... Fue increíble. Si te lo perdiste también, está en Youtube.
Monday, December 17, 2018
Spiderman: Into the Spider Verse (2018)
Miles Morales becomes the Spider-Man of his reality and crosses paths with his counterparts from other dimensions to stop a threat to all reality (Source-
Rating- PG
Genre- animation/action/adventure
Warnings- flashing lights
Well this wasn't the type of movie I was expecting this year.
When I think of Spider-Man, I would've never thought of him being together with different sorts of people from other universes. The more I think about it though, there is probably some comic in the thousands of issues out there that talk about this exact scenario, but it's still odd to think about. And also, highly intriguing. I was always fascinated with the idea that we could have alternate versions of ourselves, and the trailer for this movie was to put in the simplest of terms- so cool!
But, being the cautious person I am, I wasn't sure that an animated Spiderman movie would bode well with audiences at this time or if it would hold up to be successful like the live action Spiderman related films that recently appeared like 'Spiderman: Homecoming' or 'Avengers: Infinity War.'
I went into this movie feeling excited for it but also doing my best to not let my excitement get the better of my judgement. So, I have to ask you if you think this movie gave me a new, awesome Spiderman origin story to follow or did it just trap me in its web of lies?
The plot for 'Spiderman: Into the Spider Verse' is as follows: The audience follows Miles Morales (Shameik Moore), a teenage boy from Brooklyn who is bit by a radioactive spider and discovers that he is one of many Spider heroes from multiple universes. Morales is introduced to these unique individuals, but they have to work together to stop a force that plans to destroy all of their worlds.
One of my concerns going into this film is that it would be too much. I saw the trailer beforehand, so I knew of how many characters would be introduced and it worried me that there wouldn't be enough time to explain them all. But the film provides clever ways to compensate for this. There is a clear hierarchy of importance with the characters we are introduced to, with Morales being at the top and as the movie goes on we're witnessed to new people who decrease in importance. This doesn't mean that the movie did bad in showing their new characters; in fact, this makes things better.
With that many people, if they were all shoved in with equal development it would crowd your brain and make it hard to focus on the story. So, what was needed to be said was said, and I was satisfied with that. For the characters that weren't touched upon as much, there wasn't really a reason not to change that. A sequel would be nice, but if I never saw those characters again then I wouldn't feel like I was missing anything. After all, the story was about Morales- who by the way is my favorite character.
I don't think it's often for me to like the star of a movie, but with Morales I knew I would like him once he came on screen. I had one of those moments that many children probably have where you look at the screen and think to yourself, "That is me. I am being represented." Granted, I am not a teenage boy living in Brooklyn, but certain elements reminded me of myself and home.
His character was so diverse from his cultural background to his personality. He sometimes has trouble showing emotion, but he's not dark and brooding. He has some good friends, but he's not the best with the ladies. Morales just reminds me of someone who I could just hang out with, and is not a stereotype, which elevates this movie to a whole different level.
His arc was well put together too, although sometimes really hard to watch because I felt his pain as he tried to live up to be a new Spiderman in his universe. I could sense how I would react in those situations, and it made it all the more real for me. So once the audience notices Morales started to understand his powers, it makes things all the more fulfilling because there was a lot of effort put into getting to that point.
The other spider heroes were well done too, and I've grown to like each of them by the end of the movie. They're all distinct from one another, but the story somehow makes them connected in their origin story which is a running gag in the movie that I found to be funny. A couple of spider heroes came off as really wacky, but thankfully the movie doesn't focus so much on that and as a result I was able to like them more than what I was expecting. The comic reliefs were great when needed, and certainly plays on the different types of spider heroes we've gotten over the years, but I'm glad the writers knew it was better to let the main story take its course without too much interference from side or minor characters (wherever you'd put them, if you saw the film).
The villain of the movie was a typical villain in appearance but their background showed that they too had a heart in need of mending, even though the way they go about it isn't the best. It's also someone that some people have seen in the Spiderman universe already if you're a big fan of the series, so it's no one new. Still, there are a couple of plot twists are thrown in here and there throughout the story that make sense, so they're not just thrown in for dramatic effect.
The animation was my biggest concern going into this because I wasn't used to it. I knew it was going for this comic book style, but I feared it would make the characters look more stiff in their movement or a little too cartoony to take seriously- if that makes sense. However, the film plays on the animation excellently, even blatantly including comic book panels at times to direct the plot forward as well as present how the series of events would be addressed.
My favorite play on the comic book designs was how they would write up the sound effects made in the background like "Bam" or "Chirp" or how a character would think aloud and the thought bubbles would pop up behind them. It made me feel like a kid again reading comic books in my bedroom, even though that barely happened! It just gave me this warm feeling of joy.
The soundtrack was also crazy good! A lot of the music felt reminiscent of Brooklyn too, that urban hip-hop beat. It helped me connect with the New York that was presented on screen. For those that never been to New York, particularly Brooklyn, the way that it was presented in this movie gives you a good idea of what it's like- the good and bad of it all. Also, be on the look out for some funny easter eggs when they are in New York, because they show Times Square a number of times and every time there was something new to catch.
I feel like this review was much shorter than my other ones, but I can't recall anything else that I could say about this movie. If you look in the spoiler section I mention a few things I'm not particularly fond of, but they don't overshadow how fun this was to watch. If I had to say a few complaints, I'd comment on how at times scenes that weren't involving fighting went by really quickly and some transitions felt too choppy.
I would also recommend taking precautions if you or anyone you know is prone to seizures before watching this movie as the introduction and ending has long durations of flashing and vibrant colors and the final battle scene has a ton of bright, flashing colors as well.
I don't think this is a movie that should be connected to the big Marvel universe that we are following with Tom Holland's Spiderman, but it's a great movie to share with the whole family. I would watch it again if someone asked me to do so, and buy it for DvD if there were kids roaming around my house- which there aren't. The protagonist is very likable as are the other characters, the music and animation felt innovative, and it looks like it's a great shape for a possible sequel.
I give 'Spiderman: Into the Spider Verse' a 5 out of 5 stars.
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One expectation I have for this movie is that I want them to address Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy's relationship in his universe. I feel like it's not something that you can just brush aside. Gwen freaking died in his universe! If they don't mention that somehow I'll be upset.
The introduction is really cool, but gosh did it fly so fast with those colors. I don't know if people who are prone to seizures should see this movie.
Did I see that correctly or was Mary Jane the one upside down in the famous kissing scene? Why in the world would she be tied upside down in an alley way? The only one who could do that is Spiderman, so did he purposely put her in that position so they could have a cool kiss scene?
Miles has a Latin mom? I know his last name was Morales, but I didn't expect them to add a Latina speaking Spanish in the movie. It reminds me of my own mom how she went back in forth with English and Spanish, and in that moment I felt how many other children must have felt where they feel like the character on screen. It was a warm moment for me.
Oof, that transition where Miles is cut off while saying "In a minute" felt really choppy...
That was an awesome moment where Miles passed by his friends and you hear different languages being spoken. It feels like my own town.
Uncle Aaron, eh? If anyone's going to die in Miles' universe, it has to be the uncle. The uncles always die...
I love the tiny jokes the kids are cracking right after Miles was forced to say I love you to his dad. Very reminiscent of real life and how people are jerks.
Having your shoe untied is a trend actually. I know of someone who does that.
Miles was late again to class? Isn't this his first day?
So, is it going to be a thing where Gwen exists in Miles' universe but she also exists in another universe and Miles bonds so much with Spider Gwen that he goes on to date his Gwen?
This "Hey" exchange between Miles and Uncle Aaron feels awkward to me, but I guess that what makes it funny because everyone else was cracking up. I laughed too, but it was more to follow the crowd.
Funny moment where Miles just kills the spider nonchalantly. That would be me.
Why IS that girl so tall? (Pfft, I should talk. People talked about my height a lot growing up)
Miles freaking out is seriously a great representation of anxiety. Is this the consequences of being Spiderman (or woman)? Established anxiety?
Damn, King Pen, those shoulders are thick!
Why is Peter Parker blond? There is not one version of Peter that I've seen that has him with that blond of hair.
*Sees Peter Parker killed by King Pen* ....He's fine.
Guess Miles' dad feels like crap now that their Spider man is dead.
Stan Lee cameo! Ugh, seeing cameos of him after his death makes it more powerful.
You wonder, huh...superheroes have to save the world all the time, and one day, they will die like the rest of us. It makes you think, they are (sometimes) human too and we won't have them forever, so we should cherish them for as long as we have them. Gosh, is this foreshadowing for 'Avengers: Endgame?'
I'd probably be that person to say, "I don't think he was talking about you personally. It's more like a metaphor."
When Miles ran back down the staircase, I thought back to the movie Venom where Venom mocks Eddie for not jumping off the building.
Did you see Peter B. smash the glass in his origin story montage? He's Jewish!
I made sure to look around Times Square to find some references and here are a few I saw. They had a billboard ad of Stephen Curry, a parody of Shaun of the Dead titled something like From Death till Shaun and Bridesmaids was replaced with Baby Showers.
That's New York for you. People could drop from the sky and people wouldn't give a damn about it.
You see, I thought Peter B. Parker was the original Peter Parker from what I interpreted in the trailer.
Even though Peter B. is supposed to be the lower rate version of Peter Parker, I personally think he looks better. I think it's the stubble that gets me.
I had a feeling Miles would've gotten the power of a bigger memory since Peter B. memorized a code.
I really like that science lady's character design. It's different. Also, is she crushing on Peter B.?
Nope, she's not. She's Dr. Oct. That's so cool!
I thought Miles and Peter B. were going to smack right against a tree as they were swinging together.
Okay, so Gwen's universe has her feeling guilty over her Peter's death. But hold up, you mean to tell me that 16 year old Peter was that ripped? Maybe even younger than that, because if you remember by the end of the movie Gwen says she's older than Miles by 15 months, but not before saying that he was 15- meaning that she is 16. No 16 year old could be that ripped! Well...
Aunt May is so cool in this universe!
Nicholas Cage is the noir Spider man? Guess this makes up for him not being Superman.
Why do I get the feeling that I'm not going to like the spider pig?
That line from Noir Spider man about, "I light a match to try and feel something" is amazing.
Spider Gwen is a ballet dancer? I didn't catch that in her origin story. I thought she was in a band.
The other spider heroes pressuring Miles to get up made me really anxious and left a bad taste in my mouth. Again, a resemblance of anxiety with all of these voices yelling at you and you don't have the strength to get back up because of it.
Why are these spider heroes such jerks? Yes, the talking behind Miles' back was meant as a joke, but it just made me annoyed with them. I've truly enjoyed Miles and if anyone hurts him, I will hurt them.
Uncle Aaron is the henchman! Why else would he visit the apartment? Also, I would've found it funny if he just sat and watched tv in his costume.
I thought Dr. Oct was going to kidnap Aunt May, to which I would've reacted like, "Oh come on! Again?!"
That photo of Peter Parker on the wall in his suit and glasses is so adorable.
Why was the villain's words translated but not the mother's if they both speak Spanish? *gasp* Did they do that because it was only AFTER Miles got bit that the comic book affects started happening? If so, nice choice.
Uncle Aaron is not going go so far as to try and kill Miles. There's no way. Oh good, I was right-oh no! Well, I did say all uncles die in Spiderman films...
Uncle Aaron's final words weren't all impactful to me, but then again, when you're dying all of a sudden it's hard to conjure up this excellent speech before your last breath.
Now the father is going to try to kill Miles? This just doesn't end...
I wish there was more interaction with Miles' roommate, like how Ned was to Peter in Spiderman: Homecoming.
I hate the feeling of being ostracized by other people because you're different, which is why this whole "You're not ready, Miles" arc isn't as pleasing to watch as I think it should be. I get it, and I also get why I feel this way.
It's nice to see a big police officer like Miles' dad get emotional for the audience. Crying isn't weak, folks!
Couldn't Miles just grab one of the Spider man suits that look most like what he wants? No, because we need him to ruin a suit with spray paint to show that he's an individual. I'm reaching, I know.
I was never a fan of Mary Jane (at least the Kristen Dunst's version) but they made her likable in this one. I know, she got like two scenes of her talking, but...maybe that's what was needed? I'm sorry Mary Jane fans!
The back and forth about the "bread" was hilarious.
The other Spider heroes are going to need Miles when they're all glitching like that. I bet that will be what saves them.
I didn't catch what Peter B. said the first time when he reunited with Miles, but I managed to figure it out and he said, "Wait, do I want kids?" and that made me a tiny bit upset. I'm not the biggest fan of story arcs that involve someone who doesn't want kids learning that he actually does want kids, because I feel like it's telling people who don't want kids that, "You just don't want any because you're insecure about yourself, you don't think you can do it, and once you get this experience then you'll come around." There are people that will never want to be a parent and that doesn't make them damaged or a bad person for thinking that way, so Peter B. could have still had his issue with his Mary Jane but without the, "she wanted kids, I didn't" part.
Was it necessary for Penny's robot to die during this fight? We don't get as much time with her along with Noir Spiderman and Spider Pig, so this death feels lackluster.
*Sees Spider Gwen and Miles talking before she returns to her universe* ...Oh, just kiss why don't cha?
Is it wrong for me to think that the position Miles and Peter B. were in was romantic? NOT BETWEEN THEM! Hear me out, the way Miles literally held Peter B. over the edge to save him (and also prove a point) but I just pictured this intense rescue scene between two lovers and it was really cute to imagine. Maybe I'll draw it.
I just love how Peter B. was dead set on dying to save the universe, but Miles just flips his own words on him and Peter B. is like, "Yup, you're good." Like, no! If my math teacher said I was going to fail a test because I didn't study, and I respond like, "I just need to take a leap of faith" he won't be like, "You're right, you'll do fine by yourself." I'll still fail...I'm reaching again.
What was the point of King Pen seeing his wife and son in the train? They were holograms (or whatever you call it) but he treated them like they were real. Why? They're clearly not there. My mother commented on that scene though saying that he thought his family was re-forming into existence again, which got me thinking that the point of that scene was to reveal that even if King Pen's family returned, it would just revert back to the last time he knew them which is where he was discovered attacking Spiderman.
That face Miles made when he was hugging his dad when the eyes of his mask got all small was adorable.
So Peter Parker is really dead in this universe? That sucks.
Was that Gwen contacting Miles at the end? That was an ending that knows it wants a sequel.
I stayed for the first after-credits scene with the Stan Lee dedication which was lovely, but I left before the other one and that was a big mistake...It was amazing. If you missed it too, it's on Youtube.
Rating- PG
Genre- animation/action/adventure
Warnings- flashing lights
When I think of Spider-Man, I would've never thought of him being together with different sorts of people from other universes. The more I think about it though, there is probably some comic in the thousands of issues out there that talk about this exact scenario, but it's still odd to think about. And also, highly intriguing. I was always fascinated with the idea that we could have alternate versions of ourselves, and the trailer for this movie was to put in the simplest of terms- so cool!
But, being the cautious person I am, I wasn't sure that an animated Spiderman movie would bode well with audiences at this time or if it would hold up to be successful like the live action Spiderman related films that recently appeared like 'Spiderman: Homecoming' or 'Avengers: Infinity War.'
I went into this movie feeling excited for it but also doing my best to not let my excitement get the better of my judgement. So, I have to ask you if you think this movie gave me a new, awesome Spiderman origin story to follow or did it just trap me in its web of lies?
The plot for 'Spiderman: Into the Spider Verse' is as follows: The audience follows Miles Morales (Shameik Moore), a teenage boy from Brooklyn who is bit by a radioactive spider and discovers that he is one of many Spider heroes from multiple universes. Morales is introduced to these unique individuals, but they have to work together to stop a force that plans to destroy all of their worlds.
One of my concerns going into this film is that it would be too much. I saw the trailer beforehand, so I knew of how many characters would be introduced and it worried me that there wouldn't be enough time to explain them all. But the film provides clever ways to compensate for this. There is a clear hierarchy of importance with the characters we are introduced to, with Morales being at the top and as the movie goes on we're witnessed to new people who decrease in importance. This doesn't mean that the movie did bad in showing their new characters; in fact, this makes things better.
With that many people, if they were all shoved in with equal development it would crowd your brain and make it hard to focus on the story. So, what was needed to be said was said, and I was satisfied with that. For the characters that weren't touched upon as much, there wasn't really a reason not to change that. A sequel would be nice, but if I never saw those characters again then I wouldn't feel like I was missing anything. After all, the story was about Morales- who by the way is my favorite character.
I don't think it's often for me to like the star of a movie, but with Morales I knew I would like him once he came on screen. I had one of those moments that many children probably have where you look at the screen and think to yourself, "That is me. I am being represented." Granted, I am not a teenage boy living in Brooklyn, but certain elements reminded me of myself and home.
His character was so diverse from his cultural background to his personality. He sometimes has trouble showing emotion, but he's not dark and brooding. He has some good friends, but he's not the best with the ladies. Morales just reminds me of someone who I could just hang out with, and is not a stereotype, which elevates this movie to a whole different level.
His arc was well put together too, although sometimes really hard to watch because I felt his pain as he tried to live up to be a new Spiderman in his universe. I could sense how I would react in those situations, and it made it all the more real for me. So once the audience notices Morales started to understand his powers, it makes things all the more fulfilling because there was a lot of effort put into getting to that point.
The other spider heroes were well done too, and I've grown to like each of them by the end of the movie. They're all distinct from one another, but the story somehow makes them connected in their origin story which is a running gag in the movie that I found to be funny. A couple of spider heroes came off as really wacky, but thankfully the movie doesn't focus so much on that and as a result I was able to like them more than what I was expecting. The comic reliefs were great when needed, and certainly plays on the different types of spider heroes we've gotten over the years, but I'm glad the writers knew it was better to let the main story take its course without too much interference from side or minor characters (wherever you'd put them, if you saw the film).
The villain of the movie was a typical villain in appearance but their background showed that they too had a heart in need of mending, even though the way they go about it isn't the best. It's also someone that some people have seen in the Spiderman universe already if you're a big fan of the series, so it's no one new. Still, there are a couple of plot twists are thrown in here and there throughout the story that make sense, so they're not just thrown in for dramatic effect.
The animation was my biggest concern going into this because I wasn't used to it. I knew it was going for this comic book style, but I feared it would make the characters look more stiff in their movement or a little too cartoony to take seriously- if that makes sense. However, the film plays on the animation excellently, even blatantly including comic book panels at times to direct the plot forward as well as present how the series of events would be addressed.
My favorite play on the comic book designs was how they would write up the sound effects made in the background like "Bam" or "Chirp" or how a character would think aloud and the thought bubbles would pop up behind them. It made me feel like a kid again reading comic books in my bedroom, even though that barely happened! It just gave me this warm feeling of joy.
The soundtrack was also crazy good! A lot of the music felt reminiscent of Brooklyn too, that urban hip-hop beat. It helped me connect with the New York that was presented on screen. For those that never been to New York, particularly Brooklyn, the way that it was presented in this movie gives you a good idea of what it's like- the good and bad of it all. Also, be on the look out for some funny easter eggs when they are in New York, because they show Times Square a number of times and every time there was something new to catch.
I feel like this review was much shorter than my other ones, but I can't recall anything else that I could say about this movie. If you look in the spoiler section I mention a few things I'm not particularly fond of, but they don't overshadow how fun this was to watch. If I had to say a few complaints, I'd comment on how at times scenes that weren't involving fighting went by really quickly and some transitions felt too choppy.
I would also recommend taking precautions if you or anyone you know is prone to seizures before watching this movie as the introduction and ending has long durations of flashing and vibrant colors and the final battle scene has a ton of bright, flashing colors as well.
I don't think this is a movie that should be connected to the big Marvel universe that we are following with Tom Holland's Spiderman, but it's a great movie to share with the whole family. I would watch it again if someone asked me to do so, and buy it for DvD if there were kids roaming around my house- which there aren't. The protagonist is very likable as are the other characters, the music and animation felt innovative, and it looks like it's a great shape for a possible sequel.
I give 'Spiderman: Into the Spider Verse' a 5 out of 5 stars.
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One expectation I have for this movie is that I want them to address Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy's relationship in his universe. I feel like it's not something that you can just brush aside. Gwen freaking died in his universe! If they don't mention that somehow I'll be upset.
The introduction is really cool, but gosh did it fly so fast with those colors. I don't know if people who are prone to seizures should see this movie.
Did I see that correctly or was Mary Jane the one upside down in the famous kissing scene? Why in the world would she be tied upside down in an alley way? The only one who could do that is Spiderman, so did he purposely put her in that position so they could have a cool kiss scene?
Miles has a Latin mom? I know his last name was Morales, but I didn't expect them to add a Latina speaking Spanish in the movie. It reminds me of my own mom how she went back in forth with English and Spanish, and in that moment I felt how many other children must have felt where they feel like the character on screen. It was a warm moment for me.
Oof, that transition where Miles is cut off while saying "In a minute" felt really choppy...
That was an awesome moment where Miles passed by his friends and you hear different languages being spoken. It feels like my own town.
Uncle Aaron, eh? If anyone's going to die in Miles' universe, it has to be the uncle. The uncles always die...
I love the tiny jokes the kids are cracking right after Miles was forced to say I love you to his dad. Very reminiscent of real life and how people are jerks.
Having your shoe untied is a trend actually. I know of someone who does that.
Miles was late again to class? Isn't this his first day?
So, is it going to be a thing where Gwen exists in Miles' universe but she also exists in another universe and Miles bonds so much with Spider Gwen that he goes on to date his Gwen?
This "Hey" exchange between Miles and Uncle Aaron feels awkward to me, but I guess that what makes it funny because everyone else was cracking up. I laughed too, but it was more to follow the crowd.
Funny moment where Miles just kills the spider nonchalantly. That would be me.
Why IS that girl so tall? (Pfft, I should talk. People talked about my height a lot growing up)
Miles freaking out is seriously a great representation of anxiety. Is this the consequences of being Spiderman (or woman)? Established anxiety?
Damn, King Pen, those shoulders are thick!
Why is Peter Parker blond? There is not one version of Peter that I've seen that has him with that blond of hair.
*Sees Peter Parker killed by King Pen* ....He's fine.
Guess Miles' dad feels like crap now that their Spider man is dead.
Stan Lee cameo! Ugh, seeing cameos of him after his death makes it more powerful.
You wonder, huh...superheroes have to save the world all the time, and one day, they will die like the rest of us. It makes you think, they are (sometimes) human too and we won't have them forever, so we should cherish them for as long as we have them. Gosh, is this foreshadowing for 'Avengers: Endgame?'
I'd probably be that person to say, "I don't think he was talking about you personally. It's more like a metaphor."
When Miles ran back down the staircase, I thought back to the movie Venom where Venom mocks Eddie for not jumping off the building.
Did you see Peter B. smash the glass in his origin story montage? He's Jewish!
I made sure to look around Times Square to find some references and here are a few I saw. They had a billboard ad of Stephen Curry, a parody of Shaun of the Dead titled something like From Death till Shaun and Bridesmaids was replaced with Baby Showers.
That's New York for you. People could drop from the sky and people wouldn't give a damn about it.
You see, I thought Peter B. Parker was the original Peter Parker from what I interpreted in the trailer.
Even though Peter B. is supposed to be the lower rate version of Peter Parker, I personally think he looks better. I think it's the stubble that gets me.
I had a feeling Miles would've gotten the power of a bigger memory since Peter B. memorized a code.
I really like that science lady's character design. It's different. Also, is she crushing on Peter B.?
Nope, she's not. She's Dr. Oct. That's so cool!
I thought Miles and Peter B. were going to smack right against a tree as they were swinging together.
Okay, so Gwen's universe has her feeling guilty over her Peter's death. But hold up, you mean to tell me that 16 year old Peter was that ripped? Maybe even younger than that, because if you remember by the end of the movie Gwen says she's older than Miles by 15 months, but not before saying that he was 15- meaning that she is 16. No 16 year old could be that ripped! Well...
Aunt May is so cool in this universe!
Nicholas Cage is the noir Spider man? Guess this makes up for him not being Superman.
Why do I get the feeling that I'm not going to like the spider pig?
That line from Noir Spider man about, "I light a match to try and feel something" is amazing.
Spider Gwen is a ballet dancer? I didn't catch that in her origin story. I thought she was in a band.
The other spider heroes pressuring Miles to get up made me really anxious and left a bad taste in my mouth. Again, a resemblance of anxiety with all of these voices yelling at you and you don't have the strength to get back up because of it.
Why are these spider heroes such jerks? Yes, the talking behind Miles' back was meant as a joke, but it just made me annoyed with them. I've truly enjoyed Miles and if anyone hurts him, I will hurt them.
Uncle Aaron is the henchman! Why else would he visit the apartment? Also, I would've found it funny if he just sat and watched tv in his costume.
I thought Dr. Oct was going to kidnap Aunt May, to which I would've reacted like, "Oh come on! Again?!"
That photo of Peter Parker on the wall in his suit and glasses is so adorable.
Why was the villain's words translated but not the mother's if they both speak Spanish? *gasp* Did they do that because it was only AFTER Miles got bit that the comic book affects started happening? If so, nice choice.
Uncle Aaron is not going go so far as to try and kill Miles. There's no way. Oh good, I was right-oh no! Well, I did say all uncles die in Spiderman films...
Uncle Aaron's final words weren't all impactful to me, but then again, when you're dying all of a sudden it's hard to conjure up this excellent speech before your last breath.
Now the father is going to try to kill Miles? This just doesn't end...
I wish there was more interaction with Miles' roommate, like how Ned was to Peter in Spiderman: Homecoming.
I hate the feeling of being ostracized by other people because you're different, which is why this whole "You're not ready, Miles" arc isn't as pleasing to watch as I think it should be. I get it, and I also get why I feel this way.
It's nice to see a big police officer like Miles' dad get emotional for the audience. Crying isn't weak, folks!
Couldn't Miles just grab one of the Spider man suits that look most like what he wants? No, because we need him to ruin a suit with spray paint to show that he's an individual. I'm reaching, I know.
I was never a fan of Mary Jane (at least the Kristen Dunst's version) but they made her likable in this one. I know, she got like two scenes of her talking, but...maybe that's what was needed? I'm sorry Mary Jane fans!
The back and forth about the "bread" was hilarious.
The other Spider heroes are going to need Miles when they're all glitching like that. I bet that will be what saves them.
I didn't catch what Peter B. said the first time when he reunited with Miles, but I managed to figure it out and he said, "Wait, do I want kids?" and that made me a tiny bit upset. I'm not the biggest fan of story arcs that involve someone who doesn't want kids learning that he actually does want kids, because I feel like it's telling people who don't want kids that, "You just don't want any because you're insecure about yourself, you don't think you can do it, and once you get this experience then you'll come around." There are people that will never want to be a parent and that doesn't make them damaged or a bad person for thinking that way, so Peter B. could have still had his issue with his Mary Jane but without the, "she wanted kids, I didn't" part.
Was it necessary for Penny's robot to die during this fight? We don't get as much time with her along with Noir Spiderman and Spider Pig, so this death feels lackluster.
*Sees Spider Gwen and Miles talking before she returns to her universe* ...Oh, just kiss why don't cha?
Is it wrong for me to think that the position Miles and Peter B. were in was romantic? NOT BETWEEN THEM! Hear me out, the way Miles literally held Peter B. over the edge to save him (and also prove a point) but I just pictured this intense rescue scene between two lovers and it was really cute to imagine. Maybe I'll draw it.
I just love how Peter B. was dead set on dying to save the universe, but Miles just flips his own words on him and Peter B. is like, "Yup, you're good." Like, no! If my math teacher said I was going to fail a test because I didn't study, and I respond like, "I just need to take a leap of faith" he won't be like, "You're right, you'll do fine by yourself." I'll still fail...I'm reaching again.
What was the point of King Pen seeing his wife and son in the train? They were holograms (or whatever you call it) but he treated them like they were real. Why? They're clearly not there. My mother commented on that scene though saying that he thought his family was re-forming into existence again, which got me thinking that the point of that scene was to reveal that even if King Pen's family returned, it would just revert back to the last time he knew them which is where he was discovered attacking Spiderman.
That face Miles made when he was hugging his dad when the eyes of his mask got all small was adorable.
So Peter Parker is really dead in this universe? That sucks.
Was that Gwen contacting Miles at the end? That was an ending that knows it wants a sequel.
I stayed for the first after-credits scene with the Stan Lee dedication which was lovely, but I left before the other one and that was a big mistake...It was amazing. If you missed it too, it's on Youtube.
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