Un estudiante universitario revive el día de su asesinato tanto con sus detalles excepcional y aterrador final hasta que ella descubre su identidad del asesino (Fuente: Imdb.com)
Tráiler- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NTaDm3atkc&t=28s
Clasificación- PG-13
Género- Terror/Misterio/Thriller
Advertencias- Juramento/Violencia
Después de un mes largo parón, finalmente he devuelto a revisar películas! Cómo me perdí escribir sobre ellos, y lo que una buena película para comenzar mi resurgimiento de uno que habla acerca de la muerte, o más concretamente- una feliz de la muerte, en un día como ningún otro.
Fui a ver la película "Feliz Día de la Muerte", que se estrenó el viernes 13 de octubre, que trata sobre una chica llamada Tree (Jessica Rothe) quién mató en el día de su cumpleaños, sólo para revivir una y otra vez el mismo día. Con el fin de parar el ciclo, ella debe descubrir quién es la persona que sigue matando a su inspeccionando cada uno de sus sujetos- con demasiadas.
Tras ver el trailer, me sentí inmediatamente interesados y sabía que iba a ver esta película en algún momento, aunque me predijo que acabaría siendo tonto como en la película, "Deseo a" (que también he revisado) donde fue pura ridiculez pero de alguna manera también fácilmente olvidable.
Fue mi hipótesis sobre esta película dead correcta o estaba completamente equivocado y esquivó una bala evitando una horrible película?
La parcela consideraron innovador - incluso con el tropo común de revivir el mismo día- y el ritmo de la película era bueno para mí. He entendido mucho de lo que estaba sucediendo, excepto por qué Árbol mantenido reviviendo el mismo día en primer lugar.
No parece haber ningún elementos sobrenaturales en la historia, por lo que para ella siguen regresando a la vida sale del campo izquierdo, pero no voy a llamar la película demasiado duro para eso. Es una historia de ficción después de todo y si los escritores intentaron tirar una excusa de por qué este surrealista caso estaba ocurriendo, entonces probablemente overcomplicate cosas, tirar en algunos agujeros de trazado y, en general, acaba de crear un caos mayor que si éstos no explican en absoluto.
Algo que me encontré con un problema importante era cómo el asesino era previsible. La película se centra en un montón de sospechosos, mostrando cómo cada uno de ellos cree su propio sentido de seguridad que intentan calmar su árbol desde el pánico, pero yo siempre tengo mi ojo en una persona que yo sospechaba era el asesino y terminé siendo derecho! Tuve el asesino por la marca de 20 minutos, lo cual puede ser un detrimento para la narración si alguien puede solucionarlo tan rápido.
Los personajes no estaban tan mal como pensé que sería, supongo era todos ellos serían insoportables, pero muchos de ellos fueron realmente muy agradables. Ella árbol no está pensada para ser agradables en el principio, y como la historia ha progresado terminé por su enraizamiento para derrotar a su asesino. Sus 180 spin de pegada arriba drama queen a humilde mujer no ocurrió tan de repente, las piezas de su niñez era todavía incrustadas en ella incluso mientras estaba muriendo todo el tiempo.
Demuestra que ella es todavía una persona y comete errores, incluso cuando su vida está literalmente en la línea, pero cuando me di cuenta de su gradual reconocimiento de sus fallos y mostrando su cambio de carácter por el pensamiento de otras personas me creció a amarla, y sentí una gran sonrisa en mi cara cuando me sentía que iba a estar a salvo del asesino.
Personajes como el lado masculino principal llevar Carter (Israel Broussard) y compañero de piso del árbol de Lori (Ruby Modine) también fueron muy agradables en su propio derecho, teniendo cada uno de ellos cualidades que he admirado sobre ellos desde la amabilidad a la inteligencia, ya que no vemos como muchos personajes inteligentes en un thriller. Otros caracteres como hermandad del árbol hermana Danielle (Rachel Matthews), sin embargo, jugó con los estereotipos. Seriamente los estereotipos, así que usted puede hacer un gran adivinar cómo era la personalidad de Danielle en la película si ella es parte de una hermandad.
No sé si los escritores fueron encarnando estas clases de caracteres como recortes de cartón con el propósito de burlarse de los estereotipos o olvidaban, pero creo que voy a elegir el más tarde, puesto que según Imdb.com, esta película no es considerada una comedia.
Mientras estoy en el tema, el tono de la película sentí muy cómico como árbol estaba tratando de averiguar su asesino, como si ella misma considera que es divertido estar re-vivir el mismo día. Hay un montaje donde ella está eliminando sospechosos de su lista después de que ella recibe continuamente asesinados por su asesino, y la forma en que se muestra es como un domingo por la mañana, cartoon, donde ella mira a la cámara como, " ¡Ay!" y muere. Asimismo, la elección de la canción para que el montaje fue convencido por: Demi Lovato demasiado y que también me hizo cuestionar la dirección de esta película estaba intentando llevar a mí.
Debo reír, estar facultado? No sé!
La violencia no era horrible a todos como la mayoría, si no todo el tiempo- los ataques son cortados del público. Sin embargo, siento la necesidad de dirección que hay una escena donde se revela rápidamente árbol pendiendo de una cuerda. Va muy rápido, pero puede ser activado para algunas personas, de modo que quería advertir a usted de antemano en caso de que este tipo de cosas es incómodo para ver (si va a ver esta película después de todo).
"Feliz Día de muerte" sin duda superó mis expectativas y aunque tiene algunos clichés y arrojados en un giro previsible, aún así disfruté mucho. Desarrollo del árbol, además de los otros personajes likability', además de la multa el humor y un buen ritmo, creo que no estaría mal ver este en teatros. Yo doy la muerte "Feliz Día" 4 fuera de 5 estrellas.
Cuando vea esta película, no debería ser una introducción a los Estudios Universal y de producción que se repite 2 veces para representar tener Déjà Vu. Honestamente estaba asustado cuando sucedió y me encantó!
Esta debe ser una pequeña escuela para todos a ser tan chocante que el árbol está caminando con su cabello desaliñado y vistiendo una brillante tank top. Más tarde nos descubre que no tenía una noche, pero dicen que lo hizo, es realmente todo el mundo va a llamar por él? En realidad? Estoy seguro de que muchos de ellos lo hicieron también. También, a menos que ella's Butt naked fuera, nadie debería ser esta horrorizado por su caminar cansado con el pelo desordenado y una brillante tank top.
Ella ha negado el cupcake. Lori matará a eso!
Becky, ¿por qué estás con ellos si la vergüenza de comer a todos? Te mereces lo mejor!
El árbol está comprobando para ver si está embarazada? No, ella tiene un romance con su profesor. Bien...
Teen Mom 2 promoción?
Odio cuando los personajes miren algo inusual en una zona oscura. Run! Quiero correr! ¿A quién le importa si está reproduciendo música de cumpleaños o si podría ser una broma? A continuación, nuevamente, estoy aterrorizada de estar solo en la oscuridad...
Todo el comienzo escenario previo a su primera muerte sentí bastante inútil viendo cómo sabemos más de lo que sucederá en el remolque.
Lo admito, la escena cuando el profesor se sorprendió de árbol no es en el amor con él me hizo carcajada.
Quién está en el vídeo? Su hermana gemela?
Así que el asesino tiene que ser un chico si él gritó a sus amigos en esa voz varonil? Esto significa también que los amigos lo vieron sin máscara. Entonces ¿por qué la vuelta tan creepily mirar árbol?
¿Por qué es su mascota un espeluznante bebé?
¿Qué es ese chico haciendo con las luces de todas formas? Que parece demasiado extraño para alguien que quiere el sexo de una persona que previamente realizados.
Es un lunes? Así que fui a un árbol domingo fiesta? Eso es realmente un mal momento para obtener resaca si tienes clase por la mañana. ¿Por qué no el sábado? Ah, por parcela.
Lori es el asesino. Ella es la única persona que sabe que es el cumpleaños de árbol.
Carter y árbol no duermen juntos? Respeta a ella? Estoy tan en amor con este chico!
Oh bien, la hermandad planeado una fiesta sorpresa para árbol tan Lori no es el único que sabe que es su cumpleaños. Quizás el papá es el asesino?! Quiero decir, él ha estado intentando llamar a ella todo el día!
Bueno, vamos a Looney Tunes ahora? ¿Por qué es tan divertido que ella está muriendo?
Tan sólo se trata de un extraño que la mató? Supongo que esto podría funcionar...
No, Carter!
Árbol, gracias por resucitar Carter.
Lori no ha sido de alrededor durante un tiempo y ella trabaja como enfermera...ella podría haber dejado que el asesino!
Me encanta cuando ponga la almohada de árbol en el suelo para dormir guy y defendió a Becky. Me encanta que ella finalmente se reunió con su padre y Carter dio la atención que se merece. Ella es realmente cambió mucho.
Es sólo conmigo o Carter ha sido siempre este lindo?
¿Cómo mueren de árbol? Esto es solo no conectado a la muerte a todos, de alguna manera?
Estoy llamando, Lori es el verdadero asesino. El cerebro tiene que ir.
Un envenenado cupcake! Genio! Espere, no realmente...porque en primer lugar, ¿cómo explicar que a la policía? "Mi compañero murió de un cupcake que le he dado." Sus huellas digitales son los únicos que toca, además del árbol, de modo que no se puede echar la culpa a nadie. Supongo que puede arrojar el contenedor fuera, pero entonces ¿qué acerca de la autopsia cuando descubren su cuerpo fue envenenado y lo último que comió fue realizado por Lori? ¿Cómo Lori explican que en el largo plazo?
Ahora entiendo más acerca de lo que entiende por "Lori, hay consecuencias para sus acciones" cuando el árbol se reunión con el profesor.
Árbol ahora va a la cárcel porque ella mató a Lori. No...ella está descolgado?! ¿Cómo?! Supongo que probaron los restos del cupcake.
Danielle, todavía y siempre será un tirón egoísta.
Es un poco triste que Carter nunca realmente saben de todo árbol (o incluso hizo lo que hizo) para salvar sus vidas, pero al menos están juntos ahora.
Uh no. Carter, que no puedes hacer eso. No es broma acerca de alguien que revive el mismo día de morir después de haber sufrido por ella probablemente el equivalente a las semanas por ahora. Si yo fuera Árbol, yo no estaría riendo acerca de eso. Usted murió ¿cuántas veces? Y Carter tiene el descaro de burlarse de eso? Carter malo! (Todavía me gusta usted aunque...)
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Happy Death Day (2017)
A college student relives the day of her murder with both its unexceptional details and terrifying end until she discovers her killer's identity (Source- Imdb.com)
Trailer- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NTaDm3atkc&t=28s
Rating- PG-13
Genre- Horror/Mystery/Thriller
Warnings- Mild Swearing/Violence
After a month long hiatus, I have finally returned to reviewing movies! How I missed writing about them so, and what a good movie to start off my revival than one that talks about death- or more specifically- a happy death, on a day like no other.
I went to see the movie "Happy Death Day" that debuted on Friday the 13th of October which is about a college girl named Tree (Jessica Rothe) who gets killed on her birthday only to relive the day over and over again. So in order to stop the cycle, she must discover who is the person who keeps on killing her by inspecting each of her suspects- with there being far too many.
Upon watching the trailer, I was immediately interested and knew I was going to watch this movie at some point, although I predicted it would end up being silly like the movie, "Wish Upon" (which I also reviewed) where it would turn out to be sheer ridiculousness but somehow also easily forgettable.
Was my assumption on this movie dead correct or was I completely wrong and dodged a bullet by avoiding a horrible film?
The plot felt innovative- even with the common trope of reliving the same day- and the pace of the film was good for me. I understood a lot of what was going on, except for why Tree kept reliving the same day in the first place.
There didn't appear to be any supernatural elements going on in the story, so for her to keep coming back to life comes out of left field, but I'm not going to knock the movie too hard for that. It is a fictional story after all and if the writers tried to pull an excuse for why this surreal event was happening, then that would likely overcomplicate things, throw in some plot holes and overall just create a bigger mess than if they didn't explain it at all.
Something that I did find a major issue with was how predictable the killer was. The movie focuses on a lot of suspects by showing how each of them create their own sense of security as they attempt to calm Tree from her panic, but I would always have my eye set on one person who I suspected was the killer and I ended up being right! I had the killer down by the 20 minute mark, which can be a detriment to the storytelling if someone can figure it out that fast.
The characters were not as bad as I thought they would be, my guess was they would all be insufferable but a lot of them were actually very likable. Tree herself is not meant to be likable in the beginning, but as the story progressed I ended up rooting for her to defeat her killer. Her 180 spin from stuck-up drama queen to humble woman didn't occur so suddenly, the pieces of her immaturity was still imbedded in her even as she was dying all the time.
It shows that she's still a person and makes mistakes, even when her life is literally on the line but once I realized her gradual acknowledgment of her faults and showing her change in character by thinking of other people I grew to love her and felt a big smile on my face when I felt like she was going to be safe from the killer.
Side characters like main male lead Carter (Israel Broussard) and Tree's roommate Lori (Ruby Modine) were also very likable in their own right, with each of them having qualities that I admired about them ranging from genuine kindness to intelligence, as we don't see as many characters like that in a thriller. Other characters like Tree's sorority sister Danielle (Rachel Matthews) however played stereotypes. Seriously just stereotypes, so you can make a great guess on how Danielle's character was if you only know that she's part of a sorority.
I couldn't tell if the writers were personifying these sorts of characters as cardboard cutouts on purpose to make fun of stereotypes or they were oblivious to it, but I think I'm going to choose the later since according to Imdb.com, this movie is not considered to be a comedy.
While I am on that topic, the tone of the movie felt very comedic as Tree was trying to figure out her killer, as if she herself finds it funny to be reliving the same day. There is a montage where she is removing suspects from her list after she continuously gets murdered by her killer, and the way it is shown is like a Sunday morning cartoon, where she looks at the camera like, "Whoops!" and dies. Also, the song choice for that montage was Confident by: Demi Lovato too and that too got me questioning the direction this movie was trying to lead me to.
Should I laugh, be empowered? I don't know!
The violence wasn't gruesome at all as most-if not all of the time- the attacks are cut away from the audience. However, I feel the need to address that there is a scene where it quickly reveals Tree hanging from a rope. It goes by very quickly, but it may be triggering to some people so I wanted to warn you beforehand in case that type of stuff is uncomfortable for you to see (if you plan on seeing this movie after all).
"Happy Death Day" certainly exceeded my expectations and though it has some cliches thrown in and a predictable twist, I still enjoyed it a lot. Tree's development, plus the other characters' likability, in addition to the fine humor and good pacing, results in my belief that I think it wouldn't hurt to watch this one in theaters. I give "Happy Death Day" a 4 out of 5 stars.
When you watch this movie, there should be an introduction to Universal Studios production and it repeats itself 2 times to represent having Deja Vu. I was honestly spooked when it happened and I loved it!
This must be a small school for everyone to be so shocked that Tree is walking with her hair disheveled and wearing a sparkly tank top. We later find out that she didn't have a one night stand, but say that she did, is everyone really going to knock her for it? Really? I'm sure a lot of them did it too. Also, unless she's butt naked outside, no one should be this aghast at her walking out tired with messy hair and a sparkly tank top.
She has denied the cupcake. Lori will kill her for that!
Becky, why are you with them if they shame eating at all? You deserve better!
Is Tree checking to see if she's pregnant? No, she's having an affair with her professor. Well...
Teen Mom 2 promotion?
I hate when characters look at something unusual in a dark area. Run! I would run! Who cares if it's playing birthday music or if it might be a prank? Then again, I'm terrified of being alone in the dark...
The whole beginning scene leading up to her first death felt pretty pointless seeing as how we know most of what will happen from the trailer.
I admit, the scene when the professor being surprised that Tree is not in love with him made me chuckle.
Who's in the video? Her twin sister?
So the killer has to be a guy if he yelled to his friends in that masculine voice. That also means the friends saw him without the mask. Then why did he turn around so creepily to look at Tree?
Why is their mascot a creepy baby?
What is that guy doing with the lights anyways? That seems too odd for someone who wants sex from someone they previously made out with.
It's a Monday? So Tree went to a Sunday party? That's a really inconvenient time to get hungover if you got class in the morning. Why not Saturday? Oh, because plot.
Lori is so the killer. She's the only one who knows it is Tree's birthday.
Carter and Tree didn't sleep together? He respected her? I am so in love with this guy!
Oh right, the sorority planned a surprise party for Tree so Lori isn't the only one who knows it's her birthday. Maybe the dad is the killer?! I mean, he's been trying to call her all day!
Okay, are we heading into Looney Tunes now? Why is it so funny that she is dying?
So it's really just a stranger who killed her? I guess this could work...
No, not Carter!
Tree, thank you for resurrecting Carter.
Lori hasn't been around for a while and she does work as a nurse...She could have let the killer out!
I love when Tree put the pillow on the ground for the sleeping guy and she stood up for Becky. I love that she finally met with her dad and gave Carter the attention he deserves. She's really changed a lot.
Is it just me or has Carter always been this cute?
How did Tree die? Is this just not connected to the deaths at all, somehow?
I'm calling it, Lori is the real killer. The mastermind has to go.
A poisoned cupcake! Genius! Wait, not really...because first off, how would you explain that to the police? "My roommate died of a cupcake that I gave her." Your fingerprints are the only ones that touched it besides Tree's so you can't pin the blame on anyone else. I guess she can throw the wrapper away, but then what about the autopsy when they discover her body was poisoned and the last thing she ate was made by Lori? How would Lori explain that in the long run?
Now I understand more about what Lori meant by, "there are consequences to your actions" when Tree was meeting with the professor.
Now Tree's going to jail because she killed Lori. No...she's off the hook?! How?! I guess they tested the remnants of the cupcake.
Danielle, still and always will be a selfish jerk.
It's a little sad that Carter will never truly know of everything Tree did (or even what he did) to save their lives, but at least they're together now.
Uhh...no. Carter, you don't do that. You don't joke about someone reliving the same day of them dying after they've suffered through it for probably the equivalent to weeks by now. If I was Tree, I would not be giggling about that. You died how many times? And Carter has the nerve to make fun of that? Bad Carter! (I still like you though...)
Trailer- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NTaDm3atkc&t=28s
Rating- PG-13
Genre- Horror/Mystery/Thriller
Warnings- Mild Swearing/Violence
I went to see the movie "Happy Death Day" that debuted on Friday the 13th of October which is about a college girl named Tree (Jessica Rothe) who gets killed on her birthday only to relive the day over and over again. So in order to stop the cycle, she must discover who is the person who keeps on killing her by inspecting each of her suspects- with there being far too many.
Upon watching the trailer, I was immediately interested and knew I was going to watch this movie at some point, although I predicted it would end up being silly like the movie, "Wish Upon" (which I also reviewed) where it would turn out to be sheer ridiculousness but somehow also easily forgettable.
Was my assumption on this movie dead correct or was I completely wrong and dodged a bullet by avoiding a horrible film?
The plot felt innovative- even with the common trope of reliving the same day- and the pace of the film was good for me. I understood a lot of what was going on, except for why Tree kept reliving the same day in the first place.
There didn't appear to be any supernatural elements going on in the story, so for her to keep coming back to life comes out of left field, but I'm not going to knock the movie too hard for that. It is a fictional story after all and if the writers tried to pull an excuse for why this surreal event was happening, then that would likely overcomplicate things, throw in some plot holes and overall just create a bigger mess than if they didn't explain it at all.
Something that I did find a major issue with was how predictable the killer was. The movie focuses on a lot of suspects by showing how each of them create their own sense of security as they attempt to calm Tree from her panic, but I would always have my eye set on one person who I suspected was the killer and I ended up being right! I had the killer down by the 20 minute mark, which can be a detriment to the storytelling if someone can figure it out that fast.
The characters were not as bad as I thought they would be, my guess was they would all be insufferable but a lot of them were actually very likable. Tree herself is not meant to be likable in the beginning, but as the story progressed I ended up rooting for her to defeat her killer. Her 180 spin from stuck-up drama queen to humble woman didn't occur so suddenly, the pieces of her immaturity was still imbedded in her even as she was dying all the time.
It shows that she's still a person and makes mistakes, even when her life is literally on the line but once I realized her gradual acknowledgment of her faults and showing her change in character by thinking of other people I grew to love her and felt a big smile on my face when I felt like she was going to be safe from the killer.
Side characters like main male lead Carter (Israel Broussard) and Tree's roommate Lori (Ruby Modine) were also very likable in their own right, with each of them having qualities that I admired about them ranging from genuine kindness to intelligence, as we don't see as many characters like that in a thriller. Other characters like Tree's sorority sister Danielle (Rachel Matthews) however played stereotypes. Seriously just stereotypes, so you can make a great guess on how Danielle's character was if you only know that she's part of a sorority.
I couldn't tell if the writers were personifying these sorts of characters as cardboard cutouts on purpose to make fun of stereotypes or they were oblivious to it, but I think I'm going to choose the later since according to Imdb.com, this movie is not considered to be a comedy.
While I am on that topic, the tone of the movie felt very comedic as Tree was trying to figure out her killer, as if she herself finds it funny to be reliving the same day. There is a montage where she is removing suspects from her list after she continuously gets murdered by her killer, and the way it is shown is like a Sunday morning cartoon, where she looks at the camera like, "Whoops!" and dies. Also, the song choice for that montage was Confident by: Demi Lovato too and that too got me questioning the direction this movie was trying to lead me to.
Should I laugh, be empowered? I don't know!
The violence wasn't gruesome at all as most-if not all of the time- the attacks are cut away from the audience. However, I feel the need to address that there is a scene where it quickly reveals Tree hanging from a rope. It goes by very quickly, but it may be triggering to some people so I wanted to warn you beforehand in case that type of stuff is uncomfortable for you to see (if you plan on seeing this movie after all).
"Happy Death Day" certainly exceeded my expectations and though it has some cliches thrown in and a predictable twist, I still enjoyed it a lot. Tree's development, plus the other characters' likability, in addition to the fine humor and good pacing, results in my belief that I think it wouldn't hurt to watch this one in theaters. I give "Happy Death Day" a 4 out of 5 stars.
When you watch this movie, there should be an introduction to Universal Studios production and it repeats itself 2 times to represent having Deja Vu. I was honestly spooked when it happened and I loved it!
This must be a small school for everyone to be so shocked that Tree is walking with her hair disheveled and wearing a sparkly tank top. We later find out that she didn't have a one night stand, but say that she did, is everyone really going to knock her for it? Really? I'm sure a lot of them did it too. Also, unless she's butt naked outside, no one should be this aghast at her walking out tired with messy hair and a sparkly tank top.
She has denied the cupcake. Lori will kill her for that!
Becky, why are you with them if they shame eating at all? You deserve better!
Is Tree checking to see if she's pregnant? No, she's having an affair with her professor. Well...
Teen Mom 2 promotion?
I hate when characters look at something unusual in a dark area. Run! I would run! Who cares if it's playing birthday music or if it might be a prank? Then again, I'm terrified of being alone in the dark...
The whole beginning scene leading up to her first death felt pretty pointless seeing as how we know most of what will happen from the trailer.
I admit, the scene when the professor being surprised that Tree is not in love with him made me chuckle.
Who's in the video? Her twin sister?
So the killer has to be a guy if he yelled to his friends in that masculine voice. That also means the friends saw him without the mask. Then why did he turn around so creepily to look at Tree?
Why is their mascot a creepy baby?
What is that guy doing with the lights anyways? That seems too odd for someone who wants sex from someone they previously made out with.
It's a Monday? So Tree went to a Sunday party? That's a really inconvenient time to get hungover if you got class in the morning. Why not Saturday? Oh, because plot.
Lori is so the killer. She's the only one who knows it is Tree's birthday.
Carter and Tree didn't sleep together? He respected her? I am so in love with this guy!
Oh right, the sorority planned a surprise party for Tree so Lori isn't the only one who knows it's her birthday. Maybe the dad is the killer?! I mean, he's been trying to call her all day!
Okay, are we heading into Looney Tunes now? Why is it so funny that she is dying?
So it's really just a stranger who killed her? I guess this could work...
No, not Carter!
Tree, thank you for resurrecting Carter.
Lori hasn't been around for a while and she does work as a nurse...She could have let the killer out!
I love when Tree put the pillow on the ground for the sleeping guy and she stood up for Becky. I love that she finally met with her dad and gave Carter the attention he deserves. She's really changed a lot.
Is it just me or has Carter always been this cute?
How did Tree die? Is this just not connected to the deaths at all, somehow?
I'm calling it, Lori is the real killer. The mastermind has to go.
A poisoned cupcake! Genius! Wait, not really...because first off, how would you explain that to the police? "My roommate died of a cupcake that I gave her." Your fingerprints are the only ones that touched it besides Tree's so you can't pin the blame on anyone else. I guess she can throw the wrapper away, but then what about the autopsy when they discover her body was poisoned and the last thing she ate was made by Lori? How would Lori explain that in the long run?
Now I understand more about what Lori meant by, "there are consequences to your actions" when Tree was meeting with the professor.
Now Tree's going to jail because she killed Lori. No...she's off the hook?! How?! I guess they tested the remnants of the cupcake.
Danielle, still and always will be a selfish jerk.
It's a little sad that Carter will never truly know of everything Tree did (or even what he did) to save their lives, but at least they're together now.
Uhh...no. Carter, you don't do that. You don't joke about someone reliving the same day of them dying after they've suffered through it for probably the equivalent to weeks by now. If I was Tree, I would not be giggling about that. You died how many times? And Carter has the nerve to make fun of that? Bad Carter! (I still like you though...)
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