Una adaptación del cuento clásico sobre una monstruosa príncipe y una mujer joven que se enamoran (Fuente-Imdb.com)
Tráiler- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3Nl_TCQXuw
Rating- PG
Género- Fantasía/Romance
Advertencias- Violencia de fantasía
La Bella y la Bestia la narración de la versión de Disney es uno de mis películas favoritas nunca. La razón de esto es, sin duda debido a su principal protagonista femenina, la belleza misma, Belle. En ese momento, ella era uno de esos cabezudo, ninguno-absurdo que las mujeres que no se sentían impotentes y fue lo suficientemente inteligente como para no caer en el buen aspecto solo y ver la belleza en la gente del interior.
Al referirse a las Princesas de Disney, no estoy diciendo que todos los demás princesa es una basura aquí. Cada uno es especial a su manera, y en los últimos años, hemos conseguido más películas de princesas que son más complejas, diversas y abiertas a la creación de su propio camino hacia un final feliz. Aún así, me siento como Belle se ha destacado como uno de los primeros de princesas para iniciar esta tendencia. Además, con ella es una morena, le gusta leer libros y se siente como un paria entre sus compañeros, es escuela medio todo de nuevo!
Con eso, usted probablemente puede adivinar qué pensaba acerca de esta película cuando vi por primera vez el tráiler en teatros.
No me gustó en absoluto. Emma Watson no es el Belle me la imaginaba, ni era la bestia de la manera que esperaba. Por qué este hecho siquiera? ¿Qué más hay que decir? Va a ser exactamente la misma trama! Se va a la ruina. Lo sé!
Yo estaba esperando reacciones similares en línea y entre amigos que me encantó la película, pero me sorprendí al estar equivocado. No estaban molestos con la idea de una acción en vivo-adaptación de la película, estaban saltando fuera de sus asientos. Ahí es cuando decidí dejar de ser tan terco y dar esta adaptación una oportunidad. Así que bombea a mi mismo para la película durante meses hasta que finalmente llegó el día. Día de San Patrick aterrizó en el mismo día en que me vio en teatros, tan sólo he podido esperanza me gustaría tener la suerte de ganar una espléndida experiencia cinematográfica.
Después de todo ello siendo abordado, fue la acción en vivo-adaptación de "La Bella y la Bestia" La belle de la bola o no nos invitan a los huéspedes a un pobre rendimiento?
La historia es la misma que la versión de Disney, sin embargo no agregar algunas parcelas laterales originales y mejorar un par de personajes que no se centraba en como mucho antes.
Una de las parcelas del lado involucran el backstory de Belle de la madre, el cual no estaba particularmente disfrutar porque la historia es acerca de la Bella y la Bestia, La Bella y la Bestia, además de la madre. He entendido por qué ese complot fue implementado, pero siento que no necesariamente ir a cualquier parte. Cuando el backstory de la madre es liberado, ¿cómo cambiar cualquier objetivo en la historia? Siento que no lo hace.
Me gustaba la idea de hablar más acerca de la madre, ya que mucha gente tiene curiosidad acerca de su ausencia en la versión de Disney, pero siento que esta película podría haber reconocido su desaparición en lugar de entrar en profundidad sobre la razón por la que ella se había ido.
También hubo una breve historia acerca de por qué la Bestia se convirtió en un mocoso mimado, y eso no me gusta porque se siente como una excusa a la piedad de él. A continuación, de nuevo, no abrir el orificio de trazado sobre por qué sus padres no están alrededor de plus porqué todos sus siervos tenían que estar involucrados en su maldición. De este modo, en última instancia, los aspectos positivos superan a los negativos en este caso. Además, la película da una muy buena razón para los habitantes ni siquiera saben acerca de este castillo a todos y esa es una idea nueva que me pareció ser muy positiva a incluir.
De lo contrario, la historia es básicamente la misma desde la versión de Disney lo que plantea la pregunta: ¿qué cosa nueva hace traer a la mesa? Aparte de llenar unos trazar puntos que no son abrumadoramente más prominente que la trama principal, no hay nada diferente a decir. Como muchas de las recientes adaptaciones de la vida real de las películas de Disney (por ejemplo, Blancanieves, Cenicienta) me siento como la gente en Hollywood se acaba agotando las ideas y tratando de sacar las mismas películas en diferentes formatos.
A pesar de eso, la película todavía era agradable gracias a los personajes. Todos pero Belle estaba bien por mí, y para ser honesto creo que estoy tan en contra de Emma Watson's Belle porque soy tercamente sesgada. Sin embargo, incluso si no era así, todavía me siento como ella no superan el Disney's Belle.
En primer lugar, no encontré en ella con el encanto de su personalidad. Ahora esto puede ser una cosa con el amor o el odio público, sino la forma en que interactuaba con otros era más contundente y agresiva que la versión de Disney. Por ejemplo, la primera vez Gaston habla a ella, él no es realmente ese horrible y egoísta de lo que recuerdo. Fue claramente fingiendo como sus intereses pero no la mancilla de la misma, pero cuando él le pregunta a ella le cierra abajo inmediatamente con un simple "no" y se sale con un disgustado mirada en su rostro.
Concedido, Belle probablemente sabía Gastón antes de este evento, pero cuando pienso sobre el backstory adicional añadido a Gaston del personaje que podría traer justificada simpatía al personaje, me siento como su reacción fue innecesaria.
No estoy diciendo que ella debería haber dicho sí, pero Disney's Belle fue más astuto y sarcástico en su diálogo mientras que Watson's Belle fue por adelantado y no jugar con Gaston. Su actitud hacia él fue realmente bien, pero no creo que quepa el personaje de Belle que es todo.
Además de eso, la Waston's Belle parecía no tener jamás una auténtica sonrisa en su rostro, como ella estaba limitando sus emociones todo el tiempo. Cuando ella está encerrada en el castillo tengo porqué ella no sería tan feliz, pero antes de que Belle no me chispa como el tipo de persona que había que pep en su paso sino parecía justo detesta su pequeña ciudad de provincias. De nuevo, esto puede ser una reacción de amor-odio hacia el público, porque me imagino que la gente gusto este lado de Belle que pueden venir fuera más realista.
El pueblo en general que Belle vive en era más cruel en esta versión. A diferencia de la versión antigua donde hicieron juez Belle por su amor por la lectura, estaban centrados sólo en durante la apertura de la canción, "Belle" y después, son en el fondo como los personajes principales tomen la iniciativa. Este municipio parece target Belle dondequiera que va. Hay una escena donde Belle está cuidando su propio negocio y enseñar a leer a alguien y cuando alguien spots esta gente entra a través de su basura y servicio de lavandería. Además, tengo la sensación de que eran más cómicos en la versión de Disney, pero en la vida real de una adaptación que sienten como propios villanos. Aunque, debo dar crédito que no incluyen un par de ciudadanos que estaban en contra de la ignorancia y estaban en Belle de lado.
Gastón fue genial, me hizo cortar algunas cosas de su carácter pero no arruinar nada. Sólo estuve decepcionado que no ponerlo como alguien más persistente con Belle. Me esperaba una gran boda improvisados como en la versión de Disney, pero sus avances no incluía nada parecido. Sus avances podrían hacer cualquier mujer molesto, pero no creo que estuvieran tan intensa que Belle iría a una colina de hierba y cantar acerca de sus penurias. Me refiero a la Disney Gaston irrumpieron en su casa y poner sus pies de barro en su tabla, pero éste sigue en su casa y no deja de hablar con ella una vez que se cierra la puerta a él.
Aparte de eso, Gastón fue un maravilloso carácter en términos de un villano. Él parece ser uno de los villanos de Disney más realista porque no tiene superpoderes o programa enorme para apoderarse del mundo, él es simplemente un hombre egoísta que tiene una cara una atracción hacia una mujer que odia a él. Además, con el backstory adicional conectado a él, se justifica más por qué el pueblo sigue rápidamente su ventaja para intentar matar a la bestia y le admiramos mucho.
Nota al margen, Gaston's sidekick Lefou fue genial, así como lo que usted puede haber oído acerca de algunos teatros no muestra esta película porque él es gay, que es ridículo. Obnoxiously Lefou no era un personaje homosexual, él era una persona que no estaba definida por su orientación sexual. Sí, hay algunos signos que había atracción para los hombres pero no eclipsar su carácter global. También fue grato ver que él realmente piense en cosas que argumentan en contra de las opiniones de Gaston, fue un personaje agradable para ver.
La Bestia no era tan agradables como Disney's bestia y similar al conflicto que tengo con Waston la Belle, creo que es porque he crecido con los dibujos animados de bestia y él tiene un punto suave en mi corazón. Me siento como los de dibujos animados en la Bestia me ayudaron como él más con su extravagante expresiones y comportamientos impulsivos. Sin embargo, esta bestia hizo sentir como él era más triste en su situación y él ni siquiera intentar conseguir Belle a amarlo en el comienzo. Se podría decir lo mismo de la Bestia de Disney pero cuando Belle decidió quedarse en el castillo para sustituir a su padre, que es cuando la Bestia aprovechó la oportunidad para intentar hacerla caer en amor con ella. A continuación, de nuevo, la bestia de la vida real podrían considerarse más realista, porque hacía muchos años que él transformó, así que él ni siquiera querer intentar en primer ejemplifica ese.
El lado personajes como Lumiere, Cogsworth y la Sra. Potts eran mucho más detallado en su diseño, pero no me pareció demasiado detalladas que no podía reconocer sus rostros. Todos eran muy agradables y esta versión da más atención a su situación en la maldición y mi bondad, sus consecuencias en la maldición es tan presente que yo estaba dispuesto a llorar sabiendo qué sucedería con ellos. Sigo cuestionando por qué un niño como Chip sería maldecido desde cómo sería el mundo en el que la influencia de la bestia el mal comportamiento, pero sin embargo, los personajes eran todavía grandes.
No puedo decir mucho sobre el CGI porque me parece evidente cuán preciosa todo salió, pero me di cuenta de cómo algunas escenas como Belle se introdujo en su dormitorio o los pobladores arruinando la ropa no se centran en el derecho o las cosas pasan demasiado rápido. Por ejemplo, el dormitorio se suponía que muestran cómo fue grandioso y hermoso, pero la dirección de la cámara se centraban principalmente en el techo de la habitación y las decoraciones doradas, en lugar de la enorme cama o grandes ventanales. Además, los aldeanos messing con Belle pasó por tan rápido, estoy seguro de que la mitad de la audiencia completamente olvidado que incluso sucede.
Una última cosa a tener en cuenta es la banda sonora, que era increíble! Yo estaba recogiendo nit en el comienzo de la película, pero cuando me permití disfrutar de mí un poco y estar inmerso en la película me di cuenta de que las canciones no estaban mal. Hubo incluso un par nuevos, uno de ellos realmente me escuchó después de la película se hizo. Cada uno de ellos eran muy bonitos y vale la pena escuchar.
En conclusión, la adaptación de la vida real de la Bella y la Bestia fue mejor de lo esperado. Hay unos cuantos cambios cuestionables y dependiendo del visor, usted probablemente ya sea el amor o el odio Belle y la Bestia e incluso cuando se trata de mí, no puedo decir que me odian, pero me esperaba más de ellos. Aparte de eso, la música era genial, animación, historia, personajes, y aunque sea bastante previsible sobre cómo terminará la historia ya que es un clásico, no te dolerá para verla en los cines.
Le voy a dar a la Bella y la Bestia 4 fuera de 5 estrellas.
Por lo tanto no sólo era la bestia de un tirón, pero todos los demás también lo es. Gran comienzo.
Niza va mostrando la cara completa de la bestia! Ahora no será tan grandioso verlo como un humano!
Así Gaston acabo de regresar de una guerra? Que explica cómo todo el mundo le gusta.
Que está sucediendo realmente en profundidad acerca de la mamá? Realmente no me importa. No sé lo que esto va a llevar a cabo.
Belle pide una rosa cada año?
¿Se trata de eso? Pensé, pero la escena de la boda? Gaston, esforzarse más que eso, Buddy
La escena con chip y Maurice es demasiado gracioso! Yo habría actuado de la misma manera
Que el caballo estaba como, "olvide decirle Belle sobre su padre; voy a rehidratar."
Me gusta cuán ingeniosos Belle estaba engañando a su padre de la cárcel, pero ella no parece que la angustia que ella iba a estar encerrado en el castillo para siempre. Me refiero a la versión de Disney lloró su mirada sobre el mismo y aquí esta belle parece que ella sólo se dieron cuenta de que se les acabó el helado con sabor de chocolate en Diary Queen. Entonces, una vez más, algunas personas tiraban encaja si eso sucediera...El punto es, que ella no miraba que infeliz.
Matar a esos elementos, Belle. Matarlos!
En la versión de Disney, la Bestia Belle quería venir a cenar, pero en este uno y preferiría estar solo. Realmente estaba pensando en abandonar a su suerte, no era él? "Honey, recuerdo cuando yo estaba planeando dejándole por muerto y si no fuera por mis siervos, que sería muerto por ahora? Los buenos tiempos"
Es lindo cómo featherduster estaba tratando de mantener la luz encendida Lumiere
Belle, pruebe el material gris por el amor de Dios! Es delicioso!
Usted sabe Lumiere, Belle probablemente no puede ver usted mientras usted hace su espectacular paseo con el mantel como su cabo, ¿verdad?
Estos siervos (elementos?) no dejarla comer nada durante este rendimiento! No sabiendo qué idiotas!
Me gusta la Sra. Potts" discurso sobre los siervos, "no hacer nada". Todavía no creo que explica por qué el maldito encantadora un niño inocente!
Fue Belle's Horse todavía en el castillo todo este tiempo? Cómo...
En 3D, que snowball bestia arroja bastante desalentadora.
La escena de la biblioteca es la primera vez que realmente me sentí Waston estaba actuando muy feliz.
Oh, vamos! Así que está usted diciendo que porque tenía ese sonajero belle rose que ella está destinada a amar a rosas?
Me alegro de que mantiene la Sra. Potts cantando el tema de la canción mientras la pareja baila
Aww, la Bestia no jugar con su cabello en el balcón como en la versión de Disney. Es una cosa menor, pero compruébalo por ti mismo, es tan romántico!
Yo no esperaba que cantase. Espere, estoy obteniendo emocional? Wow, esta canción es realmente buena...no sé si cabe pero es hermoso...
Belle hizo volver a la ciudad en su vestido amarillo en Disney también?
La parte donde uno de los hombres estaban contentos de estar en el vestido era muy lindo
No esperaba que los disparos. Esta película me spooks bueno!
Hey, Belle lloró después del último pétalo cayó! No debería volver a la vida!
Que morir escena con los siervos harán traumatizando a mí durante un tiempo.
Especialmente el perro, casi lloré sobre aquél.
La muerte de Chip me hizo carcajada. No me eches la culpa, ¿de acuerdo? Mire e intente no reír! Además, no podemos verlo convertirse en un vaso de agua, crecen unas agallas película!
¿Belle y la Bestia no necesita ningún diálogo antes que hicieron? No basta con mirar el uno al otro y se besan. Quiero decir, que supongo que es justificada pues Belle en la versión de Disney mira bestia como si ella no sabe que es él aunque él claramente transformada en frente de ella, pero todavía me pareció un poco extraño cómo tan pronto como ella se va él transforma en besos y él.
Bonito cómo el siervo hembras son en su mayoría afroamericanos en las relaciones interraciales y son muy hermosos. Diversidad en una película siempre es maravilloso.
Este es mi mente sucia, pero los agentes no estaban con ellos cuando todo el mundo transformado de nuevo. Además, la escena de todo el mundo convirtiendo derechos continuó por un rato. Así, tal vez, mientras que todo el mundo estaba celebrando, ¿Belle y bestia...? Sé que no, déjenme vivir!
Que growl era tan colocados.
Entonces, ¿por qué fue la encantadora en la ciudad? ¿Por qué hizo pasar a la casa de la bestia en primer lugar? Ella estaba mirando sobre él? ¿Por qué no irse de la ciudad después de cambiar a él? ¿Qué?
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Beauty & the Beast (2017)
An adaption of the classic fairy-tale about a monstrous prince and a young woman who fall in love (Source- Fandango.com)
Trailer- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3Nl_TCQXuw
Rating- PG
Genre- Fantasy/Romance
Warnings- Fantasy Violence
The Beauty and the Beast story-the Disney version-is one of my most favorite movies ever. The reason because of this is definitely because of its main female lead, the beauty herself, Belle. At the time, she was one of those headstrong, no-nonsense females who didn't feel helpless and was smart enough to not fall for good looks alone and see the beauty in people on the inside.
When referring to Disney princesses, I'm not saying every other princess is trash here. Each one is special in their own way and in the past few years, we've gotten more movies involving princesses that are more complex, diverse and open to creating their own path to a happy ending. Still, I feel like Belle is the standout as one of the first princesses to start this trend. Plus with her being a brunette, loves reading books and feels like an outcast amongst her peers, it's middle school all over again!
With that being said, you can probably guess what I thought about this movie when I first saw the trailer for it in theaters.
I didn't like it at all. Emma Watson isn't the Belle I pictured, neither was the Beast the way I expected. Why was this even made? What else is there to tell? It's going to be the exact same plot! They're going to ruin this. I know it!
I was expecting similar reactions online and amongst friends who loved the movie too, but I was surprised to be wrong. They were not upset with the idea of a live-action adaption of the movie, they were jumping out of their seats for it. That's when I decided to stop being so stubborn and give this adaption a chance. So I pumped myself up for the movie for months until the day finally came. Saint Patrick's Day landed on the same day I saw it in theaters, so I could only hope I'd be lucky enough to gain a splendid movie experience.
After all of that being addressed, was the live-action adaption of "Beauty & the Beast" the belle of the ball or did it invite us to be guests to a poor performance?
The story is the same as the Disney version, however it does add a few original side plots and enhance a couple of characters who were not focused upon as much before.
One of the side plots involve the backstory of Belle's mother, which I didn't particularly enjoy because the story is about Beauty & the Beast, not Beauty & the Beast plus the mother. I understood why that plot was implemented, but I feel like it doesn't necessarily go anywhere. When the backstory of the mother is released, how does that change anyone's goal in the story? I feel like it doesn't.
I liked the idea of talking more about the mother since a lot of people were curious about her absence in the Disney version, but I feel like this movie could have acknowledged her disappearance rather than go into depth about why she was gone.
There was also a brief history about why the Beast became such a spoiled brat, and that too I didn't like because it feels like an excuse to pity him. Then again, it does bring up the plot hole on why his parents aren't around plus why all of his servants needed to be involved in his curse as well. So ultimately, the positives outweigh the negatives in this case. Additionally, the movie gives a really good reason as to why the townsfolk don't even know about this castle at all and that's a new idea that I found to be very positive to include.
Otherwise, the storyline is basically the exact same from the Disney version which brings up the question: what new thing does this bring to the table? Aside from filling a few plot points which aren't overwhelmingly more prominent than the main plot, there's nothing different to tell. Like a lot of recent real-life adaptions of Disney movies (e.g Snow White, Cinderella) I feel like people in Hollywood are just running out of ideas and trying to release the same movies in different formats.
Despite that, the movie was still enjoyable thanks to the characters. Everyone but Belle was fine by me, and to be honest I think I'm so against Emma Watson's Belle because I'm stubbornly biased. However, even if I wasn't, I still feel like she doesn't surpass Disney's Belle.
First off, I didn't find her as charming with her personality. Now this can be a love or hate thing with audiences, but the way she interacted with others was more blunt and aggressive than the Disney version. For example, the first time Gaston speaks to her, he really isn't that horrible and egotistical from what I remember. He was clearly pretending to like her interests but didn't demean her for it, yet when he asks her out she shuts him down right away with a simple, "no" and walks off with a disgusted look on her face.
Granted, Belle probably knew Gaston before this event but when I think about the additional backstory they added to Gaston's character which could bring justified sympathy to the character, I feel like her reaction was uncalled for.
I'm not saying that she should have said yes, but Disney's Belle was more cunning and sarcastic in her dialogue whereas Watson's Belle was upfront and didn't play with Gaston. Her attitude towards him was fine really, but I don't think it fit the character of Belle that's all.
In addition to that, Waston's Belle didn't seem to ever have a genuine smile on her face, like she was constraining her emotions the whole time. When she's locked in the castle I get why she wouldn't be so happy, but before that Belle didn't spark me as the type of person who had that pep in her step but seemed to just loathe her small, provincial town. Again, this can be a love-hate reaction towards audience because I can imagine people liking this side of Belle who may come off more realistic.
The town in general that Belle lives in was more cruel in this version. Unlike the old version where they did judge Belle for her love of reading, they were only focused on during the opening song, "Belle" and afterwards, they are in the background as the main characters take the lead. This town seems to target Belle wherever she goes. There's a scene where Belle is minding her own business and teaching someone to read and when somebody else spots this, people come over and trash her laundry. Plus, I got the feeling that they were more comical in the Disney version but in the real-life adaption they feel like villains themselves. Although, I must give credit that they did include a couple of townsfolk who were against the ignorance and were on Belle's side.
Gaston was great to me, they did cut a few things from his character but they didn't ruin anything. I was only disappointed that they didn't place him as someone more persistent with Belle. I was expecting a huge makeshift wedding like in the Disney version, but his advances included nothing like that. His advances could make any woman annoyed, but I don't think they were so intense that Belle would run out to a grassy hill and sing about her woes. I mean the Disney Gaston barged into her home and put his muddy feet on her table, but this one just follows her to the house and stops talking to her once she shuts the door on him.
Other than that, Gaston was a wonderful character in terms of a villain. He appears to be one of the more realistic Disney villains because he has no superpowers or huge agenda to take over the world, he's just an egotistical man that has a one-sided attraction towards a woman who hates him. Also, with the additional backstory attached to him, it's more justified why the town quickly follows his lead to try and kill the Beast and admire him so much.
Side note, Gaston's sidekick Lefou was great as well and whatever you may have heard about some theaters not showing this movie because he's gay, that's ridiculous. Lefou wasn't a obnoxiously gay character, he was a person that wasn't defined by his sexual orientation. Yes, there were a few signs that he had attraction for men but it didn't overshadow his overall character. It was also pleasing to see him actually think of things that argue against Gaston's opinions, he was a pleasant character to watch.
The Beast wasn't as likable as Disney's Beast and similar to the conflict I have with Waston's Belle, I think it's because I've grown up with the cartoon Beast and he has a soft spot in my heart. I feel like the cartoon animations on the Beast helped me like him more with his wacky expressions and impulsive behavior. However, this Beast did feel like he was more hopeless in his situation and he didn't even try to get Belle to love him in the beginning.
You could say the same for Disney's Beast but when Belle decided to stay in the castle to replace her father, that's when Beast used the opportunity to try and make her fall in love with her. Then again, the real-life Beast could be seen as more realistic because it had been years since he transformed, so him not even wanting to try at first exemplifies that.
The side characters like Lumiere, Cogsworth and Mrs Potts were way more detailed in their design but didn't feel too detailed that you couldn't recognized their faces. Each were very likable and this version gives more attention to their situation in the curse and my goodness, their consequences in the curse is so present that I was ready to cry knowing what would happen to them. I'm still questioning why a child like Chip would be cursed since how in the world would he influence the Beast's bad behavior, but nevertheless, the characters were still great.
I can't say much about the CGI because I think it's obvious just how lovely it all came out, but I did notice how some scenes like Belle being introduced to her bedroom or the townspeople ruining her laundry either don't focus on the right things or pass by too quickly. For example, the bedroom was supposed to show how beautiful and grand it was but the camera direction focused mostly on the ceiling of the room and the golden decorations on it instead of the huge beds or large windows. Also, the townspeople messing with Belle passed by so quick, I'm sure half of the audience completely forgot that it even happened.
Last thing to note is the musical soundtrack, which was amazing! I was nit picking in the beginning of the movie, but when I allowed myself to enjoy myself a bit and be immersed into the movie I realized that the songs weren't bad at all. There were even a couple new ones, one of them I actually listened to after the movie was done. Each of them were very beautiful and worth a listen.
In conclusion, the real-life adaption of Beauty & the Beast was better than expected. There are a few questionable changes and depending on the viewer, you will probably either love or hate Belle and the Beast and even when it comes to me, I can't say that I hate them but I just expected more out of them. Other than that, the music was great, animation, story, characters, and while it might be pretty predictable on how the story will end since it is such a classic, it won't hurt to watch it in theaters.
I am going to give Beauty & the Beast a 4 out of 5 stars.
So not only was the Beast a jerk, but everyone else is too. Great start.
Nice going showing the Beast's full face! Now it won't be as grand seeing him as a human!
So Gaston just came back from a war? That explains how everyone loves him.
They're really going in depth about the mom? It really doesn't matter to me. I don't know what this will accomplish.
Belle asks for a rose every single year?
Is that it? I thought, but, the wedding scene? Gaston, try harder than that, buddy
The scene with Chip and Maurice was too funny! I would have acted the same way
That horse was like, "Forget telling Belle about her father; I'm going to rehydrate."
I like how clever Belle was tricking her father out of the prison, but she doesn't seem that distressed that she was supposed to be locked away in the castle forever. I mean the Disney version cried her eyes out over it and here this Belle looks like she just realized they ran out of chocolate flavored ice cream at Diary Queen. Then again, some people would throw fits if that were to happen...the point is, she didn't look that unhappy.
Kill those items, Belle. Kill them!
In the Disney version, the Beast wanted Belle to come to dinner but in this one he'd rather be alone. He was really planning on leaving her to die, wasn't he? "Honey, remember when I was planning on leaving you for dead and if it weren't for my servants, you would be dead by now? Good times"
It's cute how the featherduster was trying to keep the light on Lumiere
Belle, try the gray stuff for God's sake! It's delicious!
You know Lumiere, Belle probably can't see you while you do your dramatic walk with the tablecloth as your cape, right?
These servants (items?) aren't letting her eat anything during this performance! What unknowing jerks!
I like Mrs Potts' speech about the servants, "doing nothing." I still don't think it explains why the enchantress cursed an innocent child!
Was Belle's horse still at the castle this whole time? How...
In 3D, that snowball Beast throws it actually quite daunting.
The library scene is the first time I really felt Waston was acting very happy.
Oh come on! So are you saying that because Belle had that rose rattle that she's destined to love roses?
I'm glad they kept Mrs Potts singing the theme song while the couple danced
Aww, the Beast didn't play with her hair on the balcony like in the Disney version. It's a minor thing, but check it out, it is so romantic!
I did not expect him to sing. Wait, am I getting emotional? Wow, this song is actually really good...I don't know if it fits but it's beautiful...
Did Belle return to the town in her yellow dress in Disney too?
The part where one of the men were happy to be in the dress was really cute
I wasn't expecting the gunshots. This movie spooks me good!
Hey, Belle cried after the last petal fell! He shouldn't come back to life!
That dying scene with the servants will traumatize me for a while.
Especially the dog, I almost cried on that one.
The death of Chip made me chuckle. Don't blame me, okay? Look at it and try not to laugh! Also, we can't see him turn into a teacup, grow some guts movie!
Did Belle and the Beast not need any dialogue before they made out? They just look at each other and kiss. I mean, I guess it's justified since Belle in the Disney version looks at Beast as if she doesn't know it's him even though he clearly transformed in front of her, but I still found it kind of weird how as soon as he transforms she goes in and kisses him.
Nice how the servant females are mostly African-American in interracial relationships and are very beautiful. Diversity in a movie is always wonderful.
This is my dirty mind, but the servants weren't with them when everyone transformed back. Plus, the scene of everyone turning human went on for a while. So, maybe while everyone was celebrating, did Belle and Beast...? I know they didn't, just let me live!
That growl was so placed in.
So, why was the enchantress in the town? Why did she go to the Beast's home in the first place? Was she watching over him? Why didn't she leave the town after changing him? What?
Trailer- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3Nl_TCQXuw
Rating- PG
Genre- Fantasy/Romance
Warnings- Fantasy Violence
The Beauty and the Beast story-the Disney version-is one of my most favorite movies ever. The reason because of this is definitely because of its main female lead, the beauty herself, Belle. At the time, she was one of those headstrong, no-nonsense females who didn't feel helpless and was smart enough to not fall for good looks alone and see the beauty in people on the inside.
When referring to Disney princesses, I'm not saying every other princess is trash here. Each one is special in their own way and in the past few years, we've gotten more movies involving princesses that are more complex, diverse and open to creating their own path to a happy ending. Still, I feel like Belle is the standout as one of the first princesses to start this trend. Plus with her being a brunette, loves reading books and feels like an outcast amongst her peers, it's middle school all over again!
With that being said, you can probably guess what I thought about this movie when I first saw the trailer for it in theaters.
I didn't like it at all. Emma Watson isn't the Belle I pictured, neither was the Beast the way I expected. Why was this even made? What else is there to tell? It's going to be the exact same plot! They're going to ruin this. I know it!
I was expecting similar reactions online and amongst friends who loved the movie too, but I was surprised to be wrong. They were not upset with the idea of a live-action adaption of the movie, they were jumping out of their seats for it. That's when I decided to stop being so stubborn and give this adaption a chance. So I pumped myself up for the movie for months until the day finally came. Saint Patrick's Day landed on the same day I saw it in theaters, so I could only hope I'd be lucky enough to gain a splendid movie experience.
After all of that being addressed, was the live-action adaption of "Beauty & the Beast" the belle of the ball or did it invite us to be guests to a poor performance?
The story is the same as the Disney version, however it does add a few original side plots and enhance a couple of characters who were not focused upon as much before.
One of the side plots involve the backstory of Belle's mother, which I didn't particularly enjoy because the story is about Beauty & the Beast, not Beauty & the Beast plus the mother. I understood why that plot was implemented, but I feel like it doesn't necessarily go anywhere. When the backstory of the mother is released, how does that change anyone's goal in the story? I feel like it doesn't.
I liked the idea of talking more about the mother since a lot of people were curious about her absence in the Disney version, but I feel like this movie could have acknowledged her disappearance rather than go into depth about why she was gone.
There was also a brief history about why the Beast became such a spoiled brat, and that too I didn't like because it feels like an excuse to pity him. Then again, it does bring up the plot hole on why his parents aren't around plus why all of his servants needed to be involved in his curse as well. So ultimately, the positives outweigh the negatives in this case. Additionally, the movie gives a really good reason as to why the townsfolk don't even know about this castle at all and that's a new idea that I found to be very positive to include.
Otherwise, the storyline is basically the exact same from the Disney version which brings up the question: what new thing does this bring to the table? Aside from filling a few plot points which aren't overwhelmingly more prominent than the main plot, there's nothing different to tell. Like a lot of recent real-life adaptions of Disney movies (e.g Snow White, Cinderella) I feel like people in Hollywood are just running out of ideas and trying to release the same movies in different formats.
Despite that, the movie was still enjoyable thanks to the characters. Everyone but Belle was fine by me, and to be honest I think I'm so against Emma Watson's Belle because I'm stubbornly biased. However, even if I wasn't, I still feel like she doesn't surpass Disney's Belle.
First off, I didn't find her as charming with her personality. Now this can be a love or hate thing with audiences, but the way she interacted with others was more blunt and aggressive than the Disney version. For example, the first time Gaston speaks to her, he really isn't that horrible and egotistical from what I remember. He was clearly pretending to like her interests but didn't demean her for it, yet when he asks her out she shuts him down right away with a simple, "no" and walks off with a disgusted look on her face.
Granted, Belle probably knew Gaston before this event but when I think about the additional backstory they added to Gaston's character which could bring justified sympathy to the character, I feel like her reaction was uncalled for.
I'm not saying that she should have said yes, but Disney's Belle was more cunning and sarcastic in her dialogue whereas Watson's Belle was upfront and didn't play with Gaston. Her attitude towards him was fine really, but I don't think it fit the character of Belle that's all.
In addition to that, Waston's Belle didn't seem to ever have a genuine smile on her face, like she was constraining her emotions the whole time. When she's locked in the castle I get why she wouldn't be so happy, but before that Belle didn't spark me as the type of person who had that pep in her step but seemed to just loathe her small, provincial town. Again, this can be a love-hate reaction towards audience because I can imagine people liking this side of Belle who may come off more realistic.
The town in general that Belle lives in was more cruel in this version. Unlike the old version where they did judge Belle for her love of reading, they were only focused on during the opening song, "Belle" and afterwards, they are in the background as the main characters take the lead. This town seems to target Belle wherever she goes. There's a scene where Belle is minding her own business and teaching someone to read and when somebody else spots this, people come over and trash her laundry. Plus, I got the feeling that they were more comical in the Disney version but in the real-life adaption they feel like villains themselves. Although, I must give credit that they did include a couple of townsfolk who were against the ignorance and were on Belle's side.
Gaston was great to me, they did cut a few things from his character but they didn't ruin anything. I was only disappointed that they didn't place him as someone more persistent with Belle. I was expecting a huge makeshift wedding like in the Disney version, but his advances included nothing like that. His advances could make any woman annoyed, but I don't think they were so intense that Belle would run out to a grassy hill and sing about her woes. I mean the Disney Gaston barged into her home and put his muddy feet on her table, but this one just follows her to the house and stops talking to her once she shuts the door on him.
Other than that, Gaston was a wonderful character in terms of a villain. He appears to be one of the more realistic Disney villains because he has no superpowers or huge agenda to take over the world, he's just an egotistical man that has a one-sided attraction towards a woman who hates him. Also, with the additional backstory attached to him, it's more justified why the town quickly follows his lead to try and kill the Beast and admire him so much.
Side note, Gaston's sidekick Lefou was great as well and whatever you may have heard about some theaters not showing this movie because he's gay, that's ridiculous. Lefou wasn't a obnoxiously gay character, he was a person that wasn't defined by his sexual orientation. Yes, there were a few signs that he had attraction for men but it didn't overshadow his overall character. It was also pleasing to see him actually think of things that argue against Gaston's opinions, he was a pleasant character to watch.
The Beast wasn't as likable as Disney's Beast and similar to the conflict I have with Waston's Belle, I think it's because I've grown up with the cartoon Beast and he has a soft spot in my heart. I feel like the cartoon animations on the Beast helped me like him more with his wacky expressions and impulsive behavior. However, this Beast did feel like he was more hopeless in his situation and he didn't even try to get Belle to love him in the beginning.
You could say the same for Disney's Beast but when Belle decided to stay in the castle to replace her father, that's when Beast used the opportunity to try and make her fall in love with her. Then again, the real-life Beast could be seen as more realistic because it had been years since he transformed, so him not even wanting to try at first exemplifies that.
The side characters like Lumiere, Cogsworth and Mrs Potts were way more detailed in their design but didn't feel too detailed that you couldn't recognized their faces. Each were very likable and this version gives more attention to their situation in the curse and my goodness, their consequences in the curse is so present that I was ready to cry knowing what would happen to them. I'm still questioning why a child like Chip would be cursed since how in the world would he influence the Beast's bad behavior, but nevertheless, the characters were still great.
I can't say much about the CGI because I think it's obvious just how lovely it all came out, but I did notice how some scenes like Belle being introduced to her bedroom or the townspeople ruining her laundry either don't focus on the right things or pass by too quickly. For example, the bedroom was supposed to show how beautiful and grand it was but the camera direction focused mostly on the ceiling of the room and the golden decorations on it instead of the huge beds or large windows. Also, the townspeople messing with Belle passed by so quick, I'm sure half of the audience completely forgot that it even happened.
Last thing to note is the musical soundtrack, which was amazing! I was nit picking in the beginning of the movie, but when I allowed myself to enjoy myself a bit and be immersed into the movie I realized that the songs weren't bad at all. There were even a couple new ones, one of them I actually listened to after the movie was done. Each of them were very beautiful and worth a listen.
In conclusion, the real-life adaption of Beauty & the Beast was better than expected. There are a few questionable changes and depending on the viewer, you will probably either love or hate Belle and the Beast and even when it comes to me, I can't say that I hate them but I just expected more out of them. Other than that, the music was great, animation, story, characters, and while it might be pretty predictable on how the story will end since it is such a classic, it won't hurt to watch it in theaters.
I am going to give Beauty & the Beast a 4 out of 5 stars.
So not only was the Beast a jerk, but everyone else is too. Great start.
Nice going showing the Beast's full face! Now it won't be as grand seeing him as a human!
So Gaston just came back from a war? That explains how everyone loves him.
They're really going in depth about the mom? It really doesn't matter to me. I don't know what this will accomplish.
Belle asks for a rose every single year?
Is that it? I thought, but, the wedding scene? Gaston, try harder than that, buddy
The scene with Chip and Maurice was too funny! I would have acted the same way
That horse was like, "Forget telling Belle about her father; I'm going to rehydrate."
I like how clever Belle was tricking her father out of the prison, but she doesn't seem that distressed that she was supposed to be locked away in the castle forever. I mean the Disney version cried her eyes out over it and here this Belle looks like she just realized they ran out of chocolate flavored ice cream at Diary Queen. Then again, some people would throw fits if that were to happen...the point is, she didn't look that unhappy.
Kill those items, Belle. Kill them!
In the Disney version, the Beast wanted Belle to come to dinner but in this one he'd rather be alone. He was really planning on leaving her to die, wasn't he? "Honey, remember when I was planning on leaving you for dead and if it weren't for my servants, you would be dead by now? Good times"
It's cute how the featherduster was trying to keep the light on Lumiere
Belle, try the gray stuff for God's sake! It's delicious!
You know Lumiere, Belle probably can't see you while you do your dramatic walk with the tablecloth as your cape, right?
These servants (items?) aren't letting her eat anything during this performance! What unknowing jerks!
I like Mrs Potts' speech about the servants, "doing nothing." I still don't think it explains why the enchantress cursed an innocent child!
Was Belle's horse still at the castle this whole time? How...
In 3D, that snowball Beast throws it actually quite daunting.
The library scene is the first time I really felt Waston was acting very happy.
Oh come on! So are you saying that because Belle had that rose rattle that she's destined to love roses?
I'm glad they kept Mrs Potts singing the theme song while the couple danced
Aww, the Beast didn't play with her hair on the balcony like in the Disney version. It's a minor thing, but check it out, it is so romantic!
I did not expect him to sing. Wait, am I getting emotional? Wow, this song is actually really good...I don't know if it fits but it's beautiful...
Did Belle return to the town in her yellow dress in Disney too?
The part where one of the men were happy to be in the dress was really cute
I wasn't expecting the gunshots. This movie spooks me good!
Hey, Belle cried after the last petal fell! He shouldn't come back to life!
That dying scene with the servants will traumatize me for a while.
Especially the dog, I almost cried on that one.
The death of Chip made me chuckle. Don't blame me, okay? Look at it and try not to laugh! Also, we can't see him turn into a teacup, grow some guts movie!
Did Belle and the Beast not need any dialogue before they made out? They just look at each other and kiss. I mean, I guess it's justified since Belle in the Disney version looks at Beast as if she doesn't know it's him even though he clearly transformed in front of her, but I still found it kind of weird how as soon as he transforms she goes in and kisses him.
Nice how the servant females are mostly African-American in interracial relationships and are very beautiful. Diversity in a movie is always wonderful.
This is my dirty mind, but the servants weren't with them when everyone transformed back. Plus, the scene of everyone turning human went on for a while. So, maybe while everyone was celebrating, did Belle and Beast...? I know they didn't, just let me live!
That growl was so placed in.
So, why was the enchantress in the town? Why did she go to the Beast's home in the first place? Was she watching over him? Why didn't she leave the town after changing him? What?
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