Dos hermanas decide lanzar una última fiesta antes de sus padres venden su casa familiar. (Resumen de:
Sisters' Tráiler-
Tina Fey y Amy Poehler han hecho de nuevo y colaborado en una película que ya está obteniendo críticas positivas de fuentes confiables como Tomates podridos y el Washington Post.
Los estados de Washington Post, "Hermanas sigue a la reciente "Bridesmaids" inspirados en la tendencia de la R-rated de comedias que el comercio en un lupanar upswomanship en forma de vulgaridad, sexualmente cargada slapstick y gross-fuera de la vista de gags"
R-rated de comedias son un poco golpeada con la audiencia general últimamente; añadir que con el dúo dinámico de mejores amigos Fey y Poehler y el mundo está dotada con, 'hermanas'.
Aunque tiene muchas reacciones favorables de ambas audiencias y otros críticos, no creo personalmente que, 'hermanas' merece todos los elogios?
La trama comienza después de la introducción de las hermanas Maura Ellis (Poehler), divorciada, enfermera y Kate Ellis (Fey), una madre soltera con una tensa relación con su hija adolescente, Haley (Madison Davenport). Maura aprende de sus padres que planean vender la casa familiar, pero Kate no sabe nada de esto todavía, porque los padres tienen miedo de su reacción, sabiendo de sus anteriores estallidos extremas a otras instancias de malas noticias. Así Maura se encarga de decirle a su hermana y, por lo tanto, las dos se reúnen para visitar la casa de la familia juntos, así que Kate puede descubrir las noticias para ella. Como era de esperarse, Kate se enfureció y lanza una rabieta fuerte en el césped delantero.
Sus padres les dicen a empacar todas sus cosas antes de un par de posibles compradores hacerse cargo de la casa. Hay un montaje de limpieza donde las hermanas van a través de sus cosas viejas y jugar con ellos como pretendiendo besar a un niño en un cartel y uno de ellos actúa como están comiendo su porra de animadoras. A medida que arreglar las cosas, las señoras descubrir sus viejos diarios y leer unos a otros, pronto, al darse cuenta de que Kate experimentó una gran vida salvaje que Maura lo hicieron cuando eran más jóvenes.
Mientras que Kate lee sus entradas sobre dormir con niños y temiendo la posibilidad de embarazo, Maura utilizado para escribir acerca de su amor por ayudar a otros y hacer el trabajo. Esta revelación trastoca Maura, haciéndole creer que su vida fue desperdiciado y Kate no ayuda cuando ella está desconcertado por el hecho de que Maura nunca dormía con un tío en su cama antes.
A causa de esto, Kate decide que Maura debería hacerlo, y finalmente tienen su 'Post-divorcio cherry popped" tirando una parte enorme de la casa antes de venderlo a los potenciales compradores. Tras algunos coaccione, Carmen Maura, está de acuerdo con el plan y llegan a invitar no sólo a los amigos de su antigua escuela secundaria, pero un hombre potencial por Maura llamado James (Ike Barinholtz).
Sólo hay dos interacciones entre las hermanas y James ocurre antes de la fiesta y las dos veces fueron discutiblemente desagradable de ver. La primera vez que se conocieron, las hermanas criado constantes invitaciones inapropiadas para el sexo (p. ej., "tendiendo a la zarza') cuando James estaba tratando de hacer su trabajo para, literalmente, tienden a los arbustos. El segundo encuentro fue mayormente entre Maura y James, y cuando James mencionó que sus padres falleció recientemente, Maura siguió para ponerla en marcha, hacer preguntas como si él los vio morir y si su muerte fue dolorosa para perdurar. Ella le pide este debido a sus hábitos nerviosos; pero aún así, me siento como los escritores empujado un poco con eso. En lo que se refiere tanto a las conversaciones, los chistes sobre sexo y padres muertos sentí prolongado y demasiado incómodo para encontrar gracioso. No quiero ir a su partido después de eso.
Mientras se preparaba para el partido, que la mujer eligió a llamar, 'La Isla Ellis Party' las mujeres visitan un salón de manicura y se tendió a una joven dama de Asia (probablemente en sus últimas adolescencias-principios de 20s), denominado Hae-Won. Maura parece deseoso de hablar con ella, pero que mantiene a pronunciar su nombre incorrectamente por lo que hay un largo hacia adelante y hacia atrás entre los dos acerca de cómo decir Hae-Won. Esto no fue muy divertido como era aburrido. La única parte sustancial de su conversación fue un poco donde Maura sugiere que deberían asistir Hae-Won su partido a rienda suelta de su estricto trabajo.
Kate por otra parte va al propietario del salón de manicura y lo convence para sólo pretender darle un trabajo a mostrar a Maura. Esto es aparte de un lado parcela giran alrededor de Kate que necesitan para conseguir un trabajo para vivir un estilo de vida estable con su hija en la Florida. Pero desde que Kate ha sido tan irresponsable, ha sido despedido por muchos establecimientos en el pasado, y no pudo recibir un trabajo con el propietario de un salón de uñas debido a su comportamiento abrasivo.
En la noche de la fiesta, carmen Maura, suplica a Kate para ser *Parte de madre, y aunque la idea de no tener su diversión salvaje frustra Kate, ella acepta. Si Kate es la parte de la mamá, entonces Maura fue incluso más libre para hacer lo que quería sin temor.
Pronto, la mayoría de los huéspedes llegan a la casa y llegó una pareja que ni siquiera fueron invitados, incluyendo un antiguo compañero llamado Alex que sirve como el odioso alivio cómico en todo el resto de la historia. Hay un momento divertido que se produce una vez que los huéspedes son finalmente y este es un momento que probablemente ocurrió con muchas partes de adultos. Nadie está haciendo nada descabellado, son simple captura con viejos amigos y hacer una pequeña charla incómoda.
Me reí desde que 'fiesta' representaba el epítome de mi comportamiento habitual cuando estoy alrededor de grandes multitudes. Y mostró una lección a Maura y Kate: adultos no van a saltar en una fiesta loca con disparos y actuar descuidada borracho.
No sin la persuasión, y MUCHO.
A través de los principales coaccione y un discurso hablando de cómo deben vivir esta noche, sin responsabilidades de las hermanas gira la parte aburrida en uno de sus sueños. Todo el mundo está en sus pies y actuando incontrolado y pendenciero, completamente entrar en su lado salvaje. Esta parte ocupa la mayoría de la película, que me pareció molesto, porque arrastrados. Sé que era la trama principal, pero es como si los escritores estaban forzando las escenas de fiesta para ir y mantuvo que desean añadir más chistes y más brutas fuera humor y más situaciones sexuales antes del serio vinieron.
El Partido de Ellis Island fue un éxito; incluso robaron los huéspedes de otra mujer del pequeño conseguir juntos. Esta mujer se brinda, otro antiguo compañero de las hermanas que no fue invitado debido a asuntos pasados entre ella y Kate. Brinda termina tratando de sabotear la fiesta, pero cada intento es un fracaso por lo que finalmente unirse a la parte de ella misma.
Aparte de eso, el potencial de Maura amante James llega y hablan en privado. Además, Hae-won y sus amigos muestran, bombeando el partido aún más. Todo era perfecto...hasta Kate llamada telefónica.
Kate recibe una llamada telefónica de sus padres diciendo que, puesto que la casa estaba en buena forma, cuando fue vendido, los padres daría una porción de las ganancias a Kate para que ella tendría dinero para ser estable con su hija en la Florida. Este hecho golpea abajo en Kate y ella rápidamente se da cuenta de que el partido ha durado demasiado tiempo y por lo tanto, ha hecho de la casa una vez prístina en una absoluta catástrofe.
Mientras Kate intenta detener el partido, Carmen Maura, esperanzas que va e intenta dormir con James en su dormitorio. Ella está tan cerca, pero gracias a la tontería payasadas, que plan falló horriblemente y James abandonó el partido tan pronto como sea posible.
Todo parece ir horrible e incluso las hermanas terminan peleando por un secreto que involucran Haley. En este punto, sus padres y Haley storm al patio donde las hermanas y el enjambre de juerguistas son y también es en este momento cuando toda la casa (y la piscina) se derrumba sobre sí misma y está completamente destruida. Me gustó este diciendo una parte aleatoria visitante dijo después de la casa se desplomó:
"Miren chicos, nos detuvimos el tiempo!"
Lo que ella se refería era una matriz de fantasía relojes que estaban dentro de la casa que obviamente estaban rotas debido al colapso, pero que era una cita que pegado conmigo y lo que yo siento es una perfecta cita que se refiere a la película. Las hermanas tiempo detenido. Kate nunca creció desde sus formas y rambunctious Maura nunca llegaron a sí misma para intentar cosas nuevas y paso lejos de sus padres por más de un segundo. No me deje tiempo para ayudarles a madurar; ellos pegados a sus viejas costumbres y han causado el peor daño posible a su familia: decepción. Esto es lo que los padres hacen cuando están hartos de sus tonterías y casi lo trajo una lágrima de mi ojo. Tal vez lo hizo porque sé que el sentimiento cuando alguien ha dado para arriba en usted y además me pueden haber sido muy sensible ese día, pero sin embargo, los padres mostraron la emoción cruda que realmente presenta todas las cosas que las hermanas han hecho para causar su agonía. Incluso Haley habla de su mente y se queja de que ella algo había una familia diferente de la que ella fue maldecido.
Tengo que decir que, cuando la parte seria vino, realmente me golpeó duro.
El final es tan típica como usted puede obtener sin embargo. Predije cada paso que iba a suceder. Las hermanas prometen arreglar la casa y a través de la magia, se las arreglan para arreglarlo en 2 semanas. Los padres ayudar a Kate después de todo por su vuelta a un amable y servicial y la hija. Maura pistas abajo James y hace con él, convirtiéndose en una pareja. Alex, el Comic Relief y Hae-won convertido en una pareja, tener hijos y comprar la casa que se fija. Kate es propietaria de una casa nueva y todo es feliz siempre después.
Al fin y al cabo, qué pensaba de esta película? Estuvo bien, solo que creo que este tipo de humor no me convenía. Después de ver, "hermanas" así como viendo previamente 'Bridesmaids' (ambas con la misma técnica de comedia) me imagino que soy una de las personas que no encuentran este gracioso. La prolongada hacia adelante y hacia atrás, el bruto fuera de humor, y ver a las mujeres adultas, reaccionar infantilmente a las pequeñas cosas y maldición encima de una tormenta no es algo que me parece gracioso en absoluto. La fiesta se sintió demasiado largo y forzado y no puedo encontrar estos personajes tuvieron gusto, en absoluto. Aunque no fue muy dolorosa para sentarse a través de esto, no estaba aburrido todo el camino a través. Yo estaba interesado en ver cómo todo este plan del partido iba a desmoronarse sobre ellos todo el tiempo. Además, hubo una celebridad especial cameo durante la fiesta que muchos podrán reconocer. He aquí una sugerencia: si usted lee mi, 'Daddy's Home' comentario, quiero hablar de otro cameo especial allí. Ambas cámaras son de la misma persona, así que si se observa cualquiera de estas películas ya, entonces usted sabe la respuesta a quién es.
Recomiendo ver esta película si has visto otros con similares de comedia y me gustó. Si te gustó Bridesmaids, disfrutará, "hermanas" si no, entonces le sugiero buscar en otra parte.
*Parte mamá- Sólo persona sobria, por elección, en un partido que cuida de los borrachos amigos
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Sisters (2015)
Two sisters decide to throw one last house party before their parents sell their family home. (Summary from:
Sisters' Trailer-
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler have done it again and collaborated on a film that's already gaining positive reviews from reliable sources like Rotten Tomatoes and Washington Post.
Washington Post states, 'Sisters follows the recent "Bridesmaids"-inspired trend of R-rated comedies that trade on bawdy one-upswomanship in the form of vulgarity, sexually charged slapstick and gross-out sight gags"
R-rated comedies are indeed a bit hit with the general audience lately; add that with the dynamic duo of best friends Fey and Poehler and the world is gifted with, 'Sisters'.
Although it has much favorable feedback from both audiences and other critics, do I personally think that, 'Sisters' deserves all the praise?
The plot begins after introducing sisters Maura Ellis (Poehler), a divorcee nurse and Kate Ellis (Fey), a single mom with a strained relationship with her teenage daughter, Haley (Madison Davenport). Maura learns from her parents that they plan to sell the family home, but Kate doesn't know of this yet because the parents are fearful of her reaction, knowing of her previous extreme outbursts to other instances of bad news. So Maura is tasked to tell her sister and thus the two meet up to visit the family home together, so Kate can discover the news for herself. As expected, Kate is infuriated and throws a temper tantrum in the front lawn.
Their parents tell them to pack up all of their things before a pair of potential buyers take over the home. There is a cleaning montage where the sisters go through their old things and play around with them such as pretending to kiss a boy on a poster and one of them acting like they're eating their cheerleading baton. As they sort things out, the ladies discover their old diaries and read them out to each other, soon realizing that Kate experienced a much wilder life than Maura did when they were younger.
While Kate reads her entries about sleeping with boys and fearing the possibility of pregnancy, Maura used to write about her love for helping others and doing work. This revelation upsets Maura, making her believe her life was wasted and Kate doesn't help when she is baffled over the fact that Maura never slept with a guy in her bed before.
Because of this, Kate decides that Maura should finally do just that and have her 'Post-divorce cherry popped' by throwing a huge house party before selling it to the potential buyers. After some coaxing, Maura agrees to the plan and they get to inviting not only friends from their old high school, but a potential man for Maura named James (Ike Barinholtz).
There are only two interactions between the sisters and James before the party happens and both times were arguably unpleasant to watch. The first time they met, the sisters brought up constant inappropriate invitations for sex (e.g 'tending to the bush') when James was trying to do his job to literally tend to the bushes. The second encounter was mostly between Maura and James, and when James mentioned that his parents passed away recently, Maura continued to bring it up, asking questions like if he saw them die and if their death was painful to endure. She asks this due to her nervous habits; but even so, I feel like the writers pushed it a bit with that. When it comes to both conversations, the jokes about sex and dead parents felt prolonged and too uncomfortable to find funny. I wouldn't want to go to their party after that.
While preparing for the party, which the women chose to call, 'The Ellis Island Party' the women visit a nail salon and are tended to a young Asian lady (probably in her late teens-early 20s) named, Hae-Won. Maura seems eager to speak with her, but keeps pronouncing her name incorrectly-so there is a lengthy back and forth between the two about how to say Hae-Won. This wasn't very funny as it was boring. The only substantial part of their conversation was a bit where Maura suggests that Hae-Won should attend their party to let loose from her strict job.
Kate on the other hand goes to the owner of the nail salon and persuades him to just pretend to give her a job to show off to Maura. This is apart of a side plot revolving around Kate needing to get a job in order to live a stable lifestyle with her daughter in Florida. But since Kate's been so irresponsible, she's been fired by many establishments in the past, and unable to receive a job with the nail salon owner due to her abrasive behavior.
On the night of the party, Maura begs for Kate to be the *Party Mom, and though the idea of not having her wild fun frustrates Kate, she agrees. If Kate is the party mom, then Maura was even more free to do whatever she wanted with no fear.
Soon enough, most of the guests arrive to the house and a couple showed up who weren't even invited, including an old classmate named Alex who serves as the obnoxious comic relief throughout the rest of the story. There is a funny moment that occurs once the guests are finally there and this is a moment that would probably happened with many adult parties. No one is doing anything crazy, they're simple catching up with old friends and making awkward small talk.
I laughed since that 'party' represented the epitome of my usual demeanor when I'm around big crowds. And it showed a lesson to Maura and Kate: Grown adults aren't going to just jump into the a crazy dance party with shots and act sloppy drunk.
Not without persuasion, and A LOT of it.
Through major coaxing and a speech talking about how they must live tonight-with no responsibilities-the sisters turned the boring party into the one of their dreams. Everyone is on their feet and acting unrestrained and rowdy, fully getting into their wild side. This party takes up the majority of the movie, which I found annoying, because it dragged on and on. I know it was the main plot, but it was like the writers were forcing the party scenes to go on and kept wanting to add more jokes and more gross out humor and more sexual situations before the serious stuff came along.
The Ellis Island Party was a success; it even stole guests from another woman's small get together. This woman was Brinda, another old classmate of the sisters that wasn't invited due to past issues between her and Kate. Brinda ends up trying to sabotage the party, but each try is a failure so eventually joining the party herself.
Other than that, Maura's potential lover James arrives and they speak privately. In addition, Hae-won and her friends show up, pumping up the party even more. Everything was perfect...until Kate's phone call.
Kate receives a phone call from her parents saying that since the house was in such good shape, when it was sold, the parents would give a portion of the profits to Kate so she would have money to be stable with her daughter in Florida. This fact slams down on Kate and she quickly realizes that the party has gone on way too long and thus, has made the once pristine house into an absolute catastrophe.
While Kate tries to stop the party, Maura hopes it goes on and attempts to sleep with James in her bedroom. She's gets so close, but thanks to silly antics, that plan failed horribly and James left the party as soon as possible.
Everything seems to go horrible and even the sisters end up fighting over a secret involving Haley. At this point, their parents and Haley storm to the backyard where the sisters and the swarm of partygoers are and it is also at this moment where the whole house (and the pool) collapses on itself and is completely destroyed. I liked this saying a random party goer said after the house collapsed:
"Look guys, we stopped time!"
What she was referring to was an array of fancy clocks that were inside the house that were obviously broken due to the collapse, but that was a quote that stuck with me and what I feel is a perfect quote that relates to the film. The sisters stopped time. Kate never grew up from her rambunctious ways and Maura never brought herself to try new things and step away from her parents for more than a second. They didn't allow time to help them mature; they stuck to their old ways and have caused the worst possible damage to their family: Disappointment. This is what the parents bring up when they're fed up with their nonsense and it almost brought a tear to my eye. Perhaps it did because I know that feeling when someone has given up on you and plus I may have been extra sensitive that day, but nevertheless, the parents showed raw emotion that really presented all the things the sisters have done to cause them agony. Even Haley speaks her mind and complains that she'd rather had a different family than the one she was cursed with.
I have to say, when the serious part came along, it really hit me hard.
The ending is as typical as you can get though. I predicted every step that would happen. The sisters promise to fix the house and through some magic, they manage to fix it in 2 weeks. The parents help Kate out after all because of her turn around into being a kind and helpful daughter. Maura tracks down James and makes up with him, becoming a couple. Alex, the comic relief and Hae-won become a couple, have kids and buy the house that they fixed. Kate owns a new home and all is happily ever after.
So in the end, what did I think of this movie? It was okay, I just think that this kind of humor doesn't suit me. After watching, 'Sisters' as well as previously viewing 'Bridesmaids' (both with the same comedy technique) I figure that I'm one of the people who don't find this funny. The prolonged back and forth, the gross out humor, and seeing grown women react childishly to small things and cursing up a storm is not something that I find funny in the slightest. The party scene felt way too long and forced and I don't find these characters likable, at all. Although, it wasn't too painful to sit through this, it wasn't boring all the way through. I was interested in seeing how this whole party plan was going to fall apart on them the whole time. Plus, there was a special celebrity cameo during the party that many may recognize. Here's a hint: If you read my, 'Daddy's Home' review, I talk about another special cameo there. Both cameos are of the same person, so if you watched either one of these films already, then you know the answer to who it is.
I recommend seeing this movie if you've watched others with similar comedy and LIKED it. If you liked Bridesmaids, you'll enjoy, 'Sisters' if not, then I suggest looking elsewhere.
*Party Mom- Only sober person, by choice, at a party that takes care of the drunk friends
Sisters' Trailer-
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler have done it again and collaborated on a film that's already gaining positive reviews from reliable sources like Rotten Tomatoes and Washington Post.
Washington Post states, 'Sisters follows the recent "Bridesmaids"-inspired trend of R-rated comedies that trade on bawdy one-upswomanship in the form of vulgarity, sexually charged slapstick and gross-out sight gags"
R-rated comedies are indeed a bit hit with the general audience lately; add that with the dynamic duo of best friends Fey and Poehler and the world is gifted with, 'Sisters'.
Although it has much favorable feedback from both audiences and other critics, do I personally think that, 'Sisters' deserves all the praise?
The plot begins after introducing sisters Maura Ellis (Poehler), a divorcee nurse and Kate Ellis (Fey), a single mom with a strained relationship with her teenage daughter, Haley (Madison Davenport). Maura learns from her parents that they plan to sell the family home, but Kate doesn't know of this yet because the parents are fearful of her reaction, knowing of her previous extreme outbursts to other instances of bad news. So Maura is tasked to tell her sister and thus the two meet up to visit the family home together, so Kate can discover the news for herself. As expected, Kate is infuriated and throws a temper tantrum in the front lawn.
Their parents tell them to pack up all of their things before a pair of potential buyers take over the home. There is a cleaning montage where the sisters go through their old things and play around with them such as pretending to kiss a boy on a poster and one of them acting like they're eating their cheerleading baton. As they sort things out, the ladies discover their old diaries and read them out to each other, soon realizing that Kate experienced a much wilder life than Maura did when they were younger.
While Kate reads her entries about sleeping with boys and fearing the possibility of pregnancy, Maura used to write about her love for helping others and doing work. This revelation upsets Maura, making her believe her life was wasted and Kate doesn't help when she is baffled over the fact that Maura never slept with a guy in her bed before.
Because of this, Kate decides that Maura should finally do just that and have her 'Post-divorce cherry popped' by throwing a huge house party before selling it to the potential buyers. After some coaxing, Maura agrees to the plan and they get to inviting not only friends from their old high school, but a potential man for Maura named James (Ike Barinholtz).
There are only two interactions between the sisters and James before the party happens and both times were arguably unpleasant to watch. The first time they met, the sisters brought up constant inappropriate invitations for sex (e.g 'tending to the bush') when James was trying to do his job to literally tend to the bushes. The second encounter was mostly between Maura and James, and when James mentioned that his parents passed away recently, Maura continued to bring it up, asking questions like if he saw them die and if their death was painful to endure. She asks this due to her nervous habits; but even so, I feel like the writers pushed it a bit with that. When it comes to both conversations, the jokes about sex and dead parents felt prolonged and too uncomfortable to find funny. I wouldn't want to go to their party after that.
While preparing for the party, which the women chose to call, 'The Ellis Island Party' the women visit a nail salon and are tended to a young Asian lady (probably in her late teens-early 20s) named, Hae-Won. Maura seems eager to speak with her, but keeps pronouncing her name incorrectly-so there is a lengthy back and forth between the two about how to say Hae-Won. This wasn't very funny as it was boring. The only substantial part of their conversation was a bit where Maura suggests that Hae-Won should attend their party to let loose from her strict job.
Kate on the other hand goes to the owner of the nail salon and persuades him to just pretend to give her a job to show off to Maura. This is apart of a side plot revolving around Kate needing to get a job in order to live a stable lifestyle with her daughter in Florida. But since Kate's been so irresponsible, she's been fired by many establishments in the past, and unable to receive a job with the nail salon owner due to her abrasive behavior.
On the night of the party, Maura begs for Kate to be the *Party Mom, and though the idea of not having her wild fun frustrates Kate, she agrees. If Kate is the party mom, then Maura was even more free to do whatever she wanted with no fear.
Soon enough, most of the guests arrive to the house and a couple showed up who weren't even invited, including an old classmate named Alex who serves as the obnoxious comic relief throughout the rest of the story. There is a funny moment that occurs once the guests are finally there and this is a moment that would probably happened with many adult parties. No one is doing anything crazy, they're simple catching up with old friends and making awkward small talk.
I laughed since that 'party' represented the epitome of my usual demeanor when I'm around big crowds. And it showed a lesson to Maura and Kate: Grown adults aren't going to just jump into the a crazy dance party with shots and act sloppy drunk.
Not without persuasion, and A LOT of it.
Through major coaxing and a speech talking about how they must live tonight-with no responsibilities-the sisters turned the boring party into the one of their dreams. Everyone is on their feet and acting unrestrained and rowdy, fully getting into their wild side. This party takes up the majority of the movie, which I found annoying, because it dragged on and on. I know it was the main plot, but it was like the writers were forcing the party scenes to go on and kept wanting to add more jokes and more gross out humor and more sexual situations before the serious stuff came along.
The Ellis Island Party was a success; it even stole guests from another woman's small get together. This woman was Brinda, another old classmate of the sisters that wasn't invited due to past issues between her and Kate. Brinda ends up trying to sabotage the party, but each try is a failure so eventually joining the party herself.
Other than that, Maura's potential lover James arrives and they speak privately. In addition, Hae-won and her friends show up, pumping up the party even more. Everything was perfect...until Kate's phone call.
Kate receives a phone call from her parents saying that since the house was in such good shape, when it was sold, the parents would give a portion of the profits to Kate so she would have money to be stable with her daughter in Florida. This fact slams down on Kate and she quickly realizes that the party has gone on way too long and thus, has made the once pristine house into an absolute catastrophe.
While Kate tries to stop the party, Maura hopes it goes on and attempts to sleep with James in her bedroom. She's gets so close, but thanks to silly antics, that plan failed horribly and James left the party as soon as possible.
Everything seems to go horrible and even the sisters end up fighting over a secret involving Haley. At this point, their parents and Haley storm to the backyard where the sisters and the swarm of partygoers are and it is also at this moment where the whole house (and the pool) collapses on itself and is completely destroyed. I liked this saying a random party goer said after the house collapsed:
"Look guys, we stopped time!"
What she was referring to was an array of fancy clocks that were inside the house that were obviously broken due to the collapse, but that was a quote that stuck with me and what I feel is a perfect quote that relates to the film. The sisters stopped time. Kate never grew up from her rambunctious ways and Maura never brought herself to try new things and step away from her parents for more than a second. They didn't allow time to help them mature; they stuck to their old ways and have caused the worst possible damage to their family: Disappointment. This is what the parents bring up when they're fed up with their nonsense and it almost brought a tear to my eye. Perhaps it did because I know that feeling when someone has given up on you and plus I may have been extra sensitive that day, but nevertheless, the parents showed raw emotion that really presented all the things the sisters have done to cause them agony. Even Haley speaks her mind and complains that she'd rather had a different family than the one she was cursed with.
I have to say, when the serious part came along, it really hit me hard.
The ending is as typical as you can get though. I predicted every step that would happen. The sisters promise to fix the house and through some magic, they manage to fix it in 2 weeks. The parents help Kate out after all because of her turn around into being a kind and helpful daughter. Maura tracks down James and makes up with him, becoming a couple. Alex, the comic relief and Hae-won become a couple, have kids and buy the house that they fixed. Kate owns a new home and all is happily ever after.
So in the end, what did I think of this movie? It was okay, I just think that this kind of humor doesn't suit me. After watching, 'Sisters' as well as previously viewing 'Bridesmaids' (both with the same comedy technique) I figure that I'm one of the people who don't find this funny. The prolonged back and forth, the gross out humor, and seeing grown women react childishly to small things and cursing up a storm is not something that I find funny in the slightest. The party scene felt way too long and forced and I don't find these characters likable, at all. Although, it wasn't too painful to sit through this, it wasn't boring all the way through. I was interested in seeing how this whole party plan was going to fall apart on them the whole time. Plus, there was a special celebrity cameo during the party that many may recognize. Here's a hint: If you read my, 'Daddy's Home' review, I talk about another special cameo there. Both cameos are of the same person, so if you watched either one of these films already, then you know the answer to who it is.
I recommend seeing this movie if you've watched others with similar comedy and LIKED it. If you liked Bridesmaids, you'll enjoy, 'Sisters' if not, then I suggest looking elsewhere.
*Party Mom- Only sober person, by choice, at a party that takes care of the drunk friends
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Daddy's Home-Espanol (2015)
Padrastro, Brad Whitaker, es un presentador de radio tratando de conseguir sus hijastros a amarlo y le llaman papá, pero sus planes gire al revés cuando el padre biológico, polvorientas Mayron, regresa. (Resumen de
Daddy's Home Tráiler-
Estaba muy contenta cuando mi madre me dijo que toda la familia iba a ir al cine juntos y ver, 'Daddy's Home." Yo no podía recordar la última vez que he visto una película con la familia desde que empecé dorming en el colegio. Además, el remolque fue bastante divertido.
Me gusta Will Ferrell y Mark Wahlberg; tienen una gran reputación de realización de películas como Ferrell protagonizó 'Elf' (2003) en Wahlberg protagonizo, 'El Luchador' (2010) y su rendimiento duo jugando como dos policías incompetentes en 'Los otros chicos" (2010)
Sin embargo, ¿esta nueva película sobre la batalla de los papás apilar hasta sus anteriores películas de éxito?
En el comienzo de la película, muestra todos en torno a la familia-hombre, Brad Whitaker (Ferrell) deseosos de comenzar su día atendiendo a su paso dos hijos, Dylan y Megan (Owen Vaccaro &Amp; Scarlett Estevez) Whitaker tiene una mentalidad delirante, pensando Dylan y Megan son tan enérgico como él es y busca a él como un verdadero padre. Este es el opuesto, como Dylan parece indiferente a su paso-dad y Megan muestra su obra de arte de la familia que incluye un dibujo mórbida de Whitaker con un cuchillo alojada en su cabeza.
Es la típica metáfora de los niños no calentando el paso padre enseguida, pero no me puedo quejar, está pensado para ser una comedia y los tropos son esperados.
Aunque hay tensiones entre Whitaker y con los niños, hay un atisbo de esperanza cuando Dylan confines posteriormente en él sobre sus problemas en la escuela que involucra el 4º grado los intimidadores y Megan Whitaker pide a ser su acompañante para un próximo padre-hija en su escuela de baile.
Todo parece bien hasta que la esposa y la madre de Whitaker de Dylan & Megan, Sara (Linda Cardellini) recibe una llamada telefónica de su salvaje y loca ex-marido, polvorientas (Wahlberg). Whitaker aprende durante la llamada telefónica que Sara nunca le dijo a polvo que se casó de nuevo; esto motiva Whitaker para hablar con él por teléfono y polvoriento muy felices para invitarlo a la casa.
Por esta razón, Sara inmediatamente se queja de esta situación, pero ella sólo permite que esto suceda porque sus hijos siempre amó a su padre y gozaría de tenerlo alrededor de la casa.
Whitaker ve polvorienta en el aeropuerto y él no estaba preparado para saber cómo 'badass' era él. La película incluso proporcionaba la cámara lenta y música fresco a su entrada, exagerando el hecho de que él era más frío que Whitaker en todos los sentidos.
Cuando ambos de ellos llegan a casa, polvorientas ya está calentado a sus hijos y comienza a jugar juegos mentales con Whitaker, sesgar sus palabras de una manera que haría Whitaker creer que estaba aceptando polvoriento de él siendo el paso-dad. En su lugar, polvoriento haría referencia a cosas totalmente fuera de ese marco de la mente.
Este tipo de juegos mentales se extendería a lo largo de la película, así como intentar robar su polvoriento kids' amor ayudando a Dylan con cómo tratar con su 4th grado los intimidadores y contando cuentos a la hora de acostarse que deliberadamente hablar acerca de la enemistad entre Whitaker y él mismo. Los niños simplemente se la comieron; eran mucho más feliz cuando estaba polvoriento con ellos y es en este punto donde tuve un problema con la película.
He conocido a personas que necesitaban un tiempo largo, tan largo como los años- para acostumbrarse a su paso, por lo que tener padres Whitaker, acompañar a los niños durante unos 8 meses y todavía no existe un enorme avance entre él y los niños no es extraño, tiene sentido en muchos casos. Incluso en el comienzo, donde Megan dibujó su paso papá muerto con un cuchillo en la cabeza no está demasiado lejos del alcance de la realidad. Sin embargo, una vez en la imagen viene a polvorientas, los chicos de personalidades han desaparecido. Todo lo que recuerdo de la parte central de la película fue su incesante suplicando por su padre, "POR FAVOR, POR FAVOR!" ¿esto y que para ellos. Se me conduce de nueces, y ese tipo de lloriquear es molesto, especialmente cuando la película no te da al menos diez minutos antes de que los chicos gimotear sobre otra cosa.
Dusty no sólo es amada por sus hijos, sino por toda la comunidad. Su popularidad daños Whitaker del espíritu, pero él todavía actúa como él disfruta de este otro hombre de la compañía; que me molestó aún más. Él sabía lo que estaba haciendo era polvoriento equivocado, pero fue el mayor impulsor de eso. Él incluso invitados polvoriento para permanecer en la casa durante una semana!
Sara tenía más agallas para empujar el polvo lejos, ella era la voz de la razón en esta película y, por tanto, mi personaje favorito. Ella tenía siempre su marido y nunca cedió en el Dusty's avances. Yo estaba asustada que haría durante una escena donde ella habló sobre querer otro bebé con Whitaker, aunque se creía ser estéril.
Yo pensaba que los escritores convertiría a Sara en un tramposo y dormir con polvo, pero después de llorar y pedir disculpas que era un momento de debilidad y ella y Whitaker sería volver a estar juntos. Gracias a Dios que no era el caso, todo lo que ocurrió fue Sara hablando sobre el deseo de tener otro bebé y sin trampas.
Ella es un ejemplo de un personaje femenino fuerte que muchos pueden no notar desde que ella está en una comedia y espectadores se centraría más en las divertidas payasadas de Ferrell y Wahlberg, pero les estoy diciendo ahora, si ver esa película, puede admirar la fuerza este personaje tiene.
Desde mi experiencia, películas similares, 'Daddy's Home' tendría la esposa siding principalmente con el hombre que abandonó sus simplemente porque él era sorprendentemente atractivo y su lujuria no podía controlar su mente. Como parcelas que son interesantes, pero irritante cuando reproduce una y otra vez. Es bueno para mostrar a una mujer que mide su masa y no se dejara influir por sus emociones.
Whitaker fue tonto pero no encantador. Esta es la razón por la que no me gustó de él. Detestar Whitaker no significa no me gustan todos los personajes que salgan como estúpidos o ignorantes; hay muchos gusto de idiotas en medios que van desde la afectuosa Lenny en el famoso cuento, "de ratones y hombres" o las adorables Edd desde el show de Cartoon Network, 'Ed, Edd,& Eddy', el carácter debe ser jugado bien y con algún rasgo que les haría menos tristes y más gusto de (hay una diferencia)
durante el resto de la película, Whitaker, parece tener el mundo entero en contra de él. Cuando se le dijo a cara a cara que polvoriento quiere tomar su familia atrás, ahora Whitaker intenta empujar polvoriento a través de medios como locos comprando los innumerables dones para los niños y llevarlos a un juego de baloncesto pagando por asientos de 8 millones de dólares. Esto molesta mucho Sara y polvorientas termina ganando la kids' afecto nuevamente cuando son capaces de satisfacer un famoso deportista debido a Dusty's conexiones.
Asimismo, Whitaker aprende que Megan polvoriento pidió a unirse a ella en el padre-hija bailar después de ella recientemente le preguntó. Esta fue la gota que colmó el vaso para Whitaker y bebe lejos el dolor durante el juego, lo que le llevó a ser un enredo ebrio y hacer el ridículo. Como consecuencia, Sara patadas él fuera de la casa. Dusty piensa que él finalmente ha ganado su familia atrás, pero Sara confirma que este no es el caso, pero puesto que él es el único papá alrededor, él debe asumir los encargos Whitaker hizo para los niños.
Al día siguiente, y el día de la danza, polvorientas siente demasiada presión manipulación de los mandados Whitaker haría, incluyendo sólo a la espera para que los niños salen de la escuela. Por lo que las unidades fuera de un aeropuerto, listos para volar lejos y abandona a sus hijos una vez más. De alguna manera encuentra Whitaker polvoriento y habla acerca de cómo a veces como papás, necesitan sentir la presión y hacer cosas que no quiero hacer sólo para hacer sus niños felices. Esto era bastante motivador y muy lindo; incluso he pensado acerca de las cuestiones que mis propios padres tendría que luchar a través de mi alegría.
Esa parte he disfrutado, aunque no me hizo como Whitaker.
Los dos papás prisa para la danza donde padre-hija Sara es livid durante su ausencia y dejando Megan solos durante más de una hora en el baile. Antes de que cualquiera de ellos podría bailar con ella, notan Dylan siendo acosado por el 4th grado siempre se quejaban de él, sin embargo, estos matones no son lo que parecen.
Este mini parcela giro tuvo la audiencia y mi risa mucho y para entonces, no era broma tras broma que fueron grandes éxitos y mantuvo una gran sonrisa en mi cara de goofy.
El final de la película en general rematado todo lo que sucedió antes y después de la danza, demostró que Whitaker fue capaz de dar Sara el tercer hijo que siempre quiso y polvorientas alojado cerca del hogar y se casó con alguien nuevo con su propio paso-niño cuyos afectos no fueron hacia él, sino hacia su nacimiento padre- que trata polvoriento exactamente de la misma manera que tratan polvo Whitaker.
Si alguna vez ver esta película y ver quién es el padre biológico, haría más probable estar riendo en tu asiento porque te gustaría saber exactamente quién es él- especialmente si eres un gran fan de los medios sociales y los videos de la vid.
Bueno...esta película sorprendentemente me dejó con sentimientos encontrados. Era difícil formar mi opinión porque siempre me preguntaba si me sentía la manera que la hice porque yo estaba siendo demasiado duro en la parcela o estaban legit razones por las que les gusta o no la película. En definitiva, he intentado mi mejor atenerse a lo que sentía, no importa si les parecía sesgado o fuera de lugar.
Pensaba que era una buena película? En realidad...sí, se trataba de una comedia. Aunque no creo que coincida con Ferrell y Wahlberg de obras anteriores. Las cuestiones que he criado con los molestos niños y Whitaker: la puerta Mat son en realidad-molesto de ver, pero yo no odio la película porque de ella. Muestra la realidad de algunos de los hogares, porque los niños pueden ser prepotente y amar a alguien más que los demás, porque de lo que pueden ofrecer y eso es porque...son niños! No comprender plenamente el verdadero sacrificio adultos para hacer aún y, por lo tanto, no deben ser culpados por obsesionarse por una persona que estropea a muerte.
En cuanto a Whitaker, lamentablemente, hay personas que actúan como él hizo en realidad y creo que si tenía un poco más de incentivo para levantarse por sí mismo y, a continuación, me gustaría más por él. La constante ignorancia había, apilados en con toda la comunidad de ir contra él no era demasiado agradable, estaba triste.
Pero por otro lado, existía un *hombre recto y que fue Sara, quien señaló Whitaker y Dusty's mal comportamiento y eso es lo que hizo la película mejor. Si todo el mundo fuera un idiota, entonces no habría la comedia. Además, todo el que termina en la escena de baile padre-hija y el cameo sorpresa al final con el nacimiento el padre era divertidísimo!
Usted debe ir a ver? Yo así lo creo, no es perjudicial y no presente la comedia y hubo algunos chistes de maravilla aquí y allí. Observe que cuando termine de ver todas las películas de gran tiempo en primer lugar.
Me siento como, 'Daddy's Home' será olvidable en pocos meses, pero dudo que usted sería muy aburrido de ver. 3 de 5 estrellas.
*Hombre recto- un carácter de stock en una comedia de rendimiento. Cuando su socio de la comedia, el recto se comporta excéntricamente respuesta del hombre oscila entre el aplomo y la indignación, o desde la paciencia a la frustración. Ellos hacen su pareja mirar todo el más ridículo por ser totalmente en serio. (Definición de
Daddy's Home Tráiler-
Estaba muy contenta cuando mi madre me dijo que toda la familia iba a ir al cine juntos y ver, 'Daddy's Home." Yo no podía recordar la última vez que he visto una película con la familia desde que empecé dorming en el colegio. Además, el remolque fue bastante divertido.
Me gusta Will Ferrell y Mark Wahlberg; tienen una gran reputación de realización de películas como Ferrell protagonizó 'Elf' (2003) en Wahlberg protagonizo, 'El Luchador' (2010) y su rendimiento duo jugando como dos policías incompetentes en 'Los otros chicos" (2010)
Sin embargo, ¿esta nueva película sobre la batalla de los papás apilar hasta sus anteriores películas de éxito?
En el comienzo de la película, muestra todos en torno a la familia-hombre, Brad Whitaker (Ferrell) deseosos de comenzar su día atendiendo a su paso dos hijos, Dylan y Megan (Owen Vaccaro &Amp; Scarlett Estevez) Whitaker tiene una mentalidad delirante, pensando Dylan y Megan son tan enérgico como él es y busca a él como un verdadero padre. Este es el opuesto, como Dylan parece indiferente a su paso-dad y Megan muestra su obra de arte de la familia que incluye un dibujo mórbida de Whitaker con un cuchillo alojada en su cabeza.
Es la típica metáfora de los niños no calentando el paso padre enseguida, pero no me puedo quejar, está pensado para ser una comedia y los tropos son esperados.
Aunque hay tensiones entre Whitaker y con los niños, hay un atisbo de esperanza cuando Dylan confines posteriormente en él sobre sus problemas en la escuela que involucra el 4º grado los intimidadores y Megan Whitaker pide a ser su acompañante para un próximo padre-hija en su escuela de baile.
Todo parece bien hasta que la esposa y la madre de Whitaker de Dylan & Megan, Sara (Linda Cardellini) recibe una llamada telefónica de su salvaje y loca ex-marido, polvorientas (Wahlberg). Whitaker aprende durante la llamada telefónica que Sara nunca le dijo a polvo que se casó de nuevo; esto motiva Whitaker para hablar con él por teléfono y polvoriento muy felices para invitarlo a la casa.
Por esta razón, Sara inmediatamente se queja de esta situación, pero ella sólo permite que esto suceda porque sus hijos siempre amó a su padre y gozaría de tenerlo alrededor de la casa.
Whitaker ve polvorienta en el aeropuerto y él no estaba preparado para saber cómo 'badass' era él. La película incluso proporcionaba la cámara lenta y música fresco a su entrada, exagerando el hecho de que él era más frío que Whitaker en todos los sentidos.
Cuando ambos de ellos llegan a casa, polvorientas ya está calentado a sus hijos y comienza a jugar juegos mentales con Whitaker, sesgar sus palabras de una manera que haría Whitaker creer que estaba aceptando polvoriento de él siendo el paso-dad. En su lugar, polvoriento haría referencia a cosas totalmente fuera de ese marco de la mente.
Este tipo de juegos mentales se extendería a lo largo de la película, así como intentar robar su polvoriento kids' amor ayudando a Dylan con cómo tratar con su 4th grado los intimidadores y contando cuentos a la hora de acostarse que deliberadamente hablar acerca de la enemistad entre Whitaker y él mismo. Los niños simplemente se la comieron; eran mucho más feliz cuando estaba polvoriento con ellos y es en este punto donde tuve un problema con la película.
He conocido a personas que necesitaban un tiempo largo, tan largo como los años- para acostumbrarse a su paso, por lo que tener padres Whitaker, acompañar a los niños durante unos 8 meses y todavía no existe un enorme avance entre él y los niños no es extraño, tiene sentido en muchos casos. Incluso en el comienzo, donde Megan dibujó su paso papá muerto con un cuchillo en la cabeza no está demasiado lejos del alcance de la realidad. Sin embargo, una vez en la imagen viene a polvorientas, los chicos de personalidades han desaparecido. Todo lo que recuerdo de la parte central de la película fue su incesante suplicando por su padre, "POR FAVOR, POR FAVOR!" ¿esto y que para ellos. Se me conduce de nueces, y ese tipo de lloriquear es molesto, especialmente cuando la película no te da al menos diez minutos antes de que los chicos gimotear sobre otra cosa.
Dusty no sólo es amada por sus hijos, sino por toda la comunidad. Su popularidad daños Whitaker del espíritu, pero él todavía actúa como él disfruta de este otro hombre de la compañía; que me molestó aún más. Él sabía lo que estaba haciendo era polvoriento equivocado, pero fue el mayor impulsor de eso. Él incluso invitados polvoriento para permanecer en la casa durante una semana!
Sara tenía más agallas para empujar el polvo lejos, ella era la voz de la razón en esta película y, por tanto, mi personaje favorito. Ella tenía siempre su marido y nunca cedió en el Dusty's avances. Yo estaba asustada que haría durante una escena donde ella habló sobre querer otro bebé con Whitaker, aunque se creía ser estéril.
Yo pensaba que los escritores convertiría a Sara en un tramposo y dormir con polvo, pero después de llorar y pedir disculpas que era un momento de debilidad y ella y Whitaker sería volver a estar juntos. Gracias a Dios que no era el caso, todo lo que ocurrió fue Sara hablando sobre el deseo de tener otro bebé y sin trampas.
Ella es un ejemplo de un personaje femenino fuerte que muchos pueden no notar desde que ella está en una comedia y espectadores se centraría más en las divertidas payasadas de Ferrell y Wahlberg, pero les estoy diciendo ahora, si ver esa película, puede admirar la fuerza este personaje tiene.
Desde mi experiencia, películas similares, 'Daddy's Home' tendría la esposa siding principalmente con el hombre que abandonó sus simplemente porque él era sorprendentemente atractivo y su lujuria no podía controlar su mente. Como parcelas que son interesantes, pero irritante cuando reproduce una y otra vez. Es bueno para mostrar a una mujer que mide su masa y no se dejara influir por sus emociones.
Whitaker fue tonto pero no encantador. Esta es la razón por la que no me gustó de él. Detestar Whitaker no significa no me gustan todos los personajes que salgan como estúpidos o ignorantes; hay muchos gusto de idiotas en medios que van desde la afectuosa Lenny en el famoso cuento, "de ratones y hombres" o las adorables Edd desde el show de Cartoon Network, 'Ed, Edd,& Eddy', el carácter debe ser jugado bien y con algún rasgo que les haría menos tristes y más gusto de (hay una diferencia)
durante el resto de la película, Whitaker, parece tener el mundo entero en contra de él. Cuando se le dijo a cara a cara que polvoriento quiere tomar su familia atrás, ahora Whitaker intenta empujar polvoriento a través de medios como locos comprando los innumerables dones para los niños y llevarlos a un juego de baloncesto pagando por asientos de 8 millones de dólares. Esto molesta mucho Sara y polvorientas termina ganando la kids' afecto nuevamente cuando son capaces de satisfacer un famoso deportista debido a Dusty's conexiones.
Asimismo, Whitaker aprende que Megan polvoriento pidió a unirse a ella en el padre-hija bailar después de ella recientemente le preguntó. Esta fue la gota que colmó el vaso para Whitaker y bebe lejos el dolor durante el juego, lo que le llevó a ser un enredo ebrio y hacer el ridículo. Como consecuencia, Sara patadas él fuera de la casa. Dusty piensa que él finalmente ha ganado su familia atrás, pero Sara confirma que este no es el caso, pero puesto que él es el único papá alrededor, él debe asumir los encargos Whitaker hizo para los niños.
Al día siguiente, y el día de la danza, polvorientas siente demasiada presión manipulación de los mandados Whitaker haría, incluyendo sólo a la espera para que los niños salen de la escuela. Por lo que las unidades fuera de un aeropuerto, listos para volar lejos y abandona a sus hijos una vez más. De alguna manera encuentra Whitaker polvoriento y habla acerca de cómo a veces como papás, necesitan sentir la presión y hacer cosas que no quiero hacer sólo para hacer sus niños felices. Esto era bastante motivador y muy lindo; incluso he pensado acerca de las cuestiones que mis propios padres tendría que luchar a través de mi alegría.
Esa parte he disfrutado, aunque no me hizo como Whitaker.
Los dos papás prisa para la danza donde padre-hija Sara es livid durante su ausencia y dejando Megan solos durante más de una hora en el baile. Antes de que cualquiera de ellos podría bailar con ella, notan Dylan siendo acosado por el 4th grado siempre se quejaban de él, sin embargo, estos matones no son lo que parecen.
Este mini parcela giro tuvo la audiencia y mi risa mucho y para entonces, no era broma tras broma que fueron grandes éxitos y mantuvo una gran sonrisa en mi cara de goofy.
El final de la película en general rematado todo lo que sucedió antes y después de la danza, demostró que Whitaker fue capaz de dar Sara el tercer hijo que siempre quiso y polvorientas alojado cerca del hogar y se casó con alguien nuevo con su propio paso-niño cuyos afectos no fueron hacia él, sino hacia su nacimiento padre- que trata polvoriento exactamente de la misma manera que tratan polvo Whitaker.
Si alguna vez ver esta película y ver quién es el padre biológico, haría más probable estar riendo en tu asiento porque te gustaría saber exactamente quién es él- especialmente si eres un gran fan de los medios sociales y los videos de la vid.
Bueno...esta película sorprendentemente me dejó con sentimientos encontrados. Era difícil formar mi opinión porque siempre me preguntaba si me sentía la manera que la hice porque yo estaba siendo demasiado duro en la parcela o estaban legit razones por las que les gusta o no la película. En definitiva, he intentado mi mejor atenerse a lo que sentía, no importa si les parecía sesgado o fuera de lugar.
Pensaba que era una buena película? En realidad...sí, se trataba de una comedia. Aunque no creo que coincida con Ferrell y Wahlberg de obras anteriores. Las cuestiones que he criado con los molestos niños y Whitaker: la puerta Mat son en realidad-molesto de ver, pero yo no odio la película porque de ella. Muestra la realidad de algunos de los hogares, porque los niños pueden ser prepotente y amar a alguien más que los demás, porque de lo que pueden ofrecer y eso es porque...son niños! No comprender plenamente el verdadero sacrificio adultos para hacer aún y, por lo tanto, no deben ser culpados por obsesionarse por una persona que estropea a muerte.
En cuanto a Whitaker, lamentablemente, hay personas que actúan como él hizo en realidad y creo que si tenía un poco más de incentivo para levantarse por sí mismo y, a continuación, me gustaría más por él. La constante ignorancia había, apilados en con toda la comunidad de ir contra él no era demasiado agradable, estaba triste.
Pero por otro lado, existía un *hombre recto y que fue Sara, quien señaló Whitaker y Dusty's mal comportamiento y eso es lo que hizo la película mejor. Si todo el mundo fuera un idiota, entonces no habría la comedia. Además, todo el que termina en la escena de baile padre-hija y el cameo sorpresa al final con el nacimiento el padre era divertidísimo!
Usted debe ir a ver? Yo así lo creo, no es perjudicial y no presente la comedia y hubo algunos chistes de maravilla aquí y allí. Observe que cuando termine de ver todas las películas de gran tiempo en primer lugar.
Me siento como, 'Daddy's Home' será olvidable en pocos meses, pero dudo que usted sería muy aburrido de ver. 3 de 5 estrellas.
*Hombre recto- un carácter de stock en una comedia de rendimiento. Cuando su socio de la comedia, el recto se comporta excéntricamente respuesta del hombre oscila entre el aplomo y la indignación, o desde la paciencia a la frustración. Ellos hacen su pareja mirar todo el más ridículo por ser totalmente en serio. (Definición de
Daddy's Home (2015)
Stepdad, Brad Whitaker, is a radio host trying to get his stepchildren to love him and call him Dad, but his plans turn upside down when the biological father, Dusty Mayron, returns.
(Summary from
Daddy's Home Trailer-
I was very happy when my mother told me that the whole family would go to the movies together and watch, 'Daddy's Home.' I couldn't remember the last time I watched a movie with the family since I started dorming at college. Plus, the trailer was funny enough.
I like Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg; they have a great reputation of performing in movies such as Ferrell starring in 'Elf' (2003) Wahlberg in 'The Fighter' (2010) and their duo performance playing as two incompetent cops in, 'The Other Guys' (2010)
However, does this new movie about the battle of the dads stack up to their previous successful films?
In the beginning of the movie, it shows all around family-man, Brad Whitaker (Ferrell) eager to begin his day tending to his two step-children, Dylan and Megan (Owen Vaccaro & Scarlett Estevez) Whitaker has a delusional mindset, thinking Dylan and Megan are just as energetic as he is and looks up to him like an actual father. This is the direct opposite, as Dylan seems indifferent to his step-dad and Megan shows off her artwork of the family that includes a morbid drawing of Whitaker with a knife lodged in his head.
It's the typical trope of the children not warming up to the step father right away, but I can't complain, it's meant to be a comedy and those tropes are expected.
Though there is tension between Whitaker and the children, there is a glimmer a hope when Dylan later confines in him about his problems at school involving 4th grade bullies and Megan asks Whitaker to be her chaperone for an upcoming Father-daughter dance at her school.
All seems well until Whitaker's wife and mother of Dylan & Megan, Sara (Linda Cardellini) receives a phone call from her wild and crazy ex-husband, Dusty (Wahlberg). Whitaker learns during the phone call that Sara never told Dusty that she married again; this motivates Whitaker to talk to Dusty himself over phone and very happily invite him to the house.
Because of this, Sara immediately complains about this situation, but she only allows this to happen because her children always loved their dad and would enjoy having him around the house.
Whitaker sees Dusty at the airport and he wasn't prepared for how 'badass' he was. The film even provided slow-motion and cool music to his entrance, exaggerating the fact that he was cooler than Whitaker in every way.
When both of them arrive home, Dusty is already warmed up to his children and starts playing mind games with Whitaker, skewing his words in a way that would make Whitaker believe that Dusty was accepting of him being the step-dad. Instead, Dusty would refer to things totally out of that frame of mind.
These kind of mind games would span out throughout the movie, as well as Dusty attempting to steal his kids' love by helping Dylan with how to deal with his 4th grade bullies and telling fairy tales at bedtime which purposely describe the feud between Whitaker and himself. The children just ate it up; they were much more happy when Dusty was with them and it was at this point where I had a problem with the movie.
I've known of people who needed a long time-as long as years- to get used to their step parent, so having Whitaker be with the kids for about 8 months and there was still no huge breakthrough between him and the children is not strange, it makes sense in many cases. Even in the beginning where Megan drew her step-dad dead with a knife in his head isn't too far out of range from reality. Yet once Dusty comes into the picture, the kids' personalities are gone. All that I remember from the middle part of the film was their incessant begging for their dad to, "PLEASE PLEASE!" do this and that for them. It was driving me nuts, and that kind of whining is annoying, especially when the film doesn't give you at least ten minutes before the kids whine over something else.
Dusty is not only loved by his children, but by the whole community. His popularity damages Whitaker's spirit, but he still acts like he enjoys this other man's company; which annoyed me even more. He knew what Dusty was doing was wrong, but he was the greatest enabler for that. He even invited Dusty to stay in the house for a week!
Sara had more guts to push Dusty away, she was the voice of reason in this film and therefore my favorite character. She always had her husband's back and never caved into Dusty's advances. I was scared she would during a scene where she spoke about wanting another baby with Whitaker, even though he was believed to be barren.
I thought the writers would turn Sara into a cheater and sleep with Dusty, but later on cry and apologize that it was a moment of weakness and she and Whitaker would get back together. Thank goodness that wasn't the case, all that happened was Sara talking about the wish of having another baby and no cheating.
She is an example of a strong female character that many may not notice since she is in a comedy and viewers would focus more on the funny antics of Ferrell and Wahlberg, but I'm telling you now, if you watch that movie, you might admire the strength this character has.
From my experience, movies similar to, 'Daddy's Home' would have the wife siding mostly with the man who abandoned her just because he was strikingly attractive and her lust couldn't control her mind. Plots like that are interesting, but irritating when played over and over. It's nice to show a woman who stands her ground and is not swayed by her emotions.
Whitaker was silly but not charming. This is why I didn't like him. Disliking Whitaker does not mean I dislike all characters who come off as stupid or ignorant; there are many likable idiots in media ranging from the affectionate Lenny in the famous story, 'Of Mice and Men' or the lovable Edd from the Cartoon Network show, 'Ed, Edd,& Eddy' The character must be played well and with some trait that would make them less pitiable and more likable (there's a difference)
Throughout the rest of the movie, Whitaker seems to have the whole world against him. When he is told face to face that Dusty wants to take his family back, now Whitaker tries to push Dusty away through crazy means like buying countless gifts for the kids and taking them to a basketball game by paying for 8 million dollar seats. This upsets Sara very much and Dusty ends up winning the kids' affection once again when they are able to meet a famous athlete due to Dusty's connections.
Also, Whitaker learns that Megan asked Dusty to join her in the Father-daughter dance after she recently asked him. This was the final straw for Whitaker and he drinks away the pain during the game, leading him to be a drunken mess and make a fool of himself. As a consequence, Sara kicks him out of the house. Dusty thinks that he has finally won his family back, but Sara confirms that this isn't the case, but since he's the only dad around, he must take up the errands Whitaker did for the kids.
The next day, and on the day of the dance, Dusty feels too much pressure handling the errands Whitaker would do, including just waiting for the kids to get out of school. So he drives off to an airport, ready to fly away and abandon his children once again. Whitaker somehow finds Dusty and talks about how sometimes as dads, they need to feel the pressure and do things they wouldn't want to do just to make their kids happy. This was pretty motivational and kind of cute; I even thought about the issues my own parents would struggle through for my happiness.
That part I enjoyed, though it didn't make me like Whitaker any more.
The two dads rush to the father-daughter dance where Sara is livid over their absence and leaving Megan alone for over an hour at the dance. Before either of them could dance with her, they notice Dylan being bullied by the 4th graders he always complained about, yet, these bullies are not what they seem.
This mini plot twist had the audience and me laughing a lot and for then on, there was joke after joke that were great hits and kept a big goofy grin on my face.
The end of the film overall topped all that happened before it, and after the dance, it showed that Whitaker was able to give Sara the third child she always wanted and Dusty stayed nearby the household and married someone new with his own step-child whose affections weren't towards him, but towards her birth father- who treats Dusty exactly the same way that Dusty treated Whitaker.
If you ever watch this film and see who the birth father is, you'd most likely be laughing in your seat because you'd know exactly who he is- especially if you're a big fan of social media and vine videos.
Well...this movie surprisingly left me with mixed emotions. It was difficult forming my opinion because I always wondered if I felt the way I did because I was being too hard on the plot or they were legit reasons to like or dislike the movie. Ultimately, I tried my best to stick to what I felt, no matter if they seemed biased or uncalled for.
Did I think it was a good movie? Actually...yes, it was for a comedy. Though I don't think it matches up to Ferrell and Wahlberg's previous works. The issues I brought up with the annoying children and Whitaker: The Door Mat are in fact-annoying to watch, but I don't hate the movie because of it. It shows the reality of some households, because children can be overbearing and love someone more than the other because of what they can provide and that's because...they're kids! They don't fully comprehend the true sacrifices adults make for them yet and therefore, should not be blamed for obsessing over a person who spoils them to death.
As for Whitaker, unfortunately, there are people who act like he did in reality and I think if he had a little bit more incentive to stand up for himself, then I would like him more. The constant ignorance he had, piled on with the whole community going against him wasn't too enjoyable, it was sad.
But on the bright side, there was a *straight man and that was Sara, who pointed out Whitaker and Dusty's misbehavior and that's what made the movie better. If everyone was an idiot, then there would be no comedy. In addition, the whole ending scene at the father-daughter dance and the surprise cameo at the end with the birth father was hilarious!
Should you go see it? I think so, it's not harmful and it does present comedy and there were some awesome jokes here and there. Watch it when you finished seeing all the big time movies first.
I feel like, 'Daddy's Home' will be forgettable in a few months, but I doubt you'd be very bored from watching it. 3 out of 5 stars.
*Straight man- A stock character in a comedy performance. When their comedy partner behaves eccentrically, the straight man's response ranges from aplomb to outrage, or from patience to frustration. They make their partner look all the more ridiculous by being completely serious.
(Definition from
(Summary from
Daddy's Home Trailer-
I was very happy when my mother told me that the whole family would go to the movies together and watch, 'Daddy's Home.' I couldn't remember the last time I watched a movie with the family since I started dorming at college. Plus, the trailer was funny enough.
I like Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg; they have a great reputation of performing in movies such as Ferrell starring in 'Elf' (2003) Wahlberg in 'The Fighter' (2010) and their duo performance playing as two incompetent cops in, 'The Other Guys' (2010)
However, does this new movie about the battle of the dads stack up to their previous successful films?
In the beginning of the movie, it shows all around family-man, Brad Whitaker (Ferrell) eager to begin his day tending to his two step-children, Dylan and Megan (Owen Vaccaro & Scarlett Estevez) Whitaker has a delusional mindset, thinking Dylan and Megan are just as energetic as he is and looks up to him like an actual father. This is the direct opposite, as Dylan seems indifferent to his step-dad and Megan shows off her artwork of the family that includes a morbid drawing of Whitaker with a knife lodged in his head.
It's the typical trope of the children not warming up to the step father right away, but I can't complain, it's meant to be a comedy and those tropes are expected.
Though there is tension between Whitaker and the children, there is a glimmer a hope when Dylan later confines in him about his problems at school involving 4th grade bullies and Megan asks Whitaker to be her chaperone for an upcoming Father-daughter dance at her school.
All seems well until Whitaker's wife and mother of Dylan & Megan, Sara (Linda Cardellini) receives a phone call from her wild and crazy ex-husband, Dusty (Wahlberg). Whitaker learns during the phone call that Sara never told Dusty that she married again; this motivates Whitaker to talk to Dusty himself over phone and very happily invite him to the house.
Because of this, Sara immediately complains about this situation, but she only allows this to happen because her children always loved their dad and would enjoy having him around the house.
Whitaker sees Dusty at the airport and he wasn't prepared for how 'badass' he was. The film even provided slow-motion and cool music to his entrance, exaggerating the fact that he was cooler than Whitaker in every way.
When both of them arrive home, Dusty is already warmed up to his children and starts playing mind games with Whitaker, skewing his words in a way that would make Whitaker believe that Dusty was accepting of him being the step-dad. Instead, Dusty would refer to things totally out of that frame of mind.
These kind of mind games would span out throughout the movie, as well as Dusty attempting to steal his kids' love by helping Dylan with how to deal with his 4th grade bullies and telling fairy tales at bedtime which purposely describe the feud between Whitaker and himself. The children just ate it up; they were much more happy when Dusty was with them and it was at this point where I had a problem with the movie.
I've known of people who needed a long time-as long as years- to get used to their step parent, so having Whitaker be with the kids for about 8 months and there was still no huge breakthrough between him and the children is not strange, it makes sense in many cases. Even in the beginning where Megan drew her step-dad dead with a knife in his head isn't too far out of range from reality. Yet once Dusty comes into the picture, the kids' personalities are gone. All that I remember from the middle part of the film was their incessant begging for their dad to, "PLEASE PLEASE!" do this and that for them. It was driving me nuts, and that kind of whining is annoying, especially when the film doesn't give you at least ten minutes before the kids whine over something else.
Dusty is not only loved by his children, but by the whole community. His popularity damages Whitaker's spirit, but he still acts like he enjoys this other man's company; which annoyed me even more. He knew what Dusty was doing was wrong, but he was the greatest enabler for that. He even invited Dusty to stay in the house for a week!
Sara had more guts to push Dusty away, she was the voice of reason in this film and therefore my favorite character. She always had her husband's back and never caved into Dusty's advances. I was scared she would during a scene where she spoke about wanting another baby with Whitaker, even though he was believed to be barren.
I thought the writers would turn Sara into a cheater and sleep with Dusty, but later on cry and apologize that it was a moment of weakness and she and Whitaker would get back together. Thank goodness that wasn't the case, all that happened was Sara talking about the wish of having another baby and no cheating.
She is an example of a strong female character that many may not notice since she is in a comedy and viewers would focus more on the funny antics of Ferrell and Wahlberg, but I'm telling you now, if you watch that movie, you might admire the strength this character has.
From my experience, movies similar to, 'Daddy's Home' would have the wife siding mostly with the man who abandoned her just because he was strikingly attractive and her lust couldn't control her mind. Plots like that are interesting, but irritating when played over and over. It's nice to show a woman who stands her ground and is not swayed by her emotions.
Whitaker was silly but not charming. This is why I didn't like him. Disliking Whitaker does not mean I dislike all characters who come off as stupid or ignorant; there are many likable idiots in media ranging from the affectionate Lenny in the famous story, 'Of Mice and Men' or the lovable Edd from the Cartoon Network show, 'Ed, Edd,& Eddy' The character must be played well and with some trait that would make them less pitiable and more likable (there's a difference)
Throughout the rest of the movie, Whitaker seems to have the whole world against him. When he is told face to face that Dusty wants to take his family back, now Whitaker tries to push Dusty away through crazy means like buying countless gifts for the kids and taking them to a basketball game by paying for 8 million dollar seats. This upsets Sara very much and Dusty ends up winning the kids' affection once again when they are able to meet a famous athlete due to Dusty's connections.
Also, Whitaker learns that Megan asked Dusty to join her in the Father-daughter dance after she recently asked him. This was the final straw for Whitaker and he drinks away the pain during the game, leading him to be a drunken mess and make a fool of himself. As a consequence, Sara kicks him out of the house. Dusty thinks that he has finally won his family back, but Sara confirms that this isn't the case, but since he's the only dad around, he must take up the errands Whitaker did for the kids.
The next day, and on the day of the dance, Dusty feels too much pressure handling the errands Whitaker would do, including just waiting for the kids to get out of school. So he drives off to an airport, ready to fly away and abandon his children once again. Whitaker somehow finds Dusty and talks about how sometimes as dads, they need to feel the pressure and do things they wouldn't want to do just to make their kids happy. This was pretty motivational and kind of cute; I even thought about the issues my own parents would struggle through for my happiness.
That part I enjoyed, though it didn't make me like Whitaker any more.
The two dads rush to the father-daughter dance where Sara is livid over their absence and leaving Megan alone for over an hour at the dance. Before either of them could dance with her, they notice Dylan being bullied by the 4th graders he always complained about, yet, these bullies are not what they seem.
This mini plot twist had the audience and me laughing a lot and for then on, there was joke after joke that were great hits and kept a big goofy grin on my face.
The end of the film overall topped all that happened before it, and after the dance, it showed that Whitaker was able to give Sara the third child she always wanted and Dusty stayed nearby the household and married someone new with his own step-child whose affections weren't towards him, but towards her birth father- who treats Dusty exactly the same way that Dusty treated Whitaker.
If you ever watch this film and see who the birth father is, you'd most likely be laughing in your seat because you'd know exactly who he is- especially if you're a big fan of social media and vine videos.
Well...this movie surprisingly left me with mixed emotions. It was difficult forming my opinion because I always wondered if I felt the way I did because I was being too hard on the plot or they were legit reasons to like or dislike the movie. Ultimately, I tried my best to stick to what I felt, no matter if they seemed biased or uncalled for.
Did I think it was a good movie? Actually...yes, it was for a comedy. Though I don't think it matches up to Ferrell and Wahlberg's previous works. The issues I brought up with the annoying children and Whitaker: The Door Mat are in fact-annoying to watch, but I don't hate the movie because of it. It shows the reality of some households, because children can be overbearing and love someone more than the other because of what they can provide and that's because...they're kids! They don't fully comprehend the true sacrifices adults make for them yet and therefore, should not be blamed for obsessing over a person who spoils them to death.
As for Whitaker, unfortunately, there are people who act like he did in reality and I think if he had a little bit more incentive to stand up for himself, then I would like him more. The constant ignorance he had, piled on with the whole community going against him wasn't too enjoyable, it was sad.
But on the bright side, there was a *straight man and that was Sara, who pointed out Whitaker and Dusty's misbehavior and that's what made the movie better. If everyone was an idiot, then there would be no comedy. In addition, the whole ending scene at the father-daughter dance and the surprise cameo at the end with the birth father was hilarious!
Should you go see it? I think so, it's not harmful and it does present comedy and there were some awesome jokes here and there. Watch it when you finished seeing all the big time movies first.
I feel like, 'Daddy's Home' will be forgettable in a few months, but I doubt you'd be very bored from watching it. 3 out of 5 stars.
*Straight man- A stock character in a comedy performance. When their comedy partner behaves eccentrically, the straight man's response ranges from aplomb to outrage, or from patience to frustration. They make their partner look all the more ridiculous by being completely serious.
(Definition from
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